更改工作地址,依旧必须要提交 amended H-1B 申请。详细规定解读!

6 月 27 日,美国哥伦比亚特区上诉法院驳回了原告方「IT Serve Alliance」的请求,支持了 USCIS 的规定,即每当 H-1B 签证工作者改变工作地点时,雇主需提交新的 amended H1B petition (application)

IT Serve Alliance 是一个有超过 1000 家会员公司的组织。 2015 年,USCIS 发布了一个政策备忘录:H-1B 外籍员工变更工作地点构成了「重大变化」,雇主需要提交 amended H-1B 签证申请。 IT Serve Alliance 认为这个规定增加了雇主的负担和成本,且 USCIS 无权发布具有约束力的解释规则。


如果 F1 、 OPT 、 H1B 等留美身份相关问题或者想了解更多 Day1CPT 相关信息,欢迎点击此处直接咨询。

总结一下,变更工作地址对 H1B 注意事项:

1. 工作地址变动只有是从一个区域(MSA/城市/都会区)搬到另一个区域(MSA/城市/都会区),才需要提交 amended H1B 申请;如果只是工作地址从同一个城市的一栋楼搬到了另一栋楼,是不用递交这个申请的。

It should be noted that the obligation to file an amended H-1B petition triggers when the worksite is outside the area of intended employment. When there is a change of location within a metropolitan statistical area such as New York City or within commuting distance from the original worksite, the employer will only need to post the notice internally at the new location.

2. 需要在工作地址正式变动之前 file amended H1B 申请,否则会被视为违反规定。

If the amended H1B petition is not filed prior to the move to the new worksite, the H-1B worker may be considered to be in violation of their visa status. The USCIS has the discretion to forgive status violations based on extraordinary circumstances beyond the control of the applicant. But, if the immigration agency denies an untimely request for an extension and amendment, the H-1B workers may have to return to their home country.

3. 如果只是短期(30 天内,最长可达 60 天)的工作地址变动,不需要 file amended H1B 申请。

Under certain circumstances, you may place an H-1B employee at a new job location for up to 30 days, and in some cases 60 days (where the employee is still based at the original location), without obtaining a new LCA.

4. 疫情以来很多人居家办公,需要注意的是如果你的家庭住址和你原本的公司地址不在同一个区域(MSA/城市/都会区),也需要重新 file amended H1B 申请。疫情以来有很多人因此违规。

There has been an increase in such status violation findings after the advent of remote work owing to the Covid-pandemic, as the USCIS considers even the home as a worksite, and thus a move to another home, is subject to an H-1B amendment.


如果 F1 、 OPT 、 H1B 等留美身份相关问题或者想了解更多 Day1CPT 相关信息,欢迎点击此处直接咨询。

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▷地址:680 East Colorado Blvd, Ste 180, Pasadena, CA 91101


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