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疫情以后,2024 年 B2 延期 10 天获批

本文由新未名律师事务所 Xiaoping Wang 执笔写作,总结最近的 B2 延期批准经验。

在前几年的疫情期间,办理 B2 延期相对比较容易,申请人可以提到不容易买到机票,国际旅行受到限制,离开美国不方便或者不安全等原因。参见我们新未名律所此前的文章:《第三次 B2 延期批准的经验和文件》。现在疫情过去了,要办理 B2 延期就不能再使用这个原因。有的申请人因为准备不充分,造成 B2 延期申请收到 RFE 甚至被拒。本文介绍的案例是申请人自己准备和提交了 B2 延期申请,在收到来自移民局的 RFE 以后联系了我们律所,我们帮助她回复 RFE 以后 10 天申请顺利得到批准。

办理 B2 延期的常见理由

大家知道,B2 签证是一种非移民签证,通常用于短期到美国旅行,常见适用的情况有,旅游、探亲访友、就医等等。B2 签证持有人入境美国以后一般可以在美国停留最多 6 个月。如果需要延长在美国停留的时间,可以提交 B2 签证延期申请。我们律所的客户要办理 B2 签证延期的原因有很多,包括:

  1. 医疗需求,需要在美国接受治疗,导致无法按照原计划离开美国。
  2. 旅游计划发生变化,需要延长逗留时间,包括在美国境内陪伴家人,照顾正在上学的孩子,以及去更多景点旅游等等。
  3. 由于天气或者身体原因等不可控因素导致无法按时离境。
  4. 希望在美国参加亲友的婚礼、毕业典礼等重要庆典或节日。
  5. 因为其他签证身份(比如 H1B 工作签证,F1 学生签证)突然结束,需要有更多时间在美国处理个人事务和个人物品。

B2 延期需要的证据

要获得 B2 签证或在美国保持 B2 身份,申请人通常需要满足以下要求:

  1. 证明短期访问的目的,不能以 B2 签证在美国从事有薪水的工作。
  2. 表明在美国逗留是暂时的,并且有明确的离境计划。
  3. 证明有足够的资金支持在美国期间的生活开销,不会依赖美国政府或非法打工。
  4. 证明与母国有牢固的联系(比如,工作、家庭、财产等),保证在签证到期后会返回母国。

回复 RFE 以后的 B2 批准案例

最近批准的这个 B2 延期申请,是申请人在收到移民局的 Request for Evidence (RFE) 以后,委托我们律所帮助回复 RFE。在提交了回复 RFE 的材料 10 天以后, 这个 B2 签证延期申请得到批准。

我们帮助申请人准备和提交的回复 RFE 材料主要包括:

  1. 资金证明 (可以提供 bank statement)
  2. 在母国的房产证明 (可以提供房产证)
  3. 离开美国的机票收据
  4. 签字的 Statement 说明需要延期的理由
  5. 来自医生的证明信,以及给医生诊所的付费收据(包括已经安排好的,未来几个月将进行的治疗)。

此前,我们还为要留在美国办理生殖辅助(IVF)的申请人,要去更多风景区旅游的申请人,要有更多时间陪伴家人的申请人,以及要调查更多学校考虑入学读书的申请人取得了 B2 签证延期申请的批准。总体来说,B2 是为了在美国短期居住访问的签证,在当前形势下,要办理延期,申请人需要具备充分的理由和详细的文件支持,并在合法停留期限内提交申请给移民局。如果收到 RFE, 需要针对 RFE 提出的问题,谨慎仔细的准备文件,确保符合 B2 延期批准的要求。



下面是我们新未名律所近年来处理的部分 EB-1 与 NIW 案例(还在继续整理和添加)。您可以选择自己的专业领域(或者使用搜索功能来查找更具体的专业),以及论文、引用和评审的数量,来对比与您自身情况类似的申请人与案例。您也可以随时联系我们免费评估

表格:新未名移民律所近年 EB-1 和 NIW 批准案例节选

Case Summary专业领域论文引用评审申请类别加速审理 (PP)收到补件要求 (RFE)
EB-1 #1241
  • Specialty Field: Medical Science
  • Affiliation: Physician Scientist in a Chinese hospital
  • Education: Ph.D. from Peking University
  • Number of Publications: 16
  • Number of Citations: 551
  • Number of Reviews: 15
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 03/2024
  • Case Approved: 07/2024
Life Sciences & Medicine16-20500+10-15EB-1YesYes
EB-1 #1242
  • Specialty Field: Computational Hydrology and Remote Sensing
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Scholar at ASU
  • Education: Ph.D. from Arizona State University (ASU)
  • Number of Publications: 15
  • Number of Citations: 256
  • Number of Reviews: 6
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2023
  • Case Approved: 07/2024
Environmental & Earth Sciences10-15201-3000-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1237
  • Specialty Field: Materials Science and Engineering
  • Affiliation: Associate Professor at a school in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
  • Number of Publications: 79
  • Number of Citations: 14817
  • Number of Reviews: 20
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2023
  • Case Approved: 06/2024
Engineering & Technology30+500+16-20EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1238
  • Specialty Field: Materials Science and Engineering
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Researcher at University of California, Irvine
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of California, Irvine
  • Number of Publications: 14
  • Number of Citations: 235
  • Number of Reviews: 38
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2023
  • Case Approved: 06/2024
Engineering & Technology10-15201-30030+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1239
  • Specialty Field: Biomedical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Senior Research Associate at Case Western Reserve University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Case Western Reserve University
  • Number of Publications: 30
  • Number of Citations: 649
  • Number of Reviews: 37
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2023
  • Case Approved: 06/2024
Engineering & Technology21-30500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1240
  • Specialty Field: Civil Engineering
  • Affiliation: Bridge Engineer in a consulting firm
  • Education: Ph.D. from Georgia Institute of Technology (GT)
  • Number of Publications: 5
  • Number of Citations: 30
  • Number of Reviews: 6
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 03/2023
  • Case Approved: 06/2024
Engineering & Technology0-100-1000-10EB-1YesYes
NIW #1156
  • Specialty Field: Physical Oceanography
  • Affiliation: Research Associate at an institute in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Number of Publications: 16
  • Number of Citations: 121
  • Number of Reviews: 5
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2024
  • Case Approved: 06/2024
Environmental & Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences16-20100-2000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1157
  • Specialty Field: Biotechnology
  • Affiliation: Manager in a pharmaceutical company in Asia
  • Education: Ph.D. from Humboldt University of Berlin
  • Number of Publications: 10
  • Number of Citations: 549
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 03/2023
  • Case Approved: 06/2024
Engineering & Technology, Life Sciences & Medicine10-15500+NIWNoYes
NIW #1158
  • Specialty Field: Regeneration and Stem Biology
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Johns Hopkins University
  • Education: Ph.D. M.D. from a Medical University in China
  • Number of Publications: 20
  • Number of Citations: 488
  • Number of Reviews: 108
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2023
  • Case Approved: 06/2024
Life Sciences & Medicine16-20301-50030+NIWNoNo
NIW #1159
  • Specialty Field: Biotechnology
  • Affiliation: Scientist at a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
  • Number of Publications: 15
  • Number of Citations: 564
  • Number of Reviews: 40
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2023
  • Case Approved: 06/2024
Engineering & Technology, Life Sciences & Medicine10-15500+30+NIWNoNo
EB-1 #1223
  • Specialty Field: Life Science (Medical Scientists, Except Epidemiologists)
  • Affiliation: Associate Research Scientist at Yale University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Savitribai Phule Pune University, India
  • Number of Publications: 19
  • Number of Citations: 982
  • Number of Reviews: 140
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2023
  • Case Approved: 05/2024
Life Sciences & Medicine16-20500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1236
  • Specialty Field: Immunology
  • Affiliation: Senior Biologist at a U.S. company
  • Education: M.S. from Oklahoma State University
  • Number of Publications: 15
  • Number of Citations: 1474
  • Number of Reviews: 10
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2023
  • Case Approved: 05/2024
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15500+10-15EB-1NoNo
NIW #1151
  • Specialty Field: Food Science
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Associate at Virginia Tech
  • Education: Ph.D. from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
  • Number of Publications: 6
  • Number of Citations: 35
  • Number of Reviews: 9
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 01/2023
  • Case Approved: 05/2024
Life Sciences & Medicine0-100-1000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1152
  • Specialty Field: Bioengineering
  • Affiliation: Senior Project Manager at a company
  • Education: M.S. from Stanford University
  • Number of Publications: 5
  • Number of Citations: 104
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2023
  • Case Approved: 05/2024
Engineering & Technology, Life Sciences & Medicine0-10100-200NIWNoNo
NIW #1153
  • Specialty Field: Computational Science and Engineering
  • Affiliation: Graduate Research Assistant at Georgia Tech
  • Education: Ph.D. Candidate from Georgia Tech
  • Number of Publications: 5
  • Number of Citations: 85
  • Number of Reviews: 24
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 01/2024
  • Case Approved: 05/2024
Computer Science & Data Analytics, Engineering & Technology0-100-10021-30NIWNoNo
NIW #1154
  • Specialty Field: Bioengineering
  • Affiliation: Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
  • Education: BSc and MEng in Bioengineering; Currently in a PhD program
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: 98
  • Number of Reviews: 0
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 11/2023
  • Case Approved: 05/2024
Engineering & Technology, Life Sciences & Medicine0-100-1000-10NIWNoYes
NIW #1155
  • Specialty Field: Biostatistics
  • Affiliation: Machine Learning Engineer at Tik Tok
  • Education: MS. from the University of Waterloo
  • Number of Publications: 12
  • Number of Citations: 210
  • Number of Reviews: 0
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 03/2024
  • Case Approved: 05/2024
Life Sciences & Medicine, Mathematics & Statistics10-15201-3000-10NIWYesYes
EB-1 #1225
  • Specialty Field: Medical Science
  • Affiliation: Physician Scientist in a hospital in Shanghai
  • Education: Ph.D. from Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • Number of Publications: 40
  • Number of Citations: 632
  • Number of Reviews: 19
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2023
  • Case Approved: 04/2024
Life Sciences & Medicine30+500+16-20EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1226
  • Specialty Field: Enterprise, Business Management
  • Affiliation: Manager of a biotech company
  • Education: MBA, Sloan fellow of MIT
  • Number of Publications: 13
  • Number of Citations: N/A
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 01/2023
  • Case Approved: 04/2024
Business & Economics10-15EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1227
  • Specialty Field: Planning and operation of international film festival, international coordination on education
  • Affiliation: Faculty at Management School of an art academy
  • Education: Ph.D. from Communication University of China (CUC)
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: N/A
  • Number of Reviews: 8
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2023
  • Case Approved: 04/2024
Arts & Design0-100-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1228
  • Specialty Field: Biotechnology
  • Affiliation: An international pharmaceutical company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Humboldt University of Berlin in Germany
  • Number of Publications: 10
  • Number of Citations: 549
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 03/2023
  • Case Approved: 04/2024
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15500+EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #1229
  • Specialty Field: Computational Biology
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Researcher at Stanford University
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Chinese Academy of Science
  • Number of Publications: 21
  • Number of Citations: 454
  • Number of Reviews: 16
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2024
  • Case Approved: 04/2024
Computer Science & Data Analytics21-30301-50016-20EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1230
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: Ph.D. candidate at the University of Pennsylvania
  • Education: M.S. from University of Pennsylvania
  • Number of Publications: 10
  • Number of Citations: 805
  • Number of Reviews: 28
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2024
  • Case Approved: 04/2024
Computer Science & Data Analytics10-15500+21-30EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1231
  • Specialty Field: Organic Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Research Assistant at The City University of New York
  • Education: Ph.D. from The Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York
  • Number of Publications: 53
  • Number of Citations: 858
  • Number of Reviews: 33
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2024
  • Case Approved: 04/2024
Chemistry & Materials Science30+500+30+EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1232
  • Specialty Field: Physical Science
  • Affiliation: Associate Professor at a university in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Nankai University, China
  • Number of Publications: 53
  • Number of Citations: 2010
  • Number of Reviews: 70
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2023
  • Case Approved: 04/2024
Physical Sciences30+500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1233
  • Specialty Field: Medicine
  • Affiliation: Associated Professor at a university in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Zhejiang University, China
  • Number of Publications: 53
  • Number of Citations: 4200
  • Number of Reviews: 28
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 05/2023
  • Case Approved: 04/2024
Life Sciences & Medicine30+500+21-30EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1234
  • Specialty Field: Transportation Data Science and Cybersecurity
  • Affiliation: Postdoc researcher at University of Washington
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Washington
  • Number of Publications: 25
  • Number of Citations: 339
  • Number of Reviews: 72
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 12/2022
  • Case Approved: 04/2024
Computer Science & Data Analytics21-30301-50030+EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #1235
  • Specialty Field: Legal Compliance
  • Affiliation: Manager in a Chinese company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Peking University in China
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: >1,000
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2022
  • Case Approved: 04/2024
Social Sciences & Humanities0-10500+EB-1NoNo
NIW #1148
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Associate Professor in a university in Asia
  • Education: Ph.D. from Jilin University, China
  • Number of Publications: 46
  • Number of Citations: 4158
  • Number of Reviews: 9
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 07/2023
  • Case Approved: 04/2024
Chemistry & Materials Science30+500+0-10NIWNoYes
NIW #1149
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Associate at Princeton University
  • Education: Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Number of Publications: 12
  • Number of Citations: 108
  • Number of Reviews: 20
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2024
  • Case Approved: 04/2024
Chemistry & Materials Science10-15100-20016-20NIWYesNo
NIW #1150
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Ph.D. student at the University of Houston
  • Education: M.S. from National Taiwan University
  • Number of Publications: 2
  • Number of Citations: 30
  • Number of Reviews: 0
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 12/2023
  • Case Approved: 04/2024
Chemistry & Materials Science0-100-1000-10NIWNoYes
EB-1 #1215
  • Specialty Field: Technology
  • Affiliation: Research Scientist at a U.S. university
  • Education: Ph.D. from Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
  • Number of Publications: 15
  • Number of Citations: 952
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2024
  • Case Approved: 03/2024
Engineering & Technology10-15500+EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1216
  • Specialty Field: Neuroscience
  • Affiliation: Postdoc at University of Maryland School of Medicine
  • Education: Ph.D. from Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing
  • Number of Publications: 19
  • Number of Citations: 550
  • Number of Reviews: 12
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 01/2023
  • Case Approved: 03/2024
Life Sciences & Medicine16-20500+10-15EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1217
  • Specialty Field: Physics
  • Affiliation: Associate Professor at East China Normal University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Washington State University
  • Number of Publications: 19
  • Number of Citations: 268
  • Number of Reviews: 26
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2022
  • Case Approved: 03/2024
Physical Sciences16-20201-30021-30EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1219
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Fellow at CSIRO (Australian National Research Agency)
  • Education: Ph.D. from Seoul National University
  • Number of Publications: 10
  • Number of Citations: N/A
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2024
  • Case Approved: 03/2024
Computer Science & Data Analytics10-15EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1220
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: Research Scientist at ByteDance Inc
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Wisconsin Madison
  • Number of Publications: 11
  • Number of Citations: >400
  • Number of Reviews: 45
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2024
  • Case Approved: 03/2024
Computer Science & Data Analytics10-15301-50030+EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1221
  • Specialty Field: Chemical Biology
  • Affiliation: Research Associate, School of Pharmacy, University of Southern California
  • Education: Ph.D. from Chosun University, South Korea
  • Number of Publications: 15
  • Number of Citations: 442
  • Number of Reviews: 12
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2024
  • Case Approved: 03/2024
Chemistry & Materials Science10-15301-50010-15EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1222
  • Specialty Field: Materials Engineering
  • Affiliation: Postdoc Fellow at Harvard University
  • Education: Ph.D. from South China University of Technology (SCUT)
  • Number of Publications: 25
  • Number of Citations: 867
  • Number of Reviews: 9
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 05/2023
  • Case Approved: 03/2024
Engineering & Technology21-30500+0-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1224
  • Specialty Field: Mechanical Engineering/Tribology
  • Affiliation: Principal Engineer in Development Engineering at Western Digital
  • Education: Ph.D. from Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)
  • Number of Publications: 18
  • Number of Citations: 153
  • Number of Reviews: 23
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 03/2023
  • Case Approved: 03/2024
Engineering & Technology16-20100-20021-30EB-1YesYes
NIW #1143
  • Specialty Field: Immunology
  • Affiliation: Center for Discovery & Innovation, Hackensack Meridian Health
  • Education: Ph.D. from Umea University, Sweden
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: 580
  • Number of Reviews: 4
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2023
  • Case Approved: 03/2024
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10500+0-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1144
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: Software Development Engineer at Amazon
  • Education: M.S. from the Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Number of Publications: 5
  • Number of Citations: 99
  • Number of Reviews: 3
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 09/2023
  • Case Approved: 03/2024
Computer Science & Data Analytics0-100-1000-10NIWNoYes
NIW #1145
  • Specialty Field: Materials Science
  • Affiliation: Research Engineer at a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from the New Jersey Institute of Technology
  • Number of Publications: 3
  • Number of Citations: 20
  • Number of Reviews: 1
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2023
  • Case Approved: 03/2024
Chemistry & Materials Science0-100-1000-10NIWYesNo
NIW #1146
  • Specialty Field: Physics
  • Affiliation: Graduate Research Assistant at MIT
  • Education: Ph.D. Candidate from MIT
  • Number of Publications: 10
  • Number of Citations: 2000
  • Number of Reviews: 12
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2024
  • Case Approved: 03/2024
Physical Sciences10-15500+10-15NIWNoNo
NIW #1147
  • Specialty Field: Materials Science & Engineering
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Washington State University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Washington State University
  • Number of Publications: 28
  • Number of Citations: 1300
  • Number of Reviews: 52
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2024
  • Case Approved: 03/2024
Chemistry & Materials Science, Engineering & Technology21-30500+30+NIWNoNo
EB-1 #1202
  • Specialty Field: Real Estate
  • Affiliation: Manager in a Chinese company
  • Education: Master from University of Greenwich
  • Number of Publications: N/A
  • Number of Citations: N/A
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2023
  • Case Approved: 02/2024
Business & EconomicsEB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1203
  • Specialty Field: Heart development
  • Affiliation: Research associate in Genetic department of Albert Einstein College of Medicine
  • Education: Ph.D. from Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Peking Union Medical College
  • Number of Publications: 26
  • Number of Citations: 467
  • Number of Reviews: 12
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2023
  • Case Approved: 02/2024
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30301-50010-15EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1204
  • Specialty Field: Medical Science
  • Affiliation: Chief physician in a hospital in Beijing
  • Education: Ph.D. from Capital Medical University
  • Number of Publications: 52
  • Number of Citations: 650
  • Number of Reviews: 58
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2023
  • Case Approved: 02/2024
Life Sciences & Medicine30+500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1205
  • Specialty Field: Musician, Composer
  • Affiliation: N/A
  • Education: Master from Central Conservatory of Music
  • Number of Publications: N/A
  • Number of Citations: N/A
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2023
  • Case Approved: 02/2024
Arts & DesignEB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1206
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: Senior R&D engineer/Visiting researcher at University of Waterloo
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Number of Publications: 91
  • Number of Citations: 1379
  • Number of Reviews: 50
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2023
  • Case Approved: 02/2024
Computer Science & Data Analytics30+500+30+EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1207
  • Specialty Field: Tourism Management, Rural development
  • Affiliation: Professor in a Chinese university, Visiting Scholar at North Arizona University
  • Education: Ph.D. from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
  • Number of Publications: 29
  • Number of Citations: 6311
  • Number of Reviews: 101
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2023
  • Case Approved: 02/2024
Business & Economics21-30500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1208
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Research Scientist at University of Southern Mississippi
  • Education: Ph.D. from Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT), India
  • Number of Publications: 23
  • Number of Citations: 1015
  • Number of Reviews: 2
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 07/2021
  • Case Approved: 02/2024
Chemistry & Materials Science21-30500+0-10EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #1209
  • Specialty Field: Chemical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Sr. Cell Design Engineer at an automobile company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Stanford University
  • Number of Publications: 30
  • Number of Citations: 1457
  • Number of Reviews: 27
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2024
  • Case Approved: 02/2024
Engineering & Technology21-30500+21-30EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1210
  • Specialty Field: Biomedical Research
  • Affiliation: Research Associate at Thomas Jefferson University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Fudan University, China
  • Number of Publications: 18
  • Number of Citations: 315
  • Number of Reviews: 15
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 05/2023
  • Case Approved: 02/2024
Life Sciences & Medicine16-20301-50010-15EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1211
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: Associate Research Scientist at Princeton University
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Number of Publications: 27
  • Number of Citations: 1642
  • Number of Reviews: 82
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2023
  • Case Approved: 02/2024
Computer Science & Data Analytics21-30500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1212
  • Specialty Field: Physics
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Scholar at Harvard University
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Washington
  • Number of Publications: 21
  • Number of Citations: 785
  • Number of Reviews: 21
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 05/2023
  • Case Approved: 02/2024
Physical Sciences21-30500+21-30EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1213
  • Specialty Field: Statistical Genetics
  • Affiliation: Sr. Biostatistician at a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Michigan State University
  • Number of Publications: 10
  • Number of Citations: 352
  • Number of Reviews: 5
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2020
  • Case Approved: 02/2024
Mathematics & Statistics10-15301-5000-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1214
  • Specialty Field: Epigenetics
  • Affiliation: Assistant Research Professor at Brown
  • Education: Ph.D. from a Medical University in China
  • Number of Publications: 23
  • Number of Citations: ~1,000
  • Number of Reviews: 36
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 05/2022
  • Case Approved: 02/2024
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1218
  • Specialty Field: Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Affiliation: Scientist, Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Southern California
  • Number of Publications: 16
  • Number of Citations: 336
  • Number of Reviews: 50
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2023
  • Case Approved: 02/2024
Life Sciences & Medicine16-20301-50030+EB-1NoNo
NIW #1140
  • Specialty Field: Medicinal Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Research Investigator at a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Emory University
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: 114
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2023
  • Case Approved: 02/2024
Chemistry & Materials Science, Life Sciences & Medicine0-10100-200NIWYesNo
NIW #1141
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: Postdoc at Virginia Commonwealth University
  • Education: Ph.D. from the University of Kentucky
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 90
  • Number of Reviews: 2
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2023
  • Case Approved: 02/2024
Computer Science & Data Analytics0-100-1000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1142
  • Specialty Field: Biomedical Informatics and Data Science
  • Affiliation: Graduate research assistant at UTHealth Biomedical Informatics
  • Education: Ph.D. candidate from UTHealth Health Science Center at Houston
  • Number of Publications: 2
  • Number of Citations: 43
  • Number of Reviews: 8
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2024
  • Case Approved: 02/2024
Computer Science & Data Analytics, Life Sciences & Medicine0-100-1000-10NIWNoNo
EB-1 #1186
  • Specialty Field: Molecular Ecology
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
  • Education: Ph.D. from China Agricultural University
  • Number of Publications: 10
  • Number of Citations: 372
  • Number of Reviews: 12
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 02/2021
  • Case Approved: 01/2024
Environmental & Earth Sciences10-15301-50010-15EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #1187
  • Specialty Field: Biology
  • Affiliation: Senior Research Scientist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
  • Education: Ph.D. from Peking University, China
  • Number of Publications: 14
  • Number of Citations: ~4,000
  • Number of Reviews: 13
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2023
  • Case Approved: 01/2024
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15500+10-15EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1188
  • Specialty Field: Material Science
  • Affiliation: CEO at a medical instrument company
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of California San Diego
  • Number of Publications: 37
  • Number of Citations: >2,400
  • Number of Reviews: 30
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2022
  • Case Approved: 01/2024
Chemistry & Materials Science30+500+21-30EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1189
  • Specialty Field: Chemical sensors and Advanced material engineering
  • Affiliation: Senior Process Engineer at Applied Materials Inc.
  • Education: Ph.D. from Arizona State University
  • Number of Publications: 10
  • Number of Citations: 1923
  • Number of Reviews: 21
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2023
  • Case Approved: 01/2024
Engineering & Technology10-15500+21-30EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1190
  • Specialty Field: Cardiology, Medicine
  • Affiliation: Department of Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
  • Education: MD, PHD from Pavlov Medical State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
  • Number of Publications: >75
  • Number of Citations: >3,870
  • Number of Reviews: >100
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2023
  • Case Approved: 01/2024
Life Sciences & Medicine30+500+30+EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1191
  • Specialty Field: Polymer Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Professor at a university in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Zhejiang University, China
  • Number of Publications: 382
  • Number of Citations: 49088
  • Number of Reviews: 500
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2023
  • Case Approved: 01/2024
Chemistry & Materials Science30+500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1192
  • Specialty Field: Biochemistry
  • Affiliation: Professor at a university in Shanghai, China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Fudan University, China
  • Number of Publications: 122
  • Number of Citations: 7469
  • Number of Reviews: 62
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 01/2023
  • Case Approved: 01/2024
Life Sciences & Medicine30+500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1193
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Associate Professor in Shanghai, China
  • Education: Ph.D. from a university in China
  • Number of Publications: 58
  • Number of Citations: 4661
  • Number of Reviews: 33
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 09/2022
  • Case Approved: 01/2024
Chemistry & Materials Science30+500+30+EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #1194
  • Specialty Field: Chemical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Postdoc at Argonne National Laboratory
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Arkansas
  • Number of Publications: 19
  • Number of Citations: 506
  • Number of Reviews: 11
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2023
  • Case Approved: 01/2024
Engineering & Technology16-20500+10-15EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1195
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Professor in China
  • Education: Ph.D. in East Asia
  • Number of Publications: 56
  • Number of Citations: 5295
  • Number of Reviews: 65
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2023
  • Case Approved: 01/2024
Chemistry & Materials Science30+500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1196
  • Specialty Field: Education
  • Affiliation: Director of an International School
  • Education: Ph.D. from Purdue University
  • Number of Publications: 5
  • Number of Citations: 52
  • Number of Reviews: 4
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2023
  • Case Approved: 01/2024
Social Sciences & Humanities0-100-1000-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1197
  • Specialty Field: Interior Design and Design Management
  • Affiliation: Chairperson/CCD partner in a design company in China
  • Education: Master from Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD)
  • Number of Publications: 2
  • Number of Citations: N/A
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2023
  • Case Approved: 01/2024
Arts & Design0-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1198
  • Specialty Field: Neuroscience
  • Affiliation: Postdoc researcher at Stanford University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Peking University
  • Number of Publications: 19
  • Number of Citations: 123
  • Number of Reviews: 44
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2023
  • Case Approved: 01/2024
Life Sciences & Medicine16-20100-20030+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1199
  • Specialty Field: Physicists
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Delaware
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Delaware
  • Number of Publications: 16
  • Number of Citations: 270
  • Number of Reviews: 59
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2023
  • Case Approved: 01/2024
Physical Sciences16-20201-30030+EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1200
  • Specialty Field: Cancer Biology
  • Affiliation: Staff scientist at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of South Florida (USF)
  • Number of Publications: 15
  • Number of Citations: 441
  • Number of Reviews: 38
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2023
  • Case Approved: 01/2024
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15301-50030+EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1201
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: Two Sigma Investments LP
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Texas at Austin
  • Number of Publications: 14
  • Number of Citations: 970
  • Number of Reviews: 82
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2023
  • Case Approved: 01/2024
Computer Science & Data Analytics10-15500+30+EB-1NoNo
NIW #1136
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: Staff Engineer at an IT company in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from the University of Virginia
  • Number of Publications: 21
  • Number of Citations: 374
  • Number of Reviews: 21
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 07/2023
  • Case Approved: 01/2024
Computer Science & Data Analytics21-30301-50021-30NIWNoYes
NIW #1137
  • Specialty Field: Medical Genetics
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Harvard Medical School
  • Education: Ph.D. from Fudan University, China
  • Number of Publications: 14
  • Number of Citations: 232
  • Number of Reviews: 23
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2023
  • Case Approved: 01/2024
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15201-30021-30NIWNoNo
NIW #1138
  • Specialty Field: Geographic Information Science
  • Affiliation: Assistant Professor at a university
  • Education: Ph.D. from Florida Atlantic University
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: 28
  • Number of Reviews: 2
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2023
  • Case Approved: 01/2024
Computer Science & Data Analytics, Environmental & Earth Sciences0-100-1000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1139
  • Specialty Field: Pharmaceutical Science
  • Affiliation: Sr. Research Associate at a company
  • Education: M.S. from Duquesne University
  • Number of Publications: 3
  • Number of Citations: 97
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2023
  • Case Approved: 01/2024
Life Sciences & Medicine0-100-100NIWNoNo
EB-1 #1178
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: Software Engineer in Shenzhen, China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Pennsylvania State University
  • Number of Publications: 14
  • Number of Citations: 204
  • Number of Reviews: 14
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2023
  • Case Approved: 12/2023
Computer Science & Data Analytics10-15201-30010-15EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1179
  • Specialty Field: Life Science
  • Affiliation: Research Fellow at National Institutes of Health
  • Education: Ph.D. from Peking University
  • Number of Publications: 19
  • Number of Citations: 778
  • Number of Reviews: 43
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2023
  • Case Approved: 12/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine16-20500+30+EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1181
  • Specialty Field: Civil Engineering
  • Affiliation: Assistant Professor at University of Utah
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of California, San Diego
  • Number of Publications: 21
  • Number of Citations: 644
  • Number of Reviews: ~100
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 05/2023
  • Case Approved: 12/2023
Engineering & Technology21-30500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1182
  • Specialty Field: Structural Biology
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Associate at Columbia University Medical Center
  • Education: Ph.D. from Peking University, China
  • Number of Publications: 10
  • Number of Citations: 766
  • Number of Reviews: 10
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 07/2022
  • Case Approved: 12/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15500+10-15EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #1184
  • Specialty Field: Physical Education Training
  • Affiliation: Coach at Youth Sports Club in China
  • Education: Master from Sichuan Normal University
  • Number of Publications: N/A
  • Number of Citations: N/A
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2023
  • Case Approved: 12/2023
Social Sciences & HumanitiesEB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1185
  • Specialty Field: Physical chemistry
  • Affiliation: An IT company in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Xiamen University
  • Number of Publications: 12
  • Number of Citations: 529
  • Number of Reviews: 9
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 11/2023
  • Case Approved: 12/2023
Chemistry & Materials Science10-15500+0-10EB-1YesYes
NIW #1130
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Fellow in a pharmaceutical company
  • Education: Ph.D. from the University of Maryland College Park
  • Number of Publications: 2
  • Number of Citations: 41
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2023
  • Case Approved: 12/2023
Chemistry & Materials Science0-100-100NIWNoNo
NIW #1131
  • Specialty Field: Biomedical Science
  • Affiliation: Research Fellow at the National Cancer Institute/NIH
  • Education: Ph.D. from The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Number of Publications: 17
  • Number of Citations: 636
  • Number of Reviews: 34
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2023
  • Case Approved: 12/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine16-20500+30+NIWNoNo
NIW #1132
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Fellow at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
  • Education: Ph.D. from Florida International University
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 158
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2023
  • Case Approved: 12/2023
Computer Science & Data Analytics0-10100-200NIWNoNo
NIW #1133
  • Specialty Field: Statistics
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Associate at Boston University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Michigan State University
  • Number of Publications: 4
  • Number of Citations: 15
  • Number of Reviews: 12
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2023
  • Case Approved: 12/2023
Mathematics & Statistics0-100-10010-15NIWNoNo
NIW #1134
  • Specialty Field: Neuroscience
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral fellow at Rockefeller University
  • Education: Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo
  • Number of Publications: 6
  • Number of Citations: 838
  • Number of Reviews: 3
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2023
  • Case Approved: 12/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10500+0-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1135
  • Specialty Field: Biology/Biomedical Sciences (Global Oncology)
  • Affiliation: Research Associate at City of Hope National Medical Center
  • Education: M.S. from George Mason University
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: 135
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2023
  • Case Approved: 12/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10100-200NIWYesNo
EB-1 #1175
  • Specialty Field: Engineer
  • Affiliation: Course architect at a design company in China
  • Education: Bachelor from Gansu University of Technology
  • Number of Publications: N/A
  • Number of Citations: N/A
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 02/2023
  • Case Approved: 11/2023
Engineering & TechnologyEB-1NoYes
EB-1 #1176
  • Specialty Field: Computer Biophysics
  • Affiliation: Associate Research Scientist at Yale University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Calcutta University, Kolkata, India
  • Number of Publications: 13
  • Number of Citations: 82
  • Number of Reviews: 2
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2023
  • Case Approved: 11/2023
Computer Science & Data Analytics10-150-1000-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1177
  • Specialty Field: Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Finance and Investment
  • Affiliation: General Manager of Investment Center in a biotech company in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU)
  • Number of Publications: 20
  • Number of Citations: 1258
  • Number of Reviews: 8
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2023
  • Case Approved: 11/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine16-20500+0-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1180
  • Specialty Field: Reservoir Geology, fractured reservoir evaluation and borehole image data applications
  • Affiliation: Geological Advisor at a Geoscience company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Aberdeen University, UK
  • Number of Publications: 29
  • Number of Citations: ~400
  • Number of Reviews: 249 abstracts and 21 full papers
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 02/2022
  • Case Approved: 11/2023
Environmental & Earth Sciences21-30301-50030+EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #1183
  • Specialty Field: Biological Science
  • Affiliation: Scientist in a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of California, San Diego
  • Number of Publications: 6
  • Number of Citations: 336
  • Number of Reviews: 30
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 01/2021
  • Case Approved: 11/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10301-50021-30EB-1NoNo
NIW #1126
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoc Fellow at Stanford University
  • Education: Ph.D. from The University of Hong Kong
  • Number of Publications: 10
  • Number of Citations: 272
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2023
  • Case Approved: 11/2023
Chemistry & Materials Science10-15201-300NIWNoNo
NIW #1127
  • Specialty Field: Biomedical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Cell Culture Development Scientist in a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from the University of Alabama at Birmingham
  • Number of Publications: 15
  • Number of Citations: 198
  • Number of Reviews: 15
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2023
  • Case Approved: 11/2023
Engineering & Technology, Life Sciences & Medicine10-15100-20010-15NIWNoNo
NIW #1128
  • Specialty Field: Biomedical Science Research
  • Affiliation: Senior Clinical Researcher, University of Chicago
  • Education: Ph.D. from the University of Manchester (UK)
  • Number of Publications: 23
  • Number of Citations: 500
  • Number of Reviews: 49
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2023
  • Case Approved: 11/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30301-50030+NIWNoNo
NIW #1129
  • Specialty Field: Human Development and Family Science
  • Affiliation: Data Mining Scientist in a company
  • Education: Master of Science from the University at Albany, SUNY
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 46
  • Number of Reviews: 3
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2023
  • Case Approved: 11/2023
Social Sciences & Humanities0-100-1000-10NIWYesNo
EB-1 #1167
  • Specialty Field: Music
  • Affiliation: Head of the String department at a Music Academy
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Cincinnati College- Conservatory of Music
  • Number of Publications: N/A
  • Number of Citations: N/A
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2022
  • Case Approved: 10/2023
Arts & DesignEB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1168
  • Specialty Field: Flight standards
  • Affiliation: Leader of training program at an aviation Academy
  • Education: Master from Civil Aviation Administration of China
  • Number of Publications: N/A
  • Number of Citations: N/A
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2022
  • Case Approved: 10/2023
Engineering & TechnologyEB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1169
  • Specialty Field: Biomedical Research
  • Affiliation: Deputy Chief Physician at a Hospital in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from a Medical University in China
  • Number of Publications: >40
  • Number of Citations: 1476
  • Number of Reviews: 190
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2023
  • Case Approved: 10/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine30+500+30+EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1170
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science and Computational Biology
  • Affiliation: Applied Scientist at Amazon Web Services, Inc
  • Education: Ph.D. from Lund University
  • Number of Publications: 14
  • Number of Citations: 335
  • Number of Reviews: 15
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2023
  • Case Approved: 10/2023
Computer Science & Data Analytics10-15301-50010-15EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1171
  • Specialty Field: Chemical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Postdoc at California Institute of Technology
  • Education: Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
  • Number of Publications: 35
  • Number of Citations: 1853
  • Number of Reviews: 13
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2023
  • Case Approved: 10/2023
Engineering & Technology30+500+10-15EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1172
  • Specialty Field: Biomedical Research
  • Affiliation: Professor at a medical university in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Southern Illinois University (SIU)
  • Number of Publications: 52
  • Number of Citations: 7993
  • Number of Reviews: 13
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2023
  • Case Approved: 10/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine30+500+10-15EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1173
  • Specialty Field: Developmental Biology
  • Affiliation: Research Scientist at a U.S. university
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Manchester, U.K.
  • Number of Publications: 23
  • Number of Citations: 500
  • Number of Reviews: 49
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2023
  • Case Approved: 10/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30301-50030+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1174
  • Specialty Field: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Affiliation: Research Associate at Michigan State University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Nankai University
  • Number of Publications: 16
  • Number of Citations: 1020
  • Number of Reviews: 46
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 06/2021
  • Case Approved: 10/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine16-20500+30+EB-1NoYes
NIW #1123
  • Specialty Field: Epigenetics
  • Affiliation: Researcher at Medicine at Brown Center for Immunotherapy
  • Education: Ph.D. from Southern Medical University, China
  • Number of Publications: 23
  • Number of Citations: 1000
  • Number of Reviews: 36
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 05/2022
  • Case Approved: 10/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30500+30+NIWNoNo
NIW #1124
  • Specialty Field: Molecular and Cellular Biology
  • Affiliation: Research Scientist, New England Biolabs
  • Education: Ph.D. from the University of Toronto
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: 135
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2023
  • Case Approved: 10/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10100-200NIWYesNo
NIW #1125
  • Specialty Field: Biophysics
  • Affiliation: University of California San Francisco
  • Education: MS from the University of California San Francisco
  • Number of Publications: 4
  • Number of Citations: 21
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2023
  • Case Approved: 10/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine, Physical Sciences0-100-100NIWYesNo
EB-1 #1154
  • Specialty Field: Materials Science
  • Affiliation: Research Scientist at ByteDance Inc.
  • Education: Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  • Number of Publications: 21
  • Number of Citations: 1131
  • Number of Reviews: 13
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2023
  • Case Approved: 09/2023
Chemistry & Materials Science21-30500+10-15EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1155
  • Specialty Field: Mechanical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Research associate at University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
  • Education: Ph.D. from Beijing Institute of Technology, China
  • Number of Publications: 59
  • Number of Citations: 5406
  • Number of Reviews: 33
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2023
  • Case Approved: 09/2023
Engineering & Technology30+500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1158
  • Specialty Field: Automotive Engineering, System Engineering
  • Affiliation: Senior Staff Battery System Engineer at an auto company
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Warwick, United Kingdom
  • Number of Publications: 11
  • Number of Citations: 216
  • Number of Reviews: 15
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2023
  • Case Approved: 09/2023
Engineering & Technology10-15201-30010-15EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1159
  • Specialty Field: Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • Affiliation: Research Associate/ Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Chinese Academic of Sciences
  • Number of Publications: 22
  • Number of Citations: 440
  • Number of Reviews: 10
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2023
  • Case Approved: 09/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30301-50010-15EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1160
  • Specialty Field: Integrative Medicine and Neurobiology
  • Affiliation: Associate Professor in a university in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Fudan University, China
  • Number of Publications: 21
  • Number of Citations: 874
  • Number of Reviews: >50
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2022
  • Case Approved: 09/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1161
  • Specialty Field: Medicine (Tumor Immunotherapy)
  • Affiliation: Associate Professor in a university in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Nanjing University
  • Number of Publications: 23
  • Number of Citations: 438
  • Number of Reviews: 22
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2022
  • Case Approved: 09/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30301-50021-30EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1162
  • Specialty Field: Biomedical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Research Associate at North Carolina State University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Zhejiang University, China
  • Number of Publications: 40
  • Number of Citations: 1814
  • Number of Reviews: 9
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2022
  • Case Approved: 09/2023
Engineering & Technology30+500+0-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1163
  • Specialty Field: Surgery (Orthopedics)
  • Affiliation: Chief Physician in a hospital in China
  • Education: Doctor from Medical School of Peking University
  • Number of Publications: 64
  • Number of Citations: 1538
  • Number of Reviews: 30
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2023
  • Case Approved: 09/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine30+500+21-30EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1164
  • Specialty Field: Pattern recognition and artificial intelligence
  • Affiliation: CEO at a Chinese company
  • Education: Master from Huazhong University of Science and Technology
  • Number of Publications: 0
  • Number of Citations: 0
  • Number of Reviews: 5
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2023
  • Case Approved: 09/2023
Computer Science & Data Analytics0-100-1000-10EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1165
  • Specialty Field: Aging, Medicinal Chemistry, Organic Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Researcher at The University of Minnesota
  • Education: Ph.D. from The Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Number of Publications: 55
  • Number of Citations: 1189
  • Number of Reviews: 19
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 02/2023
  • Case Approved: 09/2023
Chemistry & Materials Science30+500+16-20EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #1166
  • Specialty Field: Math
  • Affiliation: Teacher in a Chinese high school
  • Education: Master from Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU)
  • Number of Publications: 3
  • Number of Citations: N/A
  • Number of Reviews: 3
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 01/2023
  • Case Approved: 09/2023
Mathematics & Statistics0-100-10EB-1NoNo
NIW #1117
  • Specialty Field: Medical Pathogen and Infectious Disease
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Scientist at The George Washington University
  • Education: Ph.D. from a Medical University in China
  • Number of Publications: 17
  • Number of Citations: 173
  • Number of Reviews: 5
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2023
  • Case Approved: 09/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine16-20100-2000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1118
  • Specialty Field: Electrical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Fellow at Stevens Institute of Technology
  • Education: Ph.D. from Stevens Institute of Technology
  • Number of Publications: 31
  • Number of Citations: 646
  • Number of Reviews: 121
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2022
  • Case Approved: 09/2023
Engineering & Technology30+500+30+NIWNoNo
NIW #1119
  • Specialty Field: Mechanical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Research Associate at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • Education: Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • Number of Publications: 11
  • Number of Citations: 199
  • Number of Reviews: 2
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2023
  • Case Approved: 09/2023
Engineering & Technology10-15100-2000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1120
  • Specialty Field: Biochemistry, Biology, Environmental Toxicology
  • Affiliation: Manager of Quality Control in a company
  • Education: M.S. from Texas Tech University
  • Number of Publications: 2
  • Number of Citations: 21
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 05/2023
  • Case Approved: 09/2023
Environmental & Earth Sciences, Life Sciences & Medicine0-100-100NIWNoNo
NIW #1121
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: Software Engineer in a school in Shenzhen, China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Pennsylvania State University
  • Number of Publications: 14
  • Number of Citations: 204
  • Number of Reviews: 14
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2023
  • Case Approved: 09/2023
Computer Science & Data Analytics10-15201-30010-15NIWNoNo
NIW #1122
  • Specialty Field: Orthodontics
  • Affiliation: Dental Digital Engineer in Asia
  • Education: D.D.S. from Nanchang University, China
  • Number of Publications: 15
  • Number of Citations: 21
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2023
  • Case Approved: 09/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine10-150-100NIWNoNo
EB-1 #1141
  • Specialty Field: Preclinical pharmacology and laboratory animal science
  • Affiliation: Managing Director of Laboratory Animal Center
  • Education: Ph.D. from Zhejiang University
  • Number of Publications: 27
  • Number of Citations: 722
  • Number of Reviews: 12
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 07/2023
  • Case Approved: 08/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30500+10-15EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #1142
  • Specialty Field: Orthopedics
  • Affiliation: Chief Physician in a Chinese hospital
  • Education: Ph.D. from a Medical University in China
  • Number of Publications: 20
  • Number of Citations: 98
  • Number of Reviews: 32
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2023
  • Case Approved: 08/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine16-200-10030+EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1143
  • Specialty Field: Medical Science
  • Affiliation: Physician Scientist at a Hospital in China
  • Education: Ph.D. in Obstetrics and Gynecology from Zhejiang University, China
  • Number of Publications: 81
  • Number of Citations: 4011
  • Number of Reviews: >30
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2023
  • Case Approved: 08/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine30+500+21-30EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1144
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science with Specialties in Scientific Computing, Computer Graphics, Physics-based Simulation, and Artificial Intelligence
  • Affiliation: Deep Learning Developer Tools Software Engineer at NVIDIA Corporation
  • Education: Master of Science in Engineering from University of Pennsylvania
  • Number of Publications: 3
  • Number of Citations: 55
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2022
  • Case Approved: 08/2023
Computer Science & Data Analytics0-100-100EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1145
  • Specialty Field: Civil Engineering
  • Affiliation: Vice President (Senior Research Scientist at) Goldman Sachs
  • Education: Ph.D. from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)
  • Number of Publications: 10
  • Number of Citations: 234
  • Number of Reviews: 23
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2023
  • Case Approved: 08/2023
Engineering & Technology10-15201-30021-30EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1146
  • Specialty Field: Accounting, Education
  • Affiliation: Managing Partner in a Chinese company
  • Education: Bachelor from Tsinghua University
  • Number of Publications: 13
  • Number of Citations: N/A
  • Number of Reviews: 4
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2022
  • Case Approved: 08/2023
Business & Economics10-150-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1148
  • Specialty Field: Biochemistry
  • Affiliation: Researcher at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of California, Berkeley
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 1665
  • Number of Reviews: 13
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2023
  • Case Approved: 08/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10500+10-15EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1149
  • Specialty Field: Mechanical Engineering- Vehicle controls and automated driving
  • Affiliation: Senior Researcher at General Motors, Global Research& Development
  • Education: Ph.D. in Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering from University of Waterloo, Canada
  • Number of Publications: 13
  • Number of Citations: 410
  • Number of Reviews: 42
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 03/2023
  • Case Approved: 08/2023
Engineering & Technology10-15301-50030+EB-1YesYes
EB-1 #1150
  • Specialty Field: Civil Engineer/ Scientific Machine Learning Researcher
  • Affiliation: Applied Mathematics, Brown University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany
  • Number of Publications: 17
  • Number of Citations: 1710
  • Number of Reviews: 37
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2023
  • Case Approved: 08/2023
Engineering & Technology16-20500+30+EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1151
  • Specialty Field: Biosensors
  • Affiliation: Post-Doctoral Researcher at California Institute of Technology
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of California, San Diego (UCSD)
  • Number of Publications: 40
  • Number of Citations: 3617
  • Number of Reviews: 31
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 06/2023
  • Case Approved: 08/2023
Engineering & Technology30+500+30+EB-1YesYes
EB-1 #1152
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Associate at Brown University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Washington State University (WSU)
  • Number of Publications: 23
  • Number of Citations: 517
  • Number of Reviews: 15
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 01/2023
  • Case Approved: 08/2023
Chemistry & Materials Science21-30500+10-15EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1153
  • Specialty Field: Cognitive Psychology and Neuroscience
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Fellow/National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
  • Education: Ph.D. from Technical University of Dresden, Germany
  • Number of Publications: 19
  • Number of Citations: 372
  • Number of Reviews: 17
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2022
  • Case Approved: 08/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine16-20301-50016-20EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1156
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: Research Fellow at Harvard Medical School
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Pennsylvania
  • Number of Publications: 24
  • Number of Citations: 4836
  • Number of Reviews: 4
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2022
  • Case Approved: 08/2023
Computer Science & Data Analytics21-30500+0-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1157
  • Specialty Field: Materials Engineering for Energy Conversion/Storage
  • Affiliation: Senior Scientist at a nanoscience research company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Arizona State University
  • Number of Publications: 19
  • Number of Citations: 666
  • Number of Reviews: 19
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2022
  • Case Approved: 08/2023
Engineering & Technology16-20500+16-20EB-1NoNo
NIW #1109
  • Specialty Field: Epidemiology
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Vanderbilt University Medical Center
  • Education: Ph.D. from a university of Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Number of Publications: 11
  • Number of Citations: 302
  • Number of Reviews: 1
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2023
  • Case Approved: 08/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15301-5000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1110
  • Specialty Field: Microbiology
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Associate at Boston University School of Medicine
  • Education: Ph.D. from Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany
  • Number of Publications: 10
  • Number of Citations: 106
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 05/2023
  • Case Approved: 08/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15100-200NIWNoNo
NIW #1111
  • Specialty Field: Biomedical Research
  • Affiliation: Research Associate at Thomas Jefferson University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Fudan University, China
  • Number of Publications: 18
  • Number of Citations: 315
  • Number of Reviews: 15
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 05/2023
  • Case Approved: 08/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine16-20301-50010-15NIWNoNo
NIW #1112
  • Specialty Field: Natural Product Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Oklahoma
  • Education: Ph.D. from Ocean University of China
  • Number of Publications: 12
  • Number of Citations: 169
  • Number of Reviews: 5
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2023
  • Case Approved: 08/2023
Chemistry & Materials Science, Life Sciences & Medicine10-15100-2000-10NIWYesNo
NIW #1113
  • Specialty Field: Pharmaceutical Science
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of California, San Diego
  • Education: Ph.D. from the University of Arizona
  • Number of Publications: 24
  • Number of Citations: 373
  • Number of Reviews: 1
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2023
  • Case Approved: 08/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30301-5000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1114
  • Specialty Field: Aerospace Engineering
  • Affiliation: Senior Aerospace Engineer at a company in Asia
  • Education: Ph.D. from the University of Southern California
  • Number of Publications: 10
  • Number of Citations: 49
  • Number of Reviews: 1
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 05/2023
  • Case Approved: 08/2023
Engineering & Technology10-150-1000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1115
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: Data Scientist
  • Education: Ph.D. from the Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Number of Publications: 33
  • Number of Citations: 983
  • Number of Reviews: 18
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2023
  • Case Approved: 08/2023
Computer Science & Data Analytics30+500+16-20NIWNoNo
NIW #1116
  • Specialty Field: Fruit Science
  • Affiliation: Professor of Fruit science at Northwest A&F University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Northwest A&F University
  • Number of Publications: 35
  • Number of Citations: 809
  • Number of Reviews: 27
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 01/2023
  • Case Approved: 08/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine30+500+21-30NIWNoYes
EB-1 #1136
  • Specialty Field: Polymer Science
  • Affiliation: Research Associate in Case Western Reserve University
  • Education: Ph.D. from The University of Akron
  • Number of Publications: 25
  • Number of Citations: 750
  • Number of Reviews: 16
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2023
  • Case Approved: 07/2023
Chemistry & Materials Science21-30500+16-20EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1137
  • Specialty Field: Medical Science - Reproductive Endocrinology
  • Affiliation: Physician in a Chinese hospital
  • Education: Ph.D. from Medical School of Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • Number of Publications: 33
  • Number of Citations: 346
  • Number of Reviews: 23
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2023
  • Case Approved: 07/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine30+301-50021-30EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1138
  • Specialty Field: Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
  • Affiliation: Project Scientist at Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Number of Publications: 60
  • Number of Citations: 2294
  • Number of Reviews: 62
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2022
  • Case Approved: 07/2023
Environmental & Earth Sciences30+500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1139
  • Specialty Field: Pharmaceutics
  • Affiliation: Postdoc Research Associate at Washington University in St. Louis
  • Education: Ph.D. from Peking University, China
  • Number of Publications: 19
  • Number of Citations: 605
  • Number of Reviews: 68
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2023
  • Case Approved: 07/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine16-20500+30+EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1140
  • Specialty Field: Physics
  • Affiliation: Research Staff at the Brookhaven National Laboratory
  • Education: Ph.D. from Stony Brook University
  • Number of Publications: 25
  • Number of Citations: 429
  • Number of Reviews: 28
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2023
  • Case Approved: 07/2023
Physical Sciences21-30301-50021-30EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1147
  • Specialty Field: Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy
  • Affiliation: Associate Professor/Research Faculty in a Medical University in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Institute of Toxicology and Pharmacology, China
  • Number of Publications: 23
  • Number of Citations: 292
  • Number of Reviews: 25
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 05/2022
  • Case Approved: 07/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30201-30021-30EB-1NoNo
NIW #1106
  • Specialty Field: Astronomy & Astrophysics
  • Affiliation: Ph.D. candidate at the University of Chicago
  • Education: M.Phil. from the University of Hong Kong
  • Number of Publications: 14
  • Number of Citations: 154
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2023
  • Case Approved: 07/2023
Physical Sciences10-15100-200NIWNoNo
NIW #1107
  • Specialty Field: Cancer Research
  • Affiliation: Research Scientist at MD Anderson Cancer Center
  • Education: Ph.D. from Central South University in China
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 155
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2023
  • Case Approved: 07/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10100-200NIWNoNo
NIW #1108
  • Specialty Field: Plant, Soil and Agricultural Systems, Food Science
  • Affiliation: Food Safety Manager in a company
  • Education: M.S. from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
  • Number of Publications: 4
  • Number of Citations: 265
  • Number of Reviews: 14
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2022
  • Case Approved: 07/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10201-30010-15NIWNoNo
EB-1 #1129
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: Machine Learning Engineer at a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Virginia Tech
  • Number of Publications: 17
  • Number of Citations: 580
  • Number of Reviews: 7
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 11/2022
  • Case Approved: 06/2023
Computer Science & Data Analytics16-20500+0-10EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #1130
  • Specialty Field: Computer Engineering
  • Affiliation: Assistant Professor at a U.S. university
  • Education: Ph.D. from New Jersey Institute of Technology
  • Number of Publications: 17
  • Number of Citations: 1316
  • Number of Reviews: 22
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2023
  • Case Approved: 06/2023
Engineering & Technology16-20500+21-30EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1131
  • Specialty Field: Pharmaceutical Science
  • Affiliation: Postdoc associate at Cornell University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 360
  • Number of Reviews: 18
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2023
  • Case Approved: 06/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10301-50016-20EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1132
  • Specialty Field: Supply Chain Management and Sustainability
  • Affiliation: Professor at a university in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Tianjin University
  • Number of Publications: 63
  • Number of Citations: 789
  • Number of Reviews: 33
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2023
  • Case Approved: 06/2023
Business & Economics30+500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1133
  • Specialty Field: Bioinformatics
  • Affiliation: Postdoc Researcher at the University of Idaho
  • Education: Ph.D. from Nanjing Agricultural University, China
  • Number of Publications: 46
  • Number of Citations: 1110
  • Number of Reviews: 19
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 01/2023
  • Case Approved: 06/2023
Computer Science & Data Analytics30+500+16-20EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1134
  • Specialty Field: Physical Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoc at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • Education: Ph.D. from Tsinghua University, China
  • Number of Publications: 30
  • Number of Citations: 2213
  • Number of Reviews: 17
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2022
  • Case Approved: 06/2023
Chemistry & Materials Science21-30500+16-20EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1135
  • Specialty Field: Radiotherapy
  • Affiliation: Associate Professor and Associate Chief Physician at a school in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from a Medical University in China
  • Number of Publications: 19
  • Number of Citations: 703
  • Number of Reviews: 17
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2023
  • Case Approved: 06/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine16-20500+16-20EB-1YesNo
NIW #1101
  • Specialty Field: Bone Marrow Transplantation and Cell Therapy Research
  • Affiliation: Research Scientist at MD Anderson
  • Education: Ph.D. from The Weizmann Institute of Science, MD from The Ben-Gurion University
  • Number of Publications: 5
  • Number of Citations: 95
  • Number of Reviews: 2
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2022
  • Case Approved: 06/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine0-100-1000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1102
  • Specialty Field: Pharmacology
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Researcher at Johns Hopkins University
  • Education: Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania
  • Number of Publications: 3
  • Number of Citations: 26
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 01/2023
  • Case Approved: 06/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine0-100-100NIWNoNo
NIW #1103
  • Specialty Field: Pharmaceutical Science
  • Affiliation: Senior Scientist at a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Purdue University
  • Number of Publications: 18
  • Number of Citations: 404
  • Number of Reviews: 21
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 05/2023
  • Case Approved: 06/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine16-20301-50021-30NIWYesNo
NIW #1104
  • Specialty Field: Bioinformatics and Biotechnology
  • Affiliation: Research Scientist at Carnegie Institution of Washington
  • Education: Ph.D. from Center for Investigation and Advanced Studies-CINVESTAV
  • Number of Publications: 8
  • Number of Citations: 217
  • Number of Reviews: 1
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2023
  • Case Approved: 06/2023
Computer Science & Data Analytics, Life Sciences & Medicine0-10201-3000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1105
  • Specialty Field: Bone marrow transplantation and cell therapy research
  • Affiliation: Research Scientist at MD Anderson
  • Education: Ph.D. from The Weizmann Institute of Science, MD from The Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
  • Number of Publications: 5
  • Number of Citations: 95
  • Number of Reviews: 2
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 11/2022
  • Case Approved: 06/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine0-100-1000-10NIWNoYes
EB-1 #1123
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: A chemical engineering company in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: 393
  • Number of Reviews: 2
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2022
  • Case Approved: 05/2023
Chemistry & Materials Science0-10301-5000-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1124
  • Specialty Field: Condensed Matter Physics
  • Affiliation: A university in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Princeton University
  • Number of Publications: 10
  • Number of Citations: 957
  • Number of Reviews: 4
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2022
  • Case Approved: 05/2023
Physical Sciences10-15500+0-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1125
  • Specialty Field: Mathematics
  • Affiliation: Professor at Purdue University
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of California – Irvine
  • Number of Publications: 13
  • Number of Citations: 326
  • Number of Reviews: 12
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 06/2021
  • Case Approved: 05/2023
Mathematics & Statistics10-15301-50010-15EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #1126
  • Specialty Field: Physics
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Scholar at University of California, Riverside
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of California, Riverside
  • Number of Publications: 12
  • Number of Citations: 304
  • Number of Reviews: 6
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 05/2023
  • Case Approved: 05/2023
Physical Sciences10-15301-5000-10EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1127
  • Specialty Field: Pharmaceutical Science
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Associate at University of California, San Diego
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Pittsburgh
  • Number of Publications: 21 paper, Book Chapter 1
  • Number of Citations: 346
  • Number of Reviews: 20
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2022
  • Case Approved: 05/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30301-50016-20EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1128
  • Specialty Field: Molecular and Cellular Biology
  • Affiliation: Scientist at a Bioscience Corporation
  • Education: Ph.D. from Hebei Normal University in China
  • Number of Publications: 10
  • Number of Citations: 205
  • Number of Reviews: 16
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 12/2022
  • Case Approved: 05/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15201-30016-20EB-1NoYes
NIW #1094
  • Specialty Field: Electrical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Software Engineer at Meta
  • Education: Ph.D. from Arizona State University
  • Number of Publications: 10
  • Number of Citations: 375
  • Number of Reviews: 4
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 05/2023
  • Case Approved: 05/2023
Engineering & Technology10-15301-5000-10NIWYesNo
NIW #1095
  • Specialty Field: Data Scientists and Epidemiologist
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Associate at Cornell University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Peking University (PKU), China
  • Number of Publications: 23
  • Number of Citations: 170
  • Number of Reviews: 3
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 05/2023
  • Case Approved: 05/2023
Computer Science & Data Analytics, Life Sciences & Medicine21-30100-2000-10NIWYesNo
NIW #1096
  • Specialty Field: Engineering
  • Affiliation: Technical Support Engineer (Remote) at a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Iowa State University
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 111
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 07/2022
  • Case Approved: 05/2023
Engineering & Technology0-10100-200NIWNoYes
NIW #1097
  • Specialty Field: Statistics
  • Affiliation: Assistant Professor at a college
  • Education: Ph.D. from Wichita State University
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: 22
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 01/2022
  • Case Approved: 05/2023
Mathematics & Statistics0-100-100NIWNoYes
NIW #1098
  • Specialty Field: Automotive Engineering, System Engineering
  • Affiliation: Senior Staff Battery System Engineer at an auto company
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Warwick, UK
  • Number of Publications: 11
  • Number of Citations: 201
  • Number of Reviews: 10
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2023
  • Case Approved: 05/2023
Engineering & Technology10-15201-30010-15NIWNoNo
NIW #1099
  • Specialty Field: Mechanical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Associate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  • Education: Ph.D. degree from Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France
  • Number of Publications: 11
  • Number of Citations: 227
  • Number of Reviews: 44
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2023
  • Case Approved: 05/2023
Engineering & Technology10-15201-30030+NIWNoNo
NIW #1100
  • Specialty Field: Neuroscience
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Maryland
  • Education: Ph.D. from Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Number of Publications: 13
  • Number of Citations: 361
  • Number of Reviews: 10
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 01/2023
  • Case Approved: 05/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15301-50010-15NIWNoNo
EB-1 #1106
  • Specialty Field: Nuclear Medicine Physician
  • Affiliation: Assistant Professor in Department of Nuclear Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital, NY
  • Education: ABNM from Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL
  • Number of Publications: 30
  • Number of Citations: 64
  • Number of Reviews: 44
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2021
  • Case Approved: 04/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine21-300-10030+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1107
  • Specialty Field: Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Aerospace Fiber Polymer Materials company
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Southern California (USC), M.S. from Rutgers
  • Number of Publications: 35
  • Number of Citations: 293
  • Number of Reviews: 306
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2023
  • Case Approved: 04/2023
Engineering & Technology30+201-30030+EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1108
  • Specialty Field: Immunology
  • Affiliation: Senior Scientist at AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP
  • Education: Ph.D. from Fudan University, China
  • Number of Publications: 13
  • Number of Citations: 230
  • Number of Reviews: 111
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2021
  • Case Approved: 04/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15201-30030+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1109
  • Specialty Field: Bioinformatics
  • Affiliation: Assistant Professor at UT Health Center at San Antonio
  • Education: Ph.D. from Zhejiang University, China
  • Number of Publications: 35
  • Number of Citations: 1057
  • Number of Reviews: 24
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 10/2021
  • Case Approved: 04/2023
Computer Science & Data Analytics30+500+21-30EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #1110
  • Specialty Field: Material Science
  • Affiliation: Research Assistant at South Dakota State University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
  • Number of Publications: 53
  • Number of Citations: 1352
  • Number of Reviews: 39
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2022
  • Case Approved: 04/2023
Chemistry & Materials Science30+500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1111
  • Specialty Field: Human Health Science
  • Affiliation: Staff Scientist at National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health
  • Education: Ph.D. from Tohoku Pharmaceutical University, Japan
  • Number of Publications: 47
  • Number of Citations: 2251
  • Number of Reviews: 6
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2023
  • Case Approved: 04/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine30+500+0-10EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1113
  • Specialty Field: Genetics and Cell Biology
  • Affiliation: Research Fellow at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
  • Education: Ph.D. from Nankai University (NKU), China
  • Number of Publications: 22
  • Number of Citations: 273
  • Number of Reviews: 67
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2021
  • Case Approved: 04/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30201-30030+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1114
  • Specialty Field: Chemical Sciences
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Harvard University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, India
  • Number of Publications: 14
  • Number of Citations: 114
  • Number of Reviews: 10
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2023
  • Case Approved: 04/2023
Chemistry & Materials Science10-15100-20010-15EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1115
  • Specialty Field: Cancer Biology
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Associate at University of California, San Diego
  • Education: Ph.D. from Indian Institute of Technology
  • Number of Publications: 22
  • Number of Citations: 627
  • Number of Reviews: 27
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2022
  • Case Approved: 04/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30500+21-30EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1116
  • Specialty Field: Materials Science
  • Affiliation: Post-doctoral Research Fellow at University of Utah
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Utah
  • Number of Publications: 10
  • Number of Citations: 115
  • Number of Reviews: 15
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2022
  • Case Approved: 04/2023
Chemistry & Materials Science10-15100-20010-15EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1117
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Associate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Chicago
  • Number of Publications: 12
  • Number of Citations: 359
  • Number of Reviews: 18
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2022
  • Case Approved: 04/2023
Chemistry & Materials Science10-15301-50016-20EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1118
  • Specialty Field: Vaccinology and Immunology
  • Affiliation: Research fellow at Ragon institute of MGH, MIT & Harvard
  • Education: Ph.D. from Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Number of Publications: 13
  • Number of Citations: 238
  • Number of Reviews: 25
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 01/2023
  • Case Approved: 04/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15201-30021-30EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1119
  • Specialty Field: Civil and Commercial Law
  • Affiliation: Senior Unit Manager in a financial group in Asia
  • Education: Ph.D. from Peking University, China
  • Number of Publications: 14
  • Number of Citations: N/A
  • Number of Reviews: 2
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2022
  • Case Approved: 04/2023
Social Sciences & Humanities10-150-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1120
  • Specialty Field: Mechanical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor at a U.S. university
  • Education: Ph.D. from Iowa State University
  • Number of Publications: 40
  • Number of Citations: 556
  • Number of Reviews: 86
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2022
  • Case Approved: 04/2023
Engineering & Technology30+500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1121
  • Specialty Field: Power Engineering and Engineering Thermodynamics
  • Affiliation: R & D Director in a Chinese company
  • Education: M.Eng. from Xi'an Jiaotong University
  • Number of Publications: 4
  • Number of Citations: N/A
  • Number of Reviews: 5
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2023
  • Case Approved: 04/2023
Engineering & Technology0-100-10EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1122
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: Stanford University
  • Education: B.E. from Tsinghua University, Ph.D. Candidate at Stanford University
  • Number of Publications: 20
  • Number of Citations: 1750
  • Number of Reviews: 63
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 02/2023
  • Case Approved: 04/2023
Computer Science & Data Analytics16-20500+30+EB-1YesYes
NIW #1083
  • Specialty Field: Electrical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Senior Sensor Calibration Engineer in a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Akron
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 291
  • Number of Reviews: 55
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2022
  • Case Approved: 04/2023
Engineering & Technology0-10201-30030+NIWNoNo
NIW #1084
  • Specialty Field: Electrical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Research Assistant at The University of Texas at Austin
  • Education: M.S. from The University of Texas at Austin
  • Number of Publications: 14
  • Number of Citations: 86
  • Number of Reviews: 5
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2023
  • Case Approved: 04/2023
Engineering & Technology10-150-1000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1085
  • Specialty Field: Biological Sciences
  • Affiliation: Manager in a company in Shanghai, China
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Warwick
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 187
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2022
  • Case Approved: 04/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10100-200NIWNoNo
NIW #1086
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Senior Laser Engineer at a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Stony Brook University
  • Number of Publications: 14
  • Number of Citations: 108
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 07/2021
  • Case Approved: 04/2023
Chemistry & Materials Science10-15100-200NIWNoYes
NIW #1087
  • Specialty Field: Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
  • Affiliation: Senior Research Investigator at the University of Pennsylvania
  • Education: Ph.D. from Northwest Agricultural and Forestry University in China
  • Number of Publications: 12
  • Number of Citations: 381
  • Number of Reviews: 12
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2022
  • Case Approved: 04/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15301-50010-15NIWNoNo
NIW #1088
  • Specialty Field: Biology, Life Sciences
  • Affiliation: Postdoc Research Fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital
  • Education: Ph.D. from Peking University, China
  • Number of Publications: 4
  • Number of Citations: 84
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2023
  • Case Approved: 04/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine0-100-100NIWNoNo
NIW #1089
  • Specialty Field: Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Affiliation: Research Associate at John Hopkins University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Number of Publications: 23
  • Number of Citations: 442
  • Number of Reviews: 10
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2023
  • Case Approved: 04/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine, Social Sciences & Humanities21-30301-50010-15NIWNoNo
NIW #1091
  • Specialty Field: Biostatistics
  • Affiliation: Principal Biostatistician at a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from George Washington University
  • Number of Publications: 4
  • Number of Citations: 88
  • Number of Reviews: 1
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2022
  • Case Approved: 04/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine, Mathematics & Statistics0-100-1000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1092
  • Specialty Field: Clinical Trials and Public Health
  • Affiliation: Research Associate at Botswana Harvard AIDS Institute Partnership
  • Education: MBChB from University of Zimbabwe (UZ); M.Sc. from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
  • Number of Publications: 12
  • Number of Citations: 9939
  • Number of Reviews: 5
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2022
  • Case Approved: 04/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine, Social Sciences & Humanities10-15500+0-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1093
  • Specialty Field: Biological Scientist
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral research scholar
  • Education: Ph.D. from Buenos Aires University
  • Number of Publications: 19
  • Number of Citations: 334
  • Number of Reviews: 0
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2023
  • Case Approved: 04/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine16-20301-5000-10NIWNoNo
EB-1 #1082
  • Specialty Field: Chemical Science
  • Affiliation: Research Scientist at University of New Mexico
  • Education: Ph.D. from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
  • Number of Publications: 18
  • Number of Citations: 370
  • Number of Reviews: 8
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 02/2022
  • Case Approved: 03/2023
Chemistry & Materials Science16-20301-5000-10EB-1YesYes
EB-1 #1083
  • Specialty Field: Electrical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Manufacturing Test NPI Software Developer at a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Arizona State University
  • Number of Publications: 16
  • Number of Citations: 624
  • Number of Reviews: >100
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2022
  • Case Approved: 03/2023
Engineering & Technology16-20500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1100
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: Senior Compiler Research Scientist/ Samsung Semiconductor Inc.
  • Education: Ph.D. from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: 133
  • Number of Reviews: 3
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 06/2022
  • Case Approved: 03/2023
Computer Science & Data Analytics0-10100-2000-10EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #1101
  • Specialty Field: Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Nanobiology
  • Affiliation: Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, University Of North Carolina
  • Number of Publications: 8
  • Number of Citations: 433
  • Number of Reviews: 12
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2022
  • Case Approved: 03/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10301-50010-15EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1102
  • Specialty Field: Pathogen Biology & Immunology
  • Affiliation: Director of the Central Laboratory and Researcher in a hospital in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Nanjing Medical University
  • Number of Publications: 47
  • Number of Citations: >1,500
  • Number of Reviews: 24
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2022
  • Case Approved: 03/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine30+500+21-30EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1103
  • Specialty Field: Medicine
  • Affiliation: Associate Chief Physician at a hospital in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Capital Medical University, Beijing, China
  • Number of Publications: N/A
  • Number of Citations: N/A
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2023
  • Case Approved: 03/2023
Life Sciences & MedicineEB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1104
  • Specialty Field: Biochemistry and Biophysics
  • Affiliation: Research Fellow at Brigham and Women's Hospital/Harvard Medical School
  • Education: Ph.D. from Brandeis University
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: 261
  • Number of Reviews: 3
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2021
  • Case Approved: 03/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10201-3000-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1105
  • Specialty Field: Bioinformatics
  • Affiliation: PhD student in New York University
  • Education: Master from Fordham University
  • Number of Publications: 18
  • Number of Citations: 926
  • Number of Reviews: 10
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2022
  • Case Approved: 03/2023
Computer Science & Data Analytics16-20500+10-15EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1112
  • Specialty Field: Materials Science and Engineering
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Arizona
  • Education: Ph.D. from the University of Utah
  • Number of Publications: 27
  • Number of Citations: 669
  • Number of Reviews: 18
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2022
  • Case Approved: 03/2023
Engineering & Technology21-30500+16-20EB-1NoNo
NIW #1063
  • Specialty Field: Civil Engineering
  • Affiliation: Post-Doctoral Research Associate at University of Wyoming
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Wyoming
  • Number of Publications: 14
  • Number of Citations: 57
  • Number of Reviews: 33
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 01/2023
  • Case Approved: 03/2023
Engineering & Technology10-150-10030+NIWNoNo
NIW #1064
  • Specialty Field: Analytical Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Analytical Chemist at Oregon Health and Science University
  • Education: M.S. from Portland State University
  • Number of Publications: 3
  • Number of Citations: 157
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 07/2021
  • Case Approved: 03/2023
Chemistry & Materials Science0-10100-200NIWNoYes
NIW #1065
  • Specialty Field: Plant and Soil Science
  • Affiliation: Visiting Research Scientist at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Delaware
  • Number of Publications: 6
  • Number of Citations: 122
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2022
  • Case Approved: 03/2023
Environmental & Earth Sciences, Life Sciences & Medicine0-10100-200NIWNoNo
NIW #1066
  • Specialty Field: Materials Science and Engineering
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Arizona
  • Education: Ph.D. from the University of Utah
  • Number of Publications: 27
  • Number of Citations: 651
  • Number of Reviews: 18
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2022
  • Case Approved: 03/2023
Chemistry & Materials Science, Engineering & Technology21-30500+16-20NIWNoNo
NIW #1067
  • Specialty Field: Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Affiliation: Research Scientist at a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from The Ohio State University (OSU)
  • Number of Publications: 12
  • Number of Citations: 474
  • Number of Reviews: 3
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2022
  • Case Approved: 03/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15301-5000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1068
  • Specialty Field: Health Psychology
  • Affiliation: Post-doc fellow at University of South Carolina
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Macau
  • Number of Publications: 29
  • Number of Citations: 505
  • Number of Reviews: 33
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 01/2023
  • Case Approved: 03/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine, Social Sciences & Humanities21-30500+30+NIWNoNo
NIW #1069
  • Specialty Field: Environmental Science
  • Affiliation: Research Associate at University of Virginia
  • Education: M.S. from Princeton University
  • Number of Publications: 12
  • Number of Citations: 115
  • Number of Reviews: 2
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2022
  • Case Approved: 03/2023
Environmental & Earth Sciences10-15100-2000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1070
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Ph.D. Candidate at The CUNY (City University of New York) Graduate Center
  • Education: M.S. from The CUNY Graduate Center
  • Number of Publications: 11
  • Number of Citations: 221
  • Number of Reviews: 1
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2022
  • Case Approved: 03/2023
Chemistry & Materials Science10-15201-3000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1071
  • Specialty Field: Movement and Cognitive Science
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Fellow at Johns Hopkins University
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Maryland, College Park
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 125
  • Number of Reviews: 25
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2022
  • Case Approved: 03/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine, Social Sciences & Humanities0-10100-20021-30NIWNoNo
NIW #1072
  • Specialty Field: Physics
  • Affiliation: Experimental Condensed Matter Physics researcher at Carnegie Mellon University
  • Education: Ph.D. from The Ohio State University (OSU)
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 281
  • Number of Reviews: 5
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2022
  • Case Approved: 03/2023
Physical Sciences0-10201-3000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1073
  • Specialty Field: Biological Sciences
  • Affiliation: Research Specialist at University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)
  • Education: Ph.D. from Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS)
  • Number of Publications: 23
  • Number of Citations: 499
  • Number of Reviews: 1
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2022
  • Case Approved: 03/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30301-5000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1074
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Associate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Chicago
  • Number of Publications: 12
  • Number of Citations: 359
  • Number of Reviews: 18
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2022
  • Case Approved: 03/2023
Chemistry & Materials Science10-15301-50016-20NIWNoNo
NIW #1080
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Fellow at CSIRO (Australian National Research Agency)
  • Education: Ph.D. from Seoul National University
  • Number of Publications: 10
  • Number of Citations: N/A
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 12/2022
  • Case Approved: 03/2023
Computer Science & Data Analytics10-15NIWNoYes
NIW #1081
  • Specialty Field: Health services analytics and research
  • Affiliation: SAS Institute
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Iowa
  • Number of Publications: 12
  • Number of Citations: 729
  • Number of Reviews: 1
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2022
  • Case Approved: 03/2023
Computer Science & Data Analytics, Life Sciences & Medicine, Social Sciences & Humanities10-15500+0-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1082
  • Specialty Field: Chemical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Formulation Scientist in a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Stevens Institute of Technology
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: 50
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 01/2023
  • Case Approved: 03/2023
Engineering & Technology0-100-100NIWNoNo
NIW #1090
  • Specialty Field: Physical Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Staff Scientist & Engineer at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Education: Ph.D. from Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
  • Number of Publications: 19
  • Number of Citations: 112
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 05/2021
  • Case Approved: 03/2023
Chemistry & Materials Science, Physical Sciences16-20100-200NIWNoNo
EB-1 #1077
  • Specialty Field: Hematopoiesis, Developmental Biology, and Neuroscience
  • Affiliation: Research Specialist at the prestigious Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)
  • Education: Ph.D. from National University of Singapore
  • Number of Publications: 15
  • Number of Citations: 1072
  • Number of Reviews: 5
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 05/2021
  • Case Approved: 02/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15500+0-10EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #1078
  • Specialty Field: Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Affiliation: Research Scientist at a Research & Development company
  • Education: Ph.D. from The Ohio State University (OSU)
  • Number of Publications: 12
  • Number of Citations: 545
  • Number of Reviews: 5
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2022
  • Case Approved: 02/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15500+0-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1079
  • Specialty Field: Biomedical Research
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Fellow at University of Iowa
  • Education: Ph.D. from Yangzhou University in China
  • Number of Publications: 32
  • Number of Citations: 576
  • Number of Reviews: 68
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 10/2021
  • Case Approved: 02/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine30+500+30+EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #1080
  • Specialty Field: Microbiology
  • Affiliation: Research Associate at Rutgers University & the Rutgers Center for Microbiome Analysis
  • Education: Ph.D. from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China
  • Number of Publications: 28
  • Number of Citations: ~2,290
  • Number of Reviews: 22
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 01/2023
  • Case Approved: 02/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30500+21-30EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1081
  • Specialty Field: BioMedical Science
  • Affiliation: Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope
  • Education: Ph.D. from Soochow University
  • Number of Publications: 20
  • Number of Citations: 1812
  • Number of Reviews: 20
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 11/2022
  • Case Approved: 02/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine16-20500+16-20EB-1YesYes
EB-1 #1091
  • Specialty Field: Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Applied Scientist at Amazon
  • Education: Ph.D. from Duke University
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 245
  • Number of Reviews: 1
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2022
  • Case Approved: 02/2023
Chemistry & Materials Science0-10201-3000-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1092
  • Specialty Field: Computational Chemistry and Biophysics
  • Affiliation: Scientist at Eli Lilly
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
  • Number of Publications: 24
  • Number of Citations: 363
  • Number of Reviews: 5
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 03/2022
  • Case Approved: 02/2023
Chemistry & Materials Science21-30301-5000-10EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #1093
  • Specialty Field: Design
  • Affiliation: Senior Product Designer at a company
  • Education: Bachelor of arts in Design
  • Number of Publications: N/A
  • Number of Citations: N/A
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2021
  • Case Approved: 02/2023
Arts & DesignEB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1094
  • Specialty Field: Biochemistry/Biophysics
  • Affiliation: Staff Scientist in Protein Engineering at a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Pennsylvania State University
  • Number of Publications: 13
  • Number of Citations: 600
  • Number of Reviews: 7
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2021
  • Case Approved: 02/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15500+0-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1095
  • Specialty Field: Chemical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Scientist at Columbia University
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of California San Diego (UCSD)
  • Number of Publications: 17
  • Number of Citations: 3401
  • Number of Reviews: 24
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 05/2022
  • Case Approved: 02/2023
Engineering & Technology16-20500+21-30EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1096
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: PhD student at Carnegie Mellon University
  • Education: M.S. from Carnegie Mellon University
  • Number of Publications: 11
  • Number of Citations: 155
  • Number of Reviews: 20
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2021
  • Case Approved: 02/2023
Computer Science & Data Analytics10-15100-20016-20EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1097
  • Specialty Field: Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Appointee in Argonne National Laboratory
  • Education: Ph.D. from State University of New York-Stony Brook
  • Number of Publications: 29
  • Number of Citations: 216
  • Number of Reviews: 13
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 11/2022
  • Case Approved: 02/2023
Physical Sciences21-30201-30010-15EB-1YesYes
EB-1 #1098
  • Specialty Field: Medical Science
  • Affiliation: Attending Physician of Gastroenterology in a hospital in China
  • Education: M.D and Master of Medicine from Nanjing Medical University in China
  • Number of Publications: 22
  • Number of Citations: 823
  • Number of Reviews: 50
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 01/2023
  • Case Approved: 02/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30500+30+EB-1YesYes
EB-1 #1099
  • Specialty Field: Materials Science, Biomedical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Scholar at Nanoengineering Department in University of California San Diego
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of California San Diego (UCSD)
  • Number of Publications: 11
  • Number of Citations: 1267
  • Number of Reviews: 17
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 10/2022
  • Case Approved: 02/2023
Engineering & Technology10-15500+16-20EB-1YesYes
NIW #1054
  • Specialty Field: Pharmacology
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Scholar at University of California San Francisco
  • Education: M.D. and Ph.D. from People's Friendship University of Russia
  • Number of Publications: 96
  • Number of Citations: 7972
  • Number of Reviews: 4
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2022
  • Case Approved: 02/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine30+500+0-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1055
  • Specialty Field: Synthetic Biology
  • Affiliation: Platform Scientist in a biotech company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Iowa State University
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: 102
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2022
  • Case Approved: 02/2023
Engineering & Technology, Life Sciences & Medicine0-10100-200NIWNoNo
NIW #1056
  • Specialty Field: Analytical Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral scholar at Pennsylvania State University
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Chinese of Academy of Sciences
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 226
  • Number of Reviews: 13
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2021
  • Case Approved: 02/2023
Chemistry & Materials Science0-10201-30010-15NIWNoNo
NIW #1057
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Associate at Boston University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Fudan University, China
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: 70
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2022
  • Case Approved: 02/2023
Chemistry & Materials Science0-100-100NIWNoNo
NIW #1058
  • Specialty Field: Pharmaceutical Development
  • Affiliation: Post-doctoral Fellow at City of Hope
  • Education: Ph.D. from Laval University, Canada
  • Number of Publications: 21
  • Number of Citations: 134
  • Number of Reviews: 15
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2022
  • Case Approved: 02/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30100-20010-15NIWNoNo
NIW #1059
  • Specialty Field: Cancer Research
  • Affiliation: Post-doctoral Fellow at City of Hope
  • Education: Ph.D. from Laval University, Canada
  • Number of Publications: 21
  • Number of Citations: 134
  • Number of Reviews: 15
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2022
  • Case Approved: 02/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30100-20010-15NIWNoNo
NIW #1060
  • Specialty Field: Neuroscience
  • Affiliation: Researcher at University of Minnesota
  • Education: M.D. from Peking Union Medical College, China
  • Number of Publications: 37
  • Number of Citations: 349
  • Number of Reviews: 83
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2022
  • Case Approved: 02/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine30+301-50030+NIWNoNo
NIW #1061
  • Specialty Field: Bioengineering, Liver disease and Applied Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Mayo Clinic
  • Education: Ph.D. from North Carolina A &T State University (NCAT)
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 254
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2022
  • Case Approved: 02/2023
Chemistry & Materials Science, Engineering & Technology, Life Sciences & Medicine0-10201-300NIWNoNo
NIW #1062
  • Specialty Field: Biology
  • Affiliation: Associate Project Scientist at the University of California Santa Cruz
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Leipzig, Germany
  • Number of Publications: 30
  • Number of Citations: 1400
  • Number of Reviews: 14
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2022
  • Case Approved: 02/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30500+10-15NIWNoNo
NIW #1075
  • Specialty Field: Electrical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Research Assistant at University of Southern California
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Southern California
  • Number of Publications: 10
  • Number of Citations: 47
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2022
  • Case Approved: 02/2023
Engineering & Technology10-150-100NIWNoNo
NIW #1076
  • Specialty Field: Statistics and Public Health/Toxicology
  • Affiliation: Research Associate at a bank
  • Education: Two M.S. degrees in Statistics and Public Health/Toxicology
  • Number of Publications: 5
  • Number of Citations: 13
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2022
  • Case Approved: 02/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine, Mathematics & Statistics0-100-100NIWNoNo
NIW #1079
  • Specialty Field: Molecular Biology and Genetics (Science)
  • Affiliation: Research associate at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
  • Education: Ph.D. from Groningen University (The Netherlands)
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: 174
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2022
  • Case Approved: 02/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10100-200NIWNoNo
EB-1 #1056
  • Specialty Field: Virology and Drug Discovery
  • Affiliation: Drug Discovery Scientist in a pharmaceutical company in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU)
  • Number of Publications: 19
  • Number of Citations: 965
  • Number of Reviews: 10
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2022
  • Case Approved: 01/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine16-20500+10-15EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1057
  • Specialty Field: Health Management
  • Affiliation: Professor Chinese Medicine, in a medical school in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Nanjing University
  • Number of Publications: 146
  • Number of Citations: 960
  • Number of Reviews: 63
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2021
  • Case Approved: 01/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine30+500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1058
  • Specialty Field: Nutrition and Cancer Biology Research
  • Affiliation: Visiting Fellow at the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
  • Education: Ph.D. from Georgetown University
  • Number of Publications: 20
  • Number of Citations: 392
  • Number of Reviews: 16
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 04/2021
  • Case Approved: 01/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine16-20301-50016-20EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #1071
  • Specialty Field: Organic Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Associate at Brown University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Nankai University, China
  • Number of Publications: 22
  • Number of Citations: 1117
  • Number of Reviews: 5
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2022
  • Case Approved: 01/2023
Chemistry & Materials Science21-30500+0-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1072
  • Specialty Field: Computational Biophysics and Deep Learning
  • Affiliation: Applied Mathematics Instructor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Education: Ph.D. from Brown University
  • Number of Publications: 21
  • Number of Citations: 420
  • Number of Reviews: 29
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2020
  • Case Approved: 01/2023
Computer Science & Data Analytics21-30301-50021-30EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1073
  • Specialty Field: Physiology
  • Affiliation: N/A
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Otago, New Zealand
  • Number of Publications: 12
  • Number of Citations: 580
  • Number of Reviews: 17
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 05/2022
  • Case Approved: 01/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15500+16-20EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1074
  • Specialty Field: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Affiliation: Field Application Support Expert at a company in Shenzhen, China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Peking University, China
  • Number of Publications: 8
  • Number of Citations: ~250
  • Number of Reviews: 8
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2022
  • Case Approved: 01/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10201-3000-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1075
  • Specialty Field: Physics
  • Affiliation: Assistant Professor of Physics in a U.S. university
  • Education: Ph.D. from the University of Utah
  • Number of Publications: 12
  • Number of Citations: 332
  • Number of Reviews: 2
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 06/2021
  • Case Approved: 01/2023
Physical Sciences10-15301-5000-10EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #1076
  • Specialty Field: Electrical and Computer Engineer
  • Affiliation: Not specified
  • Education: Ph.D. from the Ohio State University
  • Number of Publications: 11
  • Number of Citations: 126
  • Number of Reviews: 16
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2022
  • Case Approved: 01/2023
Engineering & Technology10-15100-20016-20EB-1NoNo
NIW #1042
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: ORISE Fellow at FDA
  • Education: Ph.D. from Virginia Tech
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: 163
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2022
  • Case Approved: 01/2023
Chemistry & Materials Science0-10100-200NIWNoNo
NIW #1043
  • Specialty Field: Physical Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Machine Learning Engineer at Spotify
  • Education: Ph.D. from Ohio State University (OSU)
  • Number of Publications: 17
  • Number of Citations: 361
  • Number of Reviews: 38
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2022
  • Case Approved: 01/2023
Chemistry & Materials Science, Physical Sciences16-20301-50030+NIWNoNo
NIW #1044
  • Specialty Field: Stem Cell Biology and Neurobiology
  • Affiliation: Postdoc Associate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Southern California (USC)
  • Number of Publications: 8
  • Number of Citations: 1040
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2022
  • Case Approved: 01/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10500+NIWNoNo
NIW #1045
  • Specialty Field: Biomedical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Senior Research Associate at Case Western Reserve University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Case Western Reserve University
  • Number of Publications: 30
  • Number of Citations: 511
  • Number of Reviews: 29
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2022
  • Case Approved: 01/2023
Engineering & Technology, Life Sciences & Medicine21-30500+21-30NIWNoNo
NIW #1046
  • Specialty Field: Materials Science and Engineering
  • Affiliation: Ph.D. student (Graduate Student Researcher) at University of California, Irvine
  • Education: M.S. from University of California, Irvine
  • Number of Publications: 12
  • Number of Citations: 117
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2022
  • Case Approved: 01/2023
Chemistry & Materials Science, Engineering & Technology10-15100-200NIWNoNo
NIW #1047
  • Specialty Field: Psychology
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Scholar at Northwestern University
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Michigan
  • Number of Publications: 6
  • Number of Citations: 96
  • Number of Reviews: 20
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2022
  • Case Approved: 01/2023
Social Sciences & Humanities0-100-10016-20NIWNoNo
NIW #1048
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: Graduate Research Assistant at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Education: M.S. degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Number of Publications: 2
  • Number of Citations: 110
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2022
  • Case Approved: 01/2023
Computer Science & Data Analytics0-10100-200NIWNoNo
NIW #1049
  • Specialty Field: Nanoengineering
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Researcher at University of California San Diego
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of California San Diego
  • Number of Publications: 36
  • Number of Citations: 1330
  • Number of Reviews: 5
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2022
  • Case Approved: 01/2023
Engineering & Technology30+500+0-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1050
  • Specialty Field: Immunotherapy
  • Affiliation: Scientist in a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Clemson University
  • Number of Publications: 8
  • Number of Citations: 165
  • Number of Reviews: 5
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2022
  • Case Approved: 01/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10100-2000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1051
  • Specialty Field: Integrated Clinical Medicine
  • Affiliation: An institute in China
  • Education: Professional degree from Wuhan University
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: N/A
  • Number of Reviews: Several
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2022
  • Case Approved: 01/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1052
  • Specialty Field: Integrated Clinical Medicine
  • Affiliation: Physician in a hospital in Asia
  • Education: Ph.D. from Peking Union Medical College in China
  • Number of Publications: 29
  • Number of Citations: 700
  • Number of Reviews: 47
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 05/2022
  • Case Approved: 01/2023
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30500+30+NIWNoNo
NIW #1053
  • Specialty Field: Civil Engineering
  • Affiliation: Senior Engineer at a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from City College of New York
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: 170
  • Number of Reviews: 17
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2022
  • Case Approved: 01/2023
Engineering & Technology0-10100-20016-20NIWNoNo
NIW #1077
  • Specialty Field: Environmental Engineering
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral fellow at University of California Santa Barbara
  • Education: Ph.D. from Purdue University
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 203
  • Number of Reviews: 12
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2022
  • Case Approved: 01/2023
Engineering & Technology, Environmental & Earth Sciences0-10201-30010-15NIWNoNo
NIW #1078
  • Specialty Field: Materials Science and Engineering
  • Affiliation: N/A
  • Education: M.S. from University of Connecticut (UCONN)
  • Number of Publications: 12
  • Number of Citations: 1056
  • Number of Reviews: 20
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2022
  • Case Approved: 01/2023
Chemistry & Materials Science, Engineering & Technology10-15500+16-20NIWNoNo
EB-1 #1055
  • Specialty Field: Drug discovery
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral associate in The Rockefeller University
  • Education: Ph.D. from East China University of Science and Technology
  • Number of Publications: 15
  • Number of Citations: 305
  • Number of Reviews: 28
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 08/2022
  • Case Approved: 12/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15301-50021-30EB-1YesYes
EB-1 #1068
  • Specialty Field: Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
  • Affiliation: Senior Research Investigator at University of Pennsylvania
  • Education: Ph.D. from Northwest Agricultural and Forestry University in China
  • Number of Publications: 12
  • Number of Citations: 381
  • Number of Reviews: 12
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2022
  • Case Approved: 12/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15301-50010-15EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1069
  • Specialty Field: Neuron-immunology
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Researcher at Harvard Medical School
  • Education: Ph.D. from Peking Union Medical College
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 434
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2022
  • Case Approved: 12/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10301-500EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1070
  • Specialty Field: Neuroscience
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, San Francisco
  • Education: Ph.D. from Yale University
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: 287
  • Number of Reviews: 6
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2022
  • Case Approved: 12/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10201-3000-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1084
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: Senior Research Scientist at Kwai Inc.
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
  • Number of Publications: 33
  • Number of Citations: 1853
  • Number of Reviews: >150
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2022
  • Case Approved: 12/2022
Computer Science & Data Analytics30+500+30+EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1085
  • Specialty Field: Not specified
  • Affiliation: Assistant Professor as a U.S. University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)
  • Number of Publications: 35
  • Number of Citations: 403
  • Number of Reviews: 38
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 01/2021
  • Case Approved: 12/2022
EB-1 #1086
  • Specialty Field: Biochemistry and Structural Biology
  • Affiliation: Scientist, Protein Sciences at a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Case Western Reserve University (CWRU)
  • Number of Publications: 16
  • Number of Citations: 809
  • Number of Reviews: 22
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2022
  • Case Approved: 12/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine16-20500+21-30EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1087
  • Specialty Field: Internal Medicine Physician/ Hospital Medicine
  • Affiliation: Hospital Medicine Physician
  • Education: MD (from Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai)
  • Number of Publications: 4
  • Number of Citations: 314
  • Number of Reviews: > 90
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2022
  • Case Approved: 12/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10301-50030+EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1088
  • Specialty Field: Neurobiology research
  • Affiliation: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS)
  • Number of Publications: 16
  • Number of Citations: 880
  • Number of Reviews: 17
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2021
  • Case Approved: 12/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine16-20500+16-20EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1089
  • Specialty Field: Materials Science
  • Affiliation: Process Engineer at a U.S. company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Washington University in Saint Louis (WUSTL)
  • Number of Publications: 26
  • Number of Citations: 1300
  • Number of Reviews: 18
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2022
  • Case Approved: 12/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science21-30500+16-20EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1090
  • Specialty Field: Materials Science
  • Affiliation: Process Engineer / Applied Materials
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of California, Los Angeles
  • Number of Publications: 14
  • Number of Citations: 1602
  • Number of Reviews: 19
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 10/2021
  • Case Approved: 12/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science10-15500+16-20EB-1NoYes
NIW #1018
  • Specialty Field: Biomedical Science
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral fellow at UC Berkeley
  • Education: Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins Medical Institute
  • Number of Publications: 5
  • Number of Citations: 226
  • Number of Reviews: 1
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2022
  • Case Approved: 12/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10201-3000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1019
  • Specialty Field: Urban Planning / Urban Economic Development
  • Affiliation: Director / Consulting Firm
  • Education: Master's Degree, Harvard University
  • Number of Publications: 2
  • Number of Citations: N/A
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2022
  • Case Approved: 12/2022
Social Sciences & Humanities0-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1020
  • Specialty Field: Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Applied Scientist at Amazon
  • Education: Ph.D. from Duke University
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 245
  • Number of Reviews: 1
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2022
  • Case Approved: 12/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science, Computer Science & Data Analytics0-10201-3000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1021
  • Specialty Field: Pathogen Biology & Immunology
  • Affiliation: Director of the Central Laboratory and Researcher in a hospital in Asia
  • Education: Ph.D. from Nanjing Medical University
  • Number of Publications: 47
  • Number of Citations: >1500
  • Number of Reviews: 24
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2022
  • Case Approved: 12/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine30+500+21-30NIWNoNo
NIW #1022
  • Specialty Field: Data mining and artificial intelligence
  • Affiliation: Software Engineer at Meta
  • Education: Ph.D. from Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
  • Number of Publications: 12
  • Number of Citations: 114
  • Number of Reviews: 22
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2022
  • Case Approved: 12/2022
Computer Science & Data Analytics10-15100-20021-30NIWNoNo
NIW #1023
  • Specialty Field: Biomedical Research, Cancer Virology
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Education: Ph.D. from Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
  • Number of Publications: 4
  • Number of Citations: 72
  • Number of Reviews: 0
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2021
  • Case Approved: 12/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine0-100-1000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1024
  • Specialty Field: Biology
  • Affiliation: Associate Researcher at Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Education: Ph.D. from Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Number of Publications: 10
  • Number of Citations: >100
  • Number of Reviews: 10
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2022
  • Case Approved: 12/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine10-150-10010-15NIWNoNo
NIW #1025
  • Specialty Field: Pharmaceutical Sciences, Immunology
  • Affiliation: Immuno-Oncology Scientist in a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Rhode Island (URI)
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: 63
  • Number of Reviews: 10
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2022
  • Case Approved: 12/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine0-100-10010-15NIWNoNo
NIW #1026
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: Harvard University
  • Education: Enroute PhD candidate at Harvard; Masters Degrees from Harvard University and MIT
  • Number of Publications: 4
  • Number of Citations: 57
  • Number of Reviews: 3
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2022
  • Case Approved: 12/2022
Computer Science & Data Analytics0-100-1000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1027
  • Specialty Field: Theoretical Chemical Physics
  • Affiliation: PhD candidate at Johns Hopkins University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University (expected)
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: 46
  • Number of Reviews: 0
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2022
  • Case Approved: 12/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science, Physical Sciences0-100-1000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1028
  • Specialty Field: Plant Physiology
  • Affiliation: Plant Physiologist at a company
  • Education: BS Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, India; MS Alabama A&M University, Huntsville, AL, USA; MS University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA
  • Number of Publications: 2
  • Number of Citations: 87
  • Number of Reviews: 42
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2022
  • Case Approved: 12/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine0-100-10030+NIWNoNo
NIW #1029
  • Specialty Field: Civil and Commercial Law
  • Affiliation: Senior Unit Manager at a financial company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Peking University, China
  • Number of Publications: 14
  • Number of Citations: N/A
  • Number of Reviews: 2
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 04/2022
  • Case Approved: 12/2022
Social Sciences & Humanities10-150-10NIWNoYes
NIW #1030
  • Specialty Field: Material Science
  • Affiliation: Senior Research Associate at a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Notre Dame
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 337
  • Number of Reviews: 26
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2022
  • Case Approved: 12/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science0-10301-50021-30NIWNoNo
NIW #1031
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Professor in a school in Asia
  • Education: Ph.D. from a top Asian university
  • Number of Publications: 52
  • Number of Citations: 3068
  • Number of Reviews: 25
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2022
  • Case Approved: 12/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science30+500+21-30NIWNoNo
NIW #1032
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Associate at Princeton University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Columbia University
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 316
  • Number of Reviews: 15
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2022
  • Case Approved: 12/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science0-10301-50010-15NIWNoNo
NIW #1033
  • Specialty Field: Electrical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Manufacturing Test NPI Software Developer in a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Arizona State University
  • Number of Publications: 16
  • Number of Citations: 600
  • Number of Reviews: More than 100
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2022
  • Case Approved: 12/2022
Engineering & Technology16-20500+30+NIWNoNo
NIW #1034
  • Specialty Field: Neuroscience
  • Affiliation: University of California, San Francisco
  • Education: Ph.D. from Yale University
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: 287
  • Number of Reviews: 6
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2022
  • Case Approved: 12/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10201-3000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1035
  • Specialty Field: Microbiology and Immunology
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Fellow at Drexel University College of Medicine
  • Education: Ph.D. from Temple University
  • Number of Publications: 24
  • Number of Citations: 183
  • Number of Reviews: 1
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 07/2021
  • Case Approved: 12/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30100-2000-10NIWNoYes
NIW #1036
  • Specialty Field: Neuroscience, Immunology
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Researcher at Harvard Medical School
  • Education: Ph.D. from Peking Union Medical College
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 434
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 05/2022
  • Case Approved: 12/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10301-500NIWNoNo
NIW #1037
  • Specialty Field: Nutrition Science
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Researcher at Drexel University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Brazil's Universidade Federal de Vicosa (UFV), Brazil
  • Number of Publications: 11
  • Number of Citations: 163
  • Number of Reviews: 5
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2022
  • Case Approved: 12/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15100-2000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1038
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: Manager in a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
  • Number of Publications: 11
  • Number of Citations: 75
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2022
  • Case Approved: 12/2022
Computer Science & Data Analytics10-150-100NIWNoNo
NIW #1039
  • Specialty Field: Dentistry
  • Affiliation: Senior Technical officer at The University of Hong Kong (HKU)
  • Education: Ph.D. from the University of Hong Kong (HKU), China
  • Number of Publications: 10
  • Number of Citations: 263
  • Number of Reviews: 1
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2022
  • Case Approved: 12/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15201-3000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1040
  • Specialty Field: Computational Biology
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Researcher at Stanford University
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Number of Publications: 14
  • Number of Citations: 143
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2022
  • Case Approved: 12/2022
Computer Science & Data Analytics, Life Sciences & Medicine10-15100-200NIWNoNo
NIW #1041
  • Specialty Field: Microbiology
  • Affiliation: Nephrologist/Physician in a hospital in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from China Medical University
  • Number of Publications: 11
  • Number of Citations: 124
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 05/2022
  • Case Approved: 12/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15100-200NIWNoNo
EB-1 #1047
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: PhD student at Stanford university
  • Education: Master of computer science at Stanford
  • Number of Publications: 25
  • Number of Citations: 2027
  • Number of Reviews: 58
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2022
  • Case Approved: 11/2022
Computer Science & Data Analytics21-30500+30+EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1048
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: A company in Shanghai, China
  • Education: Ph.D. from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Number of Publications: 11
  • Number of Citations: 860
  • Number of Reviews: 112
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2021
  • Case Approved: 11/2022
Computer Science & Data Analytics10-15500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1049
  • Specialty Field: Physics
  • Affiliation: Postdoc Scholar Department of Physics, University of Washington
  • Education: Ph.D. from Florida State University
  • Number of Publications: 13
  • Number of Citations: 1200
  • Number of Reviews: 12
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 02/2022
  • Case Approved: 11/2022
Physical Sciences10-15500+10-15EB-1YesYes
EB-1 #1051
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: Data Mining Scientist at a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Wuhan University of Technology
  • Number of Publications: 46
  • Number of Citations: 481
  • Number of Reviews: 45
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2021
  • Case Approved: 11/2022
Computer Science & Data Analytics30+301-50030+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1052
  • Specialty Field: Physical Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Professor in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from the Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Number of Publications: 186
  • Number of Citations: 7772
  • Number of Reviews: 750
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2022
  • Case Approved: 11/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science30+500+30+EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1053
  • Specialty Field: Neuroscience
  • Affiliation: Researcher at University of Minnesota
  • Education: Ph.D. from Peking Union Medical College, China
  • Number of Publications: 37
  • Number of Citations: 349
  • Number of Reviews: 83
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 09/2022
  • Case Approved: 11/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine30+301-50030+EB-1YesYes
EB-1 #1054
  • Specialty Field: Biochemistry
  • Affiliation: Staff Scientist at Medical University of South Carolina
  • Education: Ph.D. from Michigan State University
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 314
  • Number of Reviews: 7
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2021
  • Case Approved: 11/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10301-5000-10EB-1NoNo
NIW #1001
  • Specialty Field: Biomedical Science
  • Affiliation: Principle Scientist & Director of Molecular Biology at a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Loma Linda University
  • Number of Publications: 10
  • Number of Citations: 390
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2022
  • Case Approved: 11/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15301-500NIWNoNo
NIW #1002
  • Specialty Field: Civil engineering
  • Affiliation: Senior engineer at a Chinese company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Beijing University of Technology (BJUT)
  • Number of Publications: 12
  • Number of Citations: 110
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2022
  • Case Approved: 11/2022
Engineering & Technology10-15100-200NIWNoNo
NIW #1003
  • Specialty Field: Mechanical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Process Engineer in a U.S. company
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
  • Number of Publications: 20
  • Number of Citations: 313
  • Number of Reviews: 37
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2021
  • Case Approved: 11/2022
Engineering & Technology16-20301-50030+NIWNoNo
NIW #1004
  • Specialty Field: Computer Biophysics
  • Affiliation: Associate Research Scientist at Yale University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Calcutta University, Kolkata, India
  • Number of Publications: 13
  • Number of Citations: 82
  • Number of Reviews: 2
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2022
  • Case Approved: 11/2022
Computer Science & Data Analytics, Life Sciences & Medicine, Physical Sciences10-150-1000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1005
  • Specialty Field: Radiology
  • Affiliation: Resident at University of Mississippi Medical Center
  • Education: M.D. from Universida de Caxias do Sul
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: 8
  • Number of Reviews: 0
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2022
  • Case Approved: 11/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine0-100-1000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1006
  • Specialty Field: Retirement Financial Planning and Wealth Benefit
  • Affiliation: Senior Research Associate at a financial research institute
  • Education: Ph.D. from Texas Tech University (TTU)
  • Number of Publications: 15
  • Number of Citations: 2
  • Number of Reviews: 6
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2021
  • Case Approved: 11/2022
Business & Economics10-150-1000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1007
  • Specialty Field: Architect
  • Affiliation: N/A
  • Education: Bachelor from Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT)
  • Number of Publications: 3
  • Number of Citations: N/A
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2021
  • Case Approved: 11/2022
Arts & Design, Engineering & Technology0-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1008
  • Specialty Field: Surgeon, medical doctor
  • Affiliation: Deputy chief of general surgery at a hospital
  • Education: Medical degree from Shanghai Jiaotong University
  • Number of Publications: 35
  • Number of Citations: 198
  • Number of Reviews: 0
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2021
  • Case Approved: 11/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine30+100-2000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1009
  • Specialty Field: Drug Discovery and Biomedical Sciences
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Researcher at Princeton University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Medical University of South Carolina
  • Number of Publications: 14
  • Number of Citations: 91
  • Number of Reviews: 1
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2022
  • Case Approved: 11/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine10-150-1000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #1010
  • Specialty Field: Immunology and Microbial Pathogenesis
  • Affiliation: N/A
  • Education: Ph.D. from Cornell University
  • Number of Publications: 15
  • Number of Citations: 1800
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2022
  • Case Approved: 11/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15500+NIWNoNo
NIW #1011
  • Specialty Field: Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Affiliation: Research Scientist at University of Texas at Dallas
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Arizona
  • Number of Publications: 11
  • Number of Citations: 79
  • Number of Reviews: 14
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2022
  • Case Approved: 11/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine, Social Sciences & Humanities10-150-10010-15NIWNoNo
NIW #1012
  • Specialty Field: Biomedical Research
  • Affiliation: Chief Medical Examiner at a Health Clinic
  • Education: Ph.D. from Hokkaido University, M.D from St. George's University, M.P.H from Karolinska Institute and University of Oviedo
  • Number of Publications: 21
  • Number of Citations: 402
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2022
  • Case Approved: 11/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30301-500NIWNoNo
NIW #1013
  • Specialty Field: Drug Discovery and Synthetic Biology
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Scientist at Eli Lilly and Company
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Pittsburgh
  • Number of Publications: 10
  • Number of Citations: 138
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2022
  • Case Approved: 11/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15100-200NIWNoNo
NIW #1014
  • Specialty Field: Molecular and Cellular Biology
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Fellow at City of Hope
  • Education: Ph.D. from Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • Number of Publications: 13
  • Number of Citations: 1070
  • Number of Reviews: 20
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2022
  • Case Approved: 11/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15500+16-20NIWNoNo
NIW #1015
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoc Fellow at New York University Langone Health
  • Education: Ph.D. from the City University of New York
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: 61
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 05/2022
  • Case Approved: 11/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science0-100-100NIWNoNo
NIW #1016
  • Specialty Field: Biomedical Science
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Scholar at Stanford University
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Rochester
  • Number of Publications: 11
  • Number of Citations: 35
  • Number of Reviews: 41
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2022
  • Case Approved: 11/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine10-150-10030+NIWNoNo
NIW #1017
  • Specialty Field: Virology and Drug Discovery
  • Affiliation: Drug Discovery Scientist at a pharmaceutical company in Asia
  • Education: Ph.D. from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU)
  • Number of Publications: 19
  • Number of Citations: 965
  • Number of Reviews: 10
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2022
  • Case Approved: 11/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine16-20500+10-15NIWNoNo
EB-1 #1041
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Scholar at Utah State University
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Number of Publications: 42
  • Number of Citations: 3243
  • Number of Reviews: 65
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2022
  • Case Approved: 10/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science30+500+30+EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1042
  • Specialty Field: Computational Physics
  • Affiliation: Software Development Engineer at Amazon
  • Education: Ph.D. from Penn State University
  • Number of Publications: 6
  • Number of Citations: 287
  • Number of Reviews: 14
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2022
  • Case Approved: 10/2022
Physical Sciences0-10201-30010-15EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1043
  • Specialty Field: Biomedical Informatics
  • Affiliation: Research Fellow at National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Melbourne
  • Number of Publications: 42
  • Number of Citations: 975
  • Number of Reviews: >120
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2021
  • Case Approved: 10/2022
Computer Science & Data Analytics30+500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1044
  • Specialty Field: Neuroscience
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Fellow at National Institutes of Health (NIH)
  • Education: Ph.D. from Fudan University, China
  • Number of Publications: 10
  • Number of Citations: 348
  • Number of Reviews: 6
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2022
  • Case Approved: 10/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15301-5000-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1045
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: Staff Research Scientist at IBM
  • Education: Ph.D. from Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Number of Publications: 57
  • Number of Citations: 1776
  • Number of Reviews: 40
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2022
  • Case Approved: 10/2022
Computer Science & Data Analytics30+500+30+EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1046
  • Specialty Field: Materials Science and Engineering
  • Affiliation: Process Engineer, Manager at EUV mask blank manufacture and development
  • Education: Ph.D. from National University of Singapore
  • Number of Publications: N/A
  • Number of Citations: N/A
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2022
  • Case Approved: 10/2022
Engineering & TechnologyEB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1050
  • Specialty Field: Earth Science
  • Affiliation: Postdoc Research Associate at University of Minnesota
  • Education: Ph.D. from Purdue University
  • Number of Publications: 28
  • Number of Citations: 547
  • Number of Reviews: 28
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 12/2020
  • Case Approved: 10/2022
Environmental & Earth Sciences21-30500+21-30EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #1065
  • Specialty Field: Chemical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Associate Professor in a university in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Alberta, Canada
  • Number of Publications: 53
  • Number of Citations: 1565
  • Number of Reviews: 88
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 12/2020
  • Case Approved: 10/2022
Engineering & Technology30+500+30+EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #1066
  • Specialty Field: Nutrition and Molecular Medicine
  • Affiliation: Research Scientist at George Washington University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Jiangnan University in China
  • Number of Publications: 21
  • Number of Citations: 440
  • Number of Reviews: 24
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2022
  • Case Approved: 10/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30301-50021-30EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1067
  • Specialty Field: Cancer Immunotherapy
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Maryland, College Park
  • Education: Ph.D. from Yeungnam University in South Korea
  • Number of Publications: 26
  • Number of Citations: 775
  • Number of Reviews: 19
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2022
  • Case Approved: 10/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30500+16-20EB-1YesNo
NIW #983
  • Specialty Field: Biological Science
  • Affiliation: The Jackson Laboratory
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
  • Number of Publications: 2
  • Number of Citations: 20
  • Number of Reviews: 11
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2022
  • Case Approved: 10/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine0-100-10010-15NIWNoNo
NIW #984
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry/Chemical Engineering/Materials Technology
  • Affiliation: Associate Professor at School of Biological and Chemical Engineering, in a university in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Zhejiang University
  • Number of Publications: 23
  • Number of Citations: 762
  • Number of Reviews: 12
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2022
  • Case Approved: 10/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science, Engineering & Technology21-30500+10-15NIWNoNo
NIW #985
  • Specialty Field: Biological Science
  • Affiliation: Scientist in a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of California, San Diego
  • Number of Publications: 6
  • Number of Citations: 336
  • Number of Reviews: 30
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 01/2021
  • Case Approved: 10/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10301-50021-30NIWNoNo
NIW #986
  • Specialty Field: Electrical Engineering
  • Affiliation: N/A
  • Education: MSc from Togliatti State University
  • Number of Publications: 4
  • Number of Citations: 0
  • Number of Reviews: 0
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2021
  • Case Approved: 10/2022
Engineering & Technology0-100-1000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #987
  • Specialty Field: Electronic Engineering
  • Affiliation: New Jersey Institute of Technology
  • Education: Ph.D. from New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)
  • Number of Publications: 24
  • Number of Citations: 935
  • Number of Reviews: 115
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2022
  • Case Approved: 10/2022
Engineering & Technology21-30500+30+NIWNoNo
NIW #988
  • Specialty Field: Display Optical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Optical Engineer at Apple Inc.
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Southern California
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: 74
  • Number of Reviews: 24
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2022
  • Case Approved: 10/2022
Engineering & Technology0-100-10021-30NIWNoNo
NIW #989
  • Specialty Field: Animal Science, Nutrition
  • Affiliation: Postdoc at Purdue University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Purdue University
  • Number of Publications: 19
  • Number of Citations: 623
  • Number of Reviews: 23
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2021
  • Case Approved: 10/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine16-20500+21-30NIWNoNo
NIW #990
  • Specialty Field: Pharmaceutical Science
  • Affiliation: Clinical and Regulatory Specialist at a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Connecticut
  • Number of Publications: 6
  • Number of Citations: 47
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2022
  • Case Approved: 10/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine0-100-100NIWNoNo
NIW #991
  • Specialty Field: Computational Physics
  • Affiliation: Software Development Engineer at Amazon
  • Education: Ph.D. from Penn State University
  • Number of Publications: 6
  • Number of Citations: 287
  • Number of Reviews: 14
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2022
  • Case Approved: 10/2022
Computer Science & Data Analytics, Physical Sciences0-10201-30010-15NIWNoNo
NIW #992
  • Specialty Field: Population Genetics, Medical Genetics
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Fellow at a Cancer Research Center
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Number of Publications: 18
  • Number of Citations: 903
  • Number of Reviews: 8
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2021
  • Case Approved: 10/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine16-20500+0-10NIWNoNo
NIW #993
  • Specialty Field: Dermatology and Oral Medicine
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral researcher at University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
  • Education: Ph.D. from a Medical University in Asia
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: 83
  • Number of Reviews: 1
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2021
  • Case Approved: 10/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine0-100-1000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #994
  • Specialty Field: Infection Biology
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Chicago
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Costa Rica
  • Number of Publications: 5
  • Number of Citations: 104
  • Number of Reviews: 1
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2022
  • Case Approved: 10/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10100-2000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #995
  • Specialty Field: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Researcher at National Institutes of Health
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Science and Technology of China
  • Number of Publications: 5
  • Number of Citations: 55
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2022
  • Case Approved: 10/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine0-100-100NIWNoNo
NIW #996
  • Specialty Field: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Affiliation: Field Application Support Expert in a company in Shenzhen
  • Education: Ph.D. from Peking University, China
  • Number of Publications: 8
  • Number of Citations: ~250
  • Number of Reviews: 8
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2022
  • Case Approved: 10/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10201-3000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #997
  • Specialty Field: Climate Physics
  • Affiliation: Associate Research Scientist at Columbia University
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Southampton in the United Kingdom
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: 177
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2021
  • Case Approved: 10/2022
Environmental & Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences0-10100-200NIWNoNo
NIW #998
  • Specialty Field: Educational Psychology
  • Affiliation: Associate Professor in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Washington State University
  • Number of Publications: 15
  • Number of Citations: 268
  • Number of Reviews: 26
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2022
  • Case Approved: 10/2022
Social Sciences & Humanities10-15201-30021-30NIWNoNo
NIW #999
  • Specialty Field: Electrical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Senior Electrification Controls Innovation Engineer at a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Florida International University
  • Number of Publications: 16
  • Number of Citations: 293
  • Number of Reviews: 85
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2021
  • Case Approved: 10/2022
Engineering & Technology16-20201-30030+NIWNoNo
NIW #1000
  • Specialty Field: Microbiology
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Researcher at Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Tennessee
  • Number of Publications: 4
  • Number of Citations: 56
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 05/2022
  • Case Approved: 10/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine0-100-100NIWNoNo
EB-1 #1032
  • Specialty Field: Economics
  • Affiliation: Federal Reserve Bank Economist
  • Education: Ph.D. from Stanford University
  • Number of Publications: 14
  • Number of Citations: 178
  • Number of Reviews: 29
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2022
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Business & Economics10-15100-20021-30EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1033
  • Specialty Field: Electrical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Development Engineer at a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
  • Number of Publications: 17 (journal articles) + 6 (conference proceedings)
  • Number of Citations: 217
  • Number of Reviews: 150-160
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 04/2020
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Engineering & Technology16-20201-30030+EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #1034
  • Specialty Field: Mechanical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Assistant Professor at a U.S. university
  • Education: Ph.D. from Stony Brook University
  • Number of Publications: 25
  • Number of Citations: 554
  • Number of Reviews: >100
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2020
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Engineering & Technology21-30500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1035
  • Specialty Field: Cell biology, Biochemistry and Immunology
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Associate
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Madras, India
  • Number of Publications: 20
  • Number of Citations: 406
  • Number of Reviews: 11
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2022
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine16-20301-50010-15EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1036
  • Specialty Field: Engineering
  • Affiliation: Associate Professor at a university in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Shanghai Jiaotong University
  • Number of Publications: 24
  • Number of Citations: 1061
  • Number of Reviews: 38
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2022
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Engineering & Technology21-30500+30+EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1037
  • Specialty Field: Molecular Genetics
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Associate at University of Connecticut
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Number of Publications: 24
  • Number of Citations: 1061
  • Number of Reviews: 38
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2022
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30500+30+EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1040
  • Specialty Field: Biomedical Imaging/Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Scholar at University of California, San Francisco
  • Education: Ph.D. from Louisiana State University (LSU)
  • Number of Publications: 21
  • Number of Citations: 500
  • Number of Reviews: 26
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 05/2021
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30301-50021-30EB-1NoNo
NIW #952
  • Specialty Field: Interdisciplinary Theatre and Performance Studies (Arts and Humanities)
  • Affiliation: Teaching and Research Fellow at University of California, Santa Cruz
  • Education: Ph.D. from Bowling Green State University
  • Number of Publications: 1
  • Number of Citations: 0
  • Number of Reviews: 2
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2021
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Arts & Design, Social Sciences & Humanities0-100-1000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #953
  • Specialty Field: Immunology, Biological Sciences
  • Affiliation: Associate Director, Clinical Science at a Pharmaceutical company
  • Education: Ph.D. from University College Dublin, Ireland
  • Number of Publications: 12
  • Number of Citations: 373
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 11/2021
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15301-500NIWNoYes
NIW #954
  • Specialty Field: Computational chemistry
  • Affiliation: Post-doc research at Loyola University Chicago
  • Education: Ph.D. from Stevens Institute of Technology (SIT)
  • Number of Publications: 3
  • Number of Citations: 103
  • Number of Reviews: 0
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 01/2021
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science, Computer Science & Data Analytics0-10100-2000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #955
  • Specialty Field: Instrument Science and Engineering
  • Affiliation: Computer Vision Engineer at a company in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Shanghai Jiaotong University
  • Number of Publications: 8
  • Number of Citations: 67
  • Number of Reviews: 2
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 03/2021
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Engineering & Technology0-100-1000-10NIWNoYes
NIW #956
  • Specialty Field: Entomologist
  • Affiliation: Postdocs & Research Assistants at Michigan State University
  • Education: Ph.D. from South China Agricultural University (SCAU)
  • Number of Publications: 10
  • Number of Citations: 234
  • Number of Reviews: 0
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2021
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15201-3000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #957
  • Specialty Field: Statistics
  • Affiliation: Associate & VP at a bank
  • Education: Ph.D. from Columbia University
  • Number of Publications: 4
  • Number of Citations: 115
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2021
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Mathematics & Statistics0-10100-200NIWNoNo
NIW #958
  • Specialty Field: Biological Sciences
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Associate at University of Utah
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
  • Number of Publications: 6
  • Number of Citations: 365
  • Number of Reviews: 2
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2021
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10301-5000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #959
  • Specialty Field: Chemical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Postdoc researcher at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • Education: Ph.D. from the University of Tennessee
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: 67
  • Number of Reviews: 0
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2021
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Engineering & Technology0-100-1000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #960
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: Data Mining Scientist at a medical technology company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU)
  • Number of Publications: 27
  • Number of Citations: 95
  • Number of Reviews: 38
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2021
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Computer Science & Data Analytics21-300-10030+NIWNoNo
NIW #961
  • Specialty Field: Molecular Biology
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Associate at University of Southern California
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Southern California
  • Number of Publications: 8
  • Number of Citations: 180
  • Number of Reviews: 0
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2021
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10100-2000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #962
  • Specialty Field: Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Aerospace Polymer Materials
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Southern California (USC), M.S. from Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
  • Number of Publications: 35
  • Number of Citations: 293
  • Number of Reviews: 306
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2021
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Engineering & Technology30+201-30030+NIWNoNo
NIW #963
  • Specialty Field: Cancer Research
  • Affiliation: Visiting Scholar at University of Southern California
  • Education: Ph.D. from Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICCAS)
  • Number of Publications: 29
  • Number of Citations: 1768
  • Number of Reviews: 2
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2021
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30500+0-10NIWNoNo
NIW #964
  • Specialty Field: Electrochemical Biosensors
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Scholar at University of California San Diego
  • Education: Ph.D. from a university in Madrid, Spain
  • Number of Publications: 21
  • Number of Citations: 364
  • Number of Reviews: 10
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2022
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Engineering & Technology, Life Sciences & Medicine21-30301-50010-15NIWNoNo
NIW #965
  • Specialty Field: Neurobiology
  • Affiliation: Postdoc Fellow at Child Health Institute of New Jersey, RBHS-Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
  • Education: Ph.D. from Zhejiang University, China
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: 153
  • Number of Reviews: 1
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2022
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10100-2000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #966
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Research Assistant Professor at Northwestern University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Binghamton University, SUNY
  • Number of Publications: 37
  • Number of Citations: 765
  • Number of Reviews: 69
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2021
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science30+500+30+NIWNoNo
NIW #967
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Research Scientist at Eli Lilly
  • Education: Ph.D. from Indiana University Bloomington (IUB)
  • Number of Publications: 8
  • Number of Citations: 245
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2022
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science0-10201-300NIWNoNo
NIW #968
  • Specialty Field: Conventional and Renewable Energy Development
  • Affiliation: Senior Advisor at a company
  • Education: M.S. from University of Calgary, Canada
  • Number of Publications: 6
  • Number of Citations: 93
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2022
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Engineering & Technology, Environmental & Earth Sciences0-100-100NIWNoNo
NIW #969
  • Specialty Field: Chemical Biology
  • Affiliation: Research Assistant at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • Education: M.S. from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Number of Publications: 3
  • Number of Citations: 157
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2021
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science, Life Sciences & Medicine0-10100-200NIWNoNo
NIW #970
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Research Assistant at the University of Southern California
  • Education: Ph.D. from the University of Southern California
  • Number of Publications: 13
  • Number of Citations: 143
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 03/2022
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science10-15100-200NIWNoYes
NIW #971
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: Research Assistant at the University of Colorado
  • Education: M.A. from the University of Mexico
  • Number of Publications: 5
  • Number of Citations: 29
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2022
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Computer Science & Data Analytics0-100-100NIWNoNo
NIW #972
  • Specialty Field: Chemical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Senior Process Engineer at a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Connecticut
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 295
  • Number of Reviews: 3
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2022
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Engineering & Technology0-10201-3000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #973
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Life Science Consultant at a Healthcare company
  • Education: Ph.D. from The Ohio State University
  • Number of Publications: 11
  • Number of Citations: 150
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 01/2022
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science10-15100-200NIWNoNo
NIW #974
  • Specialty Field: Materials Science
  • Affiliation: Process Engineer at Lam Research Corporation
  • Education: Ph.D. from Northwestern University
  • Number of Publications: 20
  • Number of Citations: 1180
  • Number of Reviews: 26
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2021
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science16-20500+21-30NIWNoNo
NIW #975
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Researcher at the Oregon Health and Science University
  • Education: Ph.D. from the University of La Lagun, Spain
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 155
  • Number of Reviews: 18
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2021
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science0-10100-20016-20NIWNoNo
NIW #976
  • Specialty Field: Pharmaceutical Science Chemical Biology
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Fellow at City of Hope National Medical Center
  • Education: Ph.D. from Peking University in China
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 290
  • Number of Reviews: 12
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2021
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science, Life Sciences & Medicine0-10201-30010-15NIWNoNo
NIW #977
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Researcher at Department of Nanoengineering, University of California San Diego
  • Education: Ph.D. from Pusan National University (South Korea)
  • Number of Publications: 15
  • Number of Citations: 418
  • Number of Reviews: 3
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2021
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science10-15301-5000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #978
  • Specialty Field: Cognitive Psychology and Neuroscience
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Visiting Fellow at National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), National Institutes of Health
  • Education: Ph.D. from The Dresden University of Technology in Germany
  • Number of Publications: 20
  • Number of Citations: 371
  • Number of Reviews: 17
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2022
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine, Social Sciences & Humanities16-20301-50016-20NIWNoNo
NIW #979
  • Specialty Field: Materials Science and Nanotechnology
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Associate at Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • Education: Ph.D. from Purdue University
  • Number of Publications: 32
  • Number of Citations: 768
  • Number of Reviews: 12
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 05/2022
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science, Engineering & Technology30+500+10-15NIWNoNo
NIW #980
  • Specialty Field: Veterinary Medicine
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research fellow at University of Iowa
  • Education: Ph.D. from Yangzhou University in China
  • Number of Publications: 33
  • Number of Citations: 576
  • Number of Reviews: 68
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2021
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine30+500+30+NIWNoNo
NIW #982
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Graduate Research Assistant at University of Georgia
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Georgia
  • Number of Publications: 4
  • Number of Citations: 156
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2021
  • Case Approved: 09/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science0-10100-200NIWNoNo
EB-1 #1029
  • Specialty Field: Genetics and Reproduction Research
  • Affiliation: Scientist in a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Texas Tech University
  • Number of Publications: 25
  • Number of Citations: 491
  • Number of Reviews: 40
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2021
  • Case Approved: 08/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30301-50030+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1030
  • Specialty Field: Computational Chemistry/Biophysics
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Fellow at Virginia Commonwealth University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Osmania University (Hyderabad, INDIA)
  • Number of Publications: 23
  • Number of Citations: 573
  • Number of Reviews: 48
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2022
  • Case Approved: 08/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science21-30500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1031
  • Specialty Field: Electronic Engineering
  • Affiliation: New Jersey Institute of Technology
  • Education: Ph.D. from New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)
  • Number of Publications: 24
  • Number of Citations: 935
  • Number of Reviews: 115
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2021
  • Case Approved: 08/2022
Engineering & Technology21-30500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1038
  • Specialty Field: Communication And Information Systems
  • Affiliation: Associate Professor in Civil Engineering and Architecture in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Beihang University
  • Number of Publications: 30
  • Number of Citations: 153
  • Number of Reviews: 13
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 08/2022
  • Case Approved: 08/2022
Engineering & Technology21-30100-20010-15EB-1YesYes
EB-1 #1039
  • Specialty Field: Bioimaging Research
  • Affiliation: Senior Fellow at University of Washington
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Washington
  • Number of Publications: 35
  • Number of Citations: 1025
  • Number of Reviews: 15
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 09/2020
  • Case Approved: 08/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine30+500+10-15EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #1063
  • Specialty Field: Business, Management
  • Affiliation: General Manager of a company in Shenzhen, China
  • Education: Bachelor's degree equivalent
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: N/A
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2021
  • Case Approved: 08/2022
Business & Economics0-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1064
  • Specialty Field: Material Science
  • Affiliation: University of Tennessee, Knoxville
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Puerto Rico
  • Number of Publications: 44
  • Number of Citations: 792
  • Number of Reviews: 28
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2022
  • Case Approved: 08/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science30+500+21-30EB-1YesNo
NIW #933
  • Specialty Field: Electrical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Research Assistant at University of Southern California (USC)
  • Education: Ph.D. candidate from University of Southern California (USC)
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 99
  • Number of Reviews: 14
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2022
  • Case Approved: 08/2022
Engineering & Technology0-100-10010-15NIWNoNo
NIW #934
  • Specialty Field: Electrical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Embedded Software Engineer at a company
  • Education: Master in Electrical Engineering
  • Number of Publications: 8
  • Number of Citations: 122
  • Number of Reviews: 28
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2019
  • Case Approved: 08/2022
Engineering & Technology0-10100-20021-30NIWNoNo
NIW #935
  • Specialty Field: Mechanical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Autonomous Engineer at ISUZU Technical Center of America
  • Education: Ph.D. from Oakland University
  • Number of Publications: 12
  • Number of Citations: 306
  • Number of Reviews: 1
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2021
  • Case Approved: 08/2022
Engineering & Technology10-15301-5000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #936
  • Specialty Field: Management Science and Engineering
  • Affiliation: Professor in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Wuhan University of Technology
  • Number of Publications: 46
  • Number of Citations: 630
  • Number of Reviews: 45
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 07/2021
  • Case Approved: 08/2022
Engineering & Technology30+500+30+NIWNoYes
NIW #937
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: Senior Research Scientist at a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Brown University
  • Number of Publications: 10
  • Number of Citations: 107
  • Number of Reviews: 30
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2021
  • Case Approved: 08/2022
Computer Science & Data Analytics10-15100-20021-30NIWNoNo
NIW #938
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: Ph.D. candidate at the University of Pennsylvania
  • Education: M.S. from University of Pennsylvania
  • Number of Publications: 10
  • Number of Citations: 338
  • Number of Reviews: 3
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2022
  • Case Approved: 08/2022
Computer Science & Data Analytics10-15301-5000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #939
  • Specialty Field: Organic/Medicinal Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Scientist at Amgen
  • Education: Ph.D. from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
  • Number of Publications: 10
  • Number of Citations: 87
  • Number of Reviews: 24
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2021
  • Case Approved: 08/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science10-150-10021-30NIWNoNo
NIW #940
  • Specialty Field: Medical Science
  • Affiliation: Research Instructor at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
  • Education: M.D. from a Medical University; Ph.D. from Sun Yat-sen University, China
  • Number of Publications: 14
  • Number of Citations: 347
  • Number of Reviews: 3
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2021
  • Case Approved: 08/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15301-5000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #941
  • Specialty Field: Microbiology & Immunology
  • Affiliation: Scientist in a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from George Washington University
  • Number of Publications: 3
  • Number of Citations: 14
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 05/2021
  • Case Approved: 08/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine0-100-100NIWNoNo
NIW #942
  • Specialty Field: Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Affiliation: Research Scientist II (Senior Engineer) at the Electric Power Research Institute
  • Education: Ph.D. from Florida International University
  • Number of Publications: 10
  • Number of Citations: 150
  • Number of Reviews: 18
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2021
  • Case Approved: 08/2022
Engineering & Technology10-15100-20016-20NIWNoNo
NIW #943
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Researcher at Yale University
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Virginia (UVA)
  • Number of Publications: 11
  • Number of Citations: 644
  • Number of Reviews: 38
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2022
  • Case Approved: 08/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science10-15500+30+NIWNoNo
NIW #944
  • Specialty Field: Periodontology (Clinical)
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Researcher at the National Heart, Lung, Blood Institute (NHLBI)
  • Education: Ph.D. from Nippon Dental University in Tokyo, Japan
  • Number of Publications: 114
  • Number of Citations: 1078
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2021
  • Case Approved: 08/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine30+500+NIWNoNo
NIW #945
  • Specialty Field: Biomedical Research
  • Affiliation: Research Associate at Weill Cornell Medical Collage
  • Education: Ph.D. from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel
  • Number of Publications: 10
  • Number of Citations: 1078
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2022
  • Case Approved: 08/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15500+NIWNoNo
NIW #946
  • Specialty Field: Materials Science and Statistical Mechanics
  • Affiliation: Senior Data Scientist at Pinterest, Inc.
  • Education: Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Number of Publications: 5
  • Number of Citations: 597
  • Number of Reviews: 30
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2020
  • Case Approved: 08/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science, Mathematics & Statistics0-10500+21-30NIWNoNo
NIW #947
  • Specialty Field: Polymer Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoc Researcher at University of Notre Dame
  • Education: Ph.D. from Purdue University
  • Number of Publications: 4
  • Number of Citations: 122
  • Number of Reviews: 21
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2021
  • Case Approved: 08/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science0-10100-20021-30NIWNoNo
NIW #948
  • Specialty Field: Computational Biology
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral researcher at the University of California Berkeley
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of California Los Angeles
  • Number of Publications: 18
  • Number of Citations: 352
  • Number of Reviews: 4
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2021
  • Case Approved: 08/2022
Computer Science & Data Analytics, Life Sciences & Medicine16-20301-5000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #949
  • Specialty Field: Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy
  • Affiliation: Associate Professor in a medical school in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Institute of Toxicology and Pharmacology in China
  • Number of Publications: 23
  • Number of Citations: 292
  • Number of Reviews: 25
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 05/2022
  • Case Approved: 08/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30201-30021-30NIWNoNo
NIW #950
  • Specialty Field: Engineering Science
  • Affiliation: Principal Engineer at a financial company
  • Education: Master from The University of Sussex
  • Number of Publications: 6
  • Number of Citations: N/A
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2022
  • Case Approved: 08/2022
Engineering & Technology0-10NIWNoNo
NIW #951
  • Specialty Field: Engineering Science
  • Affiliation: Principal Research Scientist at a health informatics company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Pennsylvania State University
  • Number of Publications: 21
  • Number of Citations: 342
  • Number of Reviews: 24
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2021
  • Case Approved: 08/2022
Engineering & Technology21-30301-50021-30NIWNoNo
NIW #981
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Associate at NIDCR, NIH
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of California, San Diego
  • Number of Publications: 20
  • Number of Citations: 811
  • Number of Reviews: 10
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2021
  • Case Approved: 08/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science16-20500+10-15NIWNoNo
EB-1 #1022
  • Specialty Field: Medical Research
  • Affiliation: Research Assistant Professor at Northwestern University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Sun Yat-Sen University, China
  • Number of Publications: 19
  • Number of Citations: 513
  • Number of Reviews: 9
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2022
  • Case Approved: 07/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine16-20500+0-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1023
  • Specialty Field: Physics
  • Affiliation: University Lecturer at a university in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Shandong University, China
  • Number of Publications: 21
  • Number of Citations: 313
  • Number of Reviews: 6
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2021
  • Case Approved: 07/2022
Physical Sciences21-30301-5000-10EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1024
  • Specialty Field: MS-based Proteomics and Bioanalysis Research
  • Affiliation: Research Scientist at University at Buffalo, State University of New York
  • Education: Ph.D. from University at Buffalo, State University of New York
  • Number of Publications: 8
  • Number of Citations: 450
  • Number of Reviews: 21
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 05/2021
  • Case Approved: 07/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10301-50021-30EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1025
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Researcher at Yale University
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Virginia (UVA)
  • Number of Publications: 11
  • Number of Citations: 644
  • Number of Reviews: 38
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2022
  • Case Approved: 07/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science10-15500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1026
  • Specialty Field: Cancer Research
  • Affiliation: Visiting Scholar at University of Southern California
  • Education: Ph.D. from Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICCAS)
  • Number of Publications: 29
  • Number of Citations: 1768
  • Number of Reviews: 2
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2021
  • Case Approved: 07/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30500+0-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1027
  • Specialty Field: Cancer Biology
  • Affiliation: Instructor at Weill Cornell Medicine
  • Education: Ph.D. from Chungnam National University, Korea
  • Number of Publications: 22
  • Number of Citations: 654
  • Number of Reviews: 11
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2021
  • Case Approved: 07/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30500+10-15EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1028
  • Specialty Field: Computational Materials Science
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Associate at University of Maryland, College Park
  • Education: Ph.D. from Tsinghua University
  • Number of Publications: 19
  • Number of Citations: 216
  • Number of Reviews: 11
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 04/2022
  • Case Approved: 07/2022
Computer Science & Data Analytics16-20201-30010-15EB-1YesYes
EB-1 #1061
  • Specialty Field: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Affiliation: Research Specialist at University of Michigan
  • Education: Ph.D. from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Number of Publications: 23
  • Number of Citations: 1118
  • Number of Reviews: 13
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2020
  • Case Approved: 07/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30500+10-15EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1062
  • Specialty Field: Neuroendocrinology
  • Affiliation: Research Fellow at National Institutes of Health
  • Education: Ph.D. from King's College London in the United Kingdom
  • Number of Publications: 13
  • Number of Citations: 279
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2022
  • Case Approved: 07/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15201-300EB-1NoNo
NIW #918
  • Specialty Field: Chemical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Houston
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Houston
  • Number of Publications: 6
  • Number of Citations: 20
  • Number of Reviews: 3
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2021
  • Case Approved: 07/2022
Engineering & Technology0-100-1000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #919
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: A company in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: 393
  • Number of Reviews: 2
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2022
  • Case Approved: 07/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science0-10301-5000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #920
  • Specialty Field: Civil Engineering
  • Affiliation: Engineer at a Consulting Engineers
  • Education: Ph.D. from Georgia Institute of Technology (GT)
  • Number of Publications: 5
  • Number of Citations: 30
  • Number of Reviews: 6
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2022
  • Case Approved: 07/2022
Engineering & Technology0-100-1000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #921
  • Specialty Field: Research Scientist
  • Affiliation: Quantum Information and Quantum Optics Quest Scientist at National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
  • Education: Ph.D. from Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Morocco
  • Number of Publications: 27
  • Number of Citations: 322
  • Number of Reviews: 2
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2022
  • Case Approved: 07/2022
NIW #922
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Fellow at Northwestern University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Texas A&M University
  • Number of Publications: 32
  • Number of Citations: 726
  • Number of Reviews: 46
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2019
  • Case Approved: 07/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science30+500+30+NIWNoNo
NIW #923
  • Specialty Field: RNA Biology
  • Affiliation: Staff Scientist in University of Rochester
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Tokyo
  • Number of Publications: 10
  • Number of Citations: 380
  • Number of Reviews: 5
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2021
  • Case Approved: 07/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15301-5000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #924
  • Specialty Field: Medical Science
  • Affiliation: Virologist at Yale University
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Tokyo
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 330
  • Number of Reviews: 1
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2022
  • Case Approved: 07/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10301-5000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #925
  • Specialty Field: Building Science
  • Affiliation: Senior Scientific Engineering Associate at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • Education: M.S. from Carnegie Mellon University
  • Number of Publications: 16
  • Number of Citations: 46
  • Number of Reviews: 21
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2021
  • Case Approved: 07/2022
Engineering & Technology16-200-10021-30NIWNoNo
NIW #926
  • Specialty Field: Bioinformatics
  • Affiliation: Data Scientist at a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Houston, Texas
  • Number of Publications: 4
  • Number of Citations: 12
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 05/2021
  • Case Approved: 07/2022
Computer Science & Data Analytics, Life Sciences & Medicine0-100-100NIWNoNo
NIW #927
  • Specialty Field: Cancer Biology
  • Affiliation: Instructor at Weill Cornell Medicine
  • Education: Ph.D. from Chungnam National University, Korea
  • Number of Publications: 22
  • Number of Citations: 654
  • Number of Reviews: 11
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2021
  • Case Approved: 07/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30500+10-15NIWNoNo
NIW #928
  • Specialty Field: Molecular Plant Biology
  • Affiliation: Postdoc Associate at Oklahoma State University
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Number of Publications: 11
  • Number of Citations: 92
  • Number of Reviews: 5
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2022
  • Case Approved: 07/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine10-150-1000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #929
  • Specialty Field: Quantitative Research
  • Affiliation: Research Statistician at the Ohio State University
  • Education: Ph.D. from the Ohio State University
  • Number of Publications: 6
  • Number of Citations: 86
  • Number of Reviews: 6
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2021
  • Case Approved: 07/2022
Mathematics & Statistics0-100-1000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #930
  • Specialty Field: Medicine in Dentistry
  • Affiliation: Orofacial Pain Specialist at Washington Jaw & Facial Surgery
  • Education: D.D.S. from Peking University, School of Stomatology, China
  • Number of Publications: 6
  • Number of Citations: 201
  • Number of Reviews: 4
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2022
  • Case Approved: 07/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10201-3000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #931
  • Specialty Field: Biomedical Research
  • Affiliation: Resident Physician at Harvard Medical School
  • Education: M.D. from Yale University School of Medicine
  • Number of Publications: 10
  • Number of Citations: 180
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2021
  • Case Approved: 07/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15100-200NIWNoNo
NIW #932
  • Specialty Field: Civil Engineering
  • Affiliation: Assistant Professor at University of North Carolina
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Toronto, Canada
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 522
  • Number of Reviews: 58
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2021
  • Case Approved: 07/2022
Engineering & Technology0-10500+30+NIWNoNo
EB-1 #1020
  • Specialty Field: Biological Sciences
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Associate at University of Utah
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
  • Number of Publications: 6
  • Number of Citations: 365
  • Number of Reviews: 2
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2021
  • Case Approved: 06/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10301-5000-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1021
  • Specialty Field: Building Thermal Environments and Energy-Saving Technologies
  • Affiliation: Research Scientist at The University of Tokyo, Japan; Associate Professor at a Chinese University
  • Education: Ph.D. from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Number of Publications: >40
  • Number of Citations: 1831
  • Number of Reviews: 22
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2022
  • Case Approved: 06/2022
Engineering & Technology30+500+21-30EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1059
  • Specialty Field: Physical Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Associate at Carnegie Mellon University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Number of Publications: 19
  • Number of Citations: 908
  • Number of Reviews: 89
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 05/2021
  • Case Approved: 06/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science16-20500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1060
  • Specialty Field: Materials Science and Statistical Mechanics
  • Affiliation: Senior Data Scientist at Pinterest, Inc.
  • Education: Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Number of Publications: 5
  • Number of Citations: 597
  • Number of Reviews: 30
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2020
  • Case Approved: 06/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science0-10500+21-30EB-1NoNo
NIW #908
  • Specialty Field: Educational Technology
  • Affiliation: Associate professor at a university of China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Beijing Normal University of China
  • Number of Publications: 43
  • Number of Citations: 1783
  • Number of Reviews: 87
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 03/2021
  • Case Approved: 06/2022
Engineering & Technology30+500+30+NIWNoYes
NIW #909
  • Specialty Field: Environmental Science
  • Affiliation: Northwest A&F University
  • Education: Ph.D. from China Agricultural University (CAU)
  • Number of Publications: 71
  • Number of Citations: 1333
  • Number of Reviews: 19
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 11/2020
  • Case Approved: 06/2022
Environmental & Earth Sciences30+500+16-20NIWNoYes
NIW #910
  • Specialty Field: Plant Biology
  • Affiliation: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at Hong Kong Baptist University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Hong Kong Baptist University
  • Number of Publications: 14
  • Number of Citations: 227
  • Number of Reviews: 4
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 01/2022
  • Case Approved: 06/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15201-3000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #911
  • Specialty Field: Economics
  • Affiliation: N/A
  • Education: Ph.D. from SUNY Stony Brook University
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: 5
  • Number of Reviews: 1
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2021
  • Case Approved: 06/2022
Business & Economics0-100-1000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #912
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: Research and Lecturer at Mahidol University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Kasetsart University
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 9
  • Number of Reviews: 3
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2021
  • Case Approved: 06/2022
Computer Science & Data Analytics0-100-1000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #913
  • Specialty Field: Organic Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Associate at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
  • Education: Ph.D. from Peking University (PKU)
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: 119
  • Number of Reviews: 29
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2021
  • Case Approved: 06/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science0-10100-20021-30NIWNoNo
NIW #914
  • Specialty Field: Regulatory Compliance
  • Affiliation: Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer in a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Peking University in China
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: 214
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2022
  • Case Approved: 06/2022
Business & Economics0-10201-300NIWNoNo
NIW #915
  • Specialty Field: Medical Sciences
  • Affiliation: Staff Scientist at National Institutes of Health
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Number of Publications: 29
  • Number of Citations: 1467
  • Number of Reviews: 4
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2021
  • Case Approved: 06/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30500+0-10NIWNoNo
NIW #916
  • Specialty Field: Zoology
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Fellowship at University of Maryland
  • Education: Ph.D. from Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
  • Number of Publications: 12
  • Number of Citations: 583
  • Number of Reviews: 7
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2021
  • Case Approved: 06/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15500+0-10NIWNoNo
NIW #917
  • Specialty Field: Mechanical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Mechanical Engineer at a U.S. company
  • Education: Ph.D. from The University of Alabama
  • Number of Publications: 5
  • Number of Citations: 170
  • Number of Reviews: 5
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2021
  • Case Approved: 06/2022
Engineering & Technology0-10100-2000-10NIWNoNo
EB-1 #1008
  • Specialty Field: Medicine
  • Affiliation: Deputy Director of China National Health Development Research Center
  • Education: Master of Medicine from Peking Union Medical College
  • Number of Publications: 19
  • Number of Citations: 880
  • Number of Reviews: 5
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 05/2021
  • Case Approved: 05/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine16-20500+0-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1009
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry (Computational and Theoretical)
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral researcher in Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and UC Berkeley
  • Education: Ph.D. from Tsinghua University
  • Number of Publications: 45
  • Number of Citations: 1114
  • Number of Reviews: 8
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2021
  • Case Approved: 05/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science30+500+0-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1010
  • Specialty Field: Pulp and Paper-making Engineering/Wood Science and Technology
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral associate at University of Maryland, College Park
  • Education: Ph.D. from South China University of China (SCUT)
  • Number of Publications: 51
  • Number of Citations: 2246
  • Number of Reviews: 14
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2021
  • Case Approved: 05/2022
Engineering & Technology30+500+10-15EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1011
  • Specialty Field: Electric Engineering
  • Affiliation: Professor in a university in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Huazhong University of Science and Technology
  • Number of Publications: 33
  • Number of Citations: 996
  • Number of Reviews: 81
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 05/2021
  • Case Approved: 05/2022
Engineering & Technology30+500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1012
  • Specialty Field: Population Genetics, Medical Genetics
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Number of Publications: 18
  • Number of Citations: 903
  • Number of Reviews: 8
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2021
  • Case Approved: 05/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine16-20500+0-10EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1013
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoc Researcher at University of Texas at Austin
  • Education: Ph.D. from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
  • Number of Publications: 20
  • Number of Citations: 715
  • Number of Reviews: 30
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 12/2021
  • Case Approved: 05/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science16-20500+21-30EB-1YesYes
EB-1 #1014
  • Specialty Field: Biomedical research
  • Affiliation: Senior Research Scientist at a Research Institute
  • Education: Ph.D. from The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Number of Publications: 33
  • Number of Citations: 460
  • Number of Reviews: 11
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2020
  • Case Approved: 05/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine30+301-50010-15EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1015
  • Specialty Field: Geographical Sciences and Remote Sensing
  • Affiliation: Post-doctoral Associate at the University of Maryland
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Maryland
  • Number of Publications: 19
  • Number of Citations: 293
  • Number of Reviews: 20
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2021
  • Case Approved: 05/2022
Environmental & Earth Sciences16-20201-30016-20EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1016
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Fellow at Northwestern University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Texas A&M University
  • Number of Publications: 32
  • Number of Citations: 726
  • Number of Reviews: 46
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 03/2020
  • Case Approved: 05/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science30+500+30+EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #1017
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoc Researcher at University of Texas at Austin
  • Education: Ph.D. from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
  • Number of Publications: 20
  • Number of Citations: 689
  • Number of Reviews: 30
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 12/2021
  • Case Approved: 05/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science16-20500+21-30EB-1YesYes
EB-1 #1019
  • Specialty Field: Organic Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Researcher at University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of California, Berkeley
  • Number of Publications: 19
  • Number of Citations: 1601
  • Number of Reviews: 22
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2021
  • Case Approved: 05/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science16-20500+21-30EB-1NoNo
NIW #907
  • Specialty Field: Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Appointee in Argonne National Laboratory
  • Education: Ph.D. from State University of New York-Stony Brook
  • Number of Publications: 22
  • Number of Citations: 126
  • Number of Reviews: 3
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2021
  • Case Approved: 05/2022
Physical Sciences21-30100-2000-10NIWNoNo
EB-1 #998
  • Specialty Field: Traditional Chinese Pharmacology
  • Affiliation: General Manager of a Chinese company
  • Education: N/A
  • Number of Publications: N/A
  • Number of Citations: N/A
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2020
  • Case Approved: 04/2022
Life Sciences & MedicineEB-1NoNo
EB-1 #999
  • Specialty Field: Medical Science
  • Affiliation: Research Fellow at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Number of Publications: 12
  • Number of Citations: 823
  • Number of Reviews: 5
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2022
  • Case Approved: 04/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15500+0-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1000
  • Specialty Field: Environmental Science
  • Affiliation: A university in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Northwest A&F University (NAFU)
  • Number of Publications: 114
  • Number of Citations: 1679
  • Number of Reviews: 53
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 01/2022
  • Case Approved: 04/2022
Environmental & Earth Sciences30+500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1003
  • Specialty Field: Translational Medical Research
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Researcher at George Washington University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Fudan University, China
  • Number of Publications: 24
  • Number of Citations: 754
  • Number of Reviews: 9
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 01/2021
  • Case Approved: 04/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30500+0-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1004
  • Specialty Field: Microbial Ecology
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Researcher at The Ohio State University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Number of Publications: 29
  • Number of Citations: 429
  • Number of Reviews: 10
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2021
  • Case Approved: 04/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30301-50010-15EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1005
  • Specialty Field: Biochemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Fellow at The Wistar Institute
  • Education: Ph.D. from North Dakota State University
  • Number of Publications: 11
  • Number of Citations: 398
  • Number of Reviews: 20
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2020
  • Case Approved: 04/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15301-50016-20EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #1006
  • Specialty Field: Dental Medicine
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Harvard University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Sichuan University, China
  • Number of Publications: 35
  • Number of Citations: 480
  • Number of Reviews: 53
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2020
  • Case Approved: 04/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine30+301-50030+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1007
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Associate at Howard Hughes Medical Institute/UC Berkeley
  • Education: Ph.D. from Harvard University
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 937
  • Number of Reviews: 43
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 11/2021
  • Case Approved: 04/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science0-10500+30+EB-1YesYes
EB-1 #1018
  • Specialty Field: Organic Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Scholar at Broad Institutes of MIT and Harvard and Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Pennsylvania
  • Number of Publications: 15
  • Number of Citations: 476
  • Number of Reviews: 17
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2022
  • Case Approved: 04/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science10-15301-50016-20EB-1NoNo
NIW #900
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: A company in Shanghai, China
  • Education: Ph.D. from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Number of Publications: 11
  • Number of Citations: 860
  • Number of Reviews: 112
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2021
  • Case Approved: 04/2022
Computer Science & Data Analytics10-15500+30+NIWNoNo
NIW #901
  • Specialty Field: Materials Science
  • Affiliation: Scientist at a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Number of Publications: 5
  • Number of Citations: 247
  • Number of Reviews: 3
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2019
  • Case Approved: 04/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science0-10201-3000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #902
  • Specialty Field: Cardiology, Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Affiliation: A medical center in the U.S.
  • Education: MD and PhD from Medical School in China
  • Number of Publications: 35
  • Number of Citations: 224
  • Number of Reviews: 19
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2021
  • Case Approved: 04/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine30+201-30016-20NIWNoNo
NIW #903
  • Specialty Field: Transportation Engineering
  • Affiliation: Transportation Engineer at a U.S. company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Auburn University
  • Number of Publications: 8
  • Number of Citations: 20
  • Number of Reviews: 19
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2021
  • Case Approved: 04/2022
Engineering & Technology0-100-10016-20NIWNoNo
NIW #904
  • Specialty Field: Software Engineering
  • Affiliation: Lead Software Engineer at an IT company
  • Education: Master from University of Regina, Canada
  • Number of Publications: 5
  • Number of Citations: 58
  • Number of Reviews: 0
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2021
  • Case Approved: 04/2022
Engineering & Technology0-100-1000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #905
  • Specialty Field: Applied physics
  • Affiliation: University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
  • Education: Ph.D. from New Jersey Institute of Technology
  • Number of Publications: 4
  • Number of Citations: 19
  • Number of Reviews: 0
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2020
  • Case Approved: 04/2022
Physical Sciences0-100-1000-10NIWNoNo
NIW #906
  • Specialty Field: Gynecologic Oncology & Cancer Biology, Biology of cardiac arrhythmias
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral fellow at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
  • Education: Ph.D. and MD from Tel Aviv University, Israel
  • Number of Publications: 13
  • Number of Citations: 325
  • Number of Reviews: 2
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2020
  • Case Approved: 04/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15301-5000-10NIWNoNo
EB-1 #991
  • Specialty Field: Nanomedicine
  • Affiliation: Postdoc Researcher at University of Rhode Island
  • Education: Ph.D. from City University of Hong Kong
  • Number of Publications: 26
  • Number of Citations: ~1,100
  • Number of Reviews: 11
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2021
  • Case Approved: 03/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30500+10-15EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #992
  • Specialty Field: Instrument and Meter Engineering
  • Affiliation: Biomedical Scientist in the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB), National Institutes of Health (NIH)
  • Education: Ph.D. from Zhejiang University, China
  • Number of Publications: 18
  • Number of Citations: 315
  • Number of Reviews: 22
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2021
  • Case Approved: 03/2022
Engineering & Technology16-20301-50021-30EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #993
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: Assistant Professor at University of Texas
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Pittsburgh
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 400
  • Number of Reviews: >50
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2021
  • Case Approved: 03/2022
Computer Science & Data Analytics0-10301-50030+EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #994
  • Specialty Field: Environmental Epidemiology
  • Affiliation: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at National Institutes of Health
  • Education: Ph.D. from Fudan University, China
  • Number of Publications: 42
  • Number of Citations: 1525
  • Number of Reviews: 34
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2021
  • Case Approved: 03/2022
Environmental & Earth Sciences30+500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #995
  • Specialty Field: Bioinformatics
  • Affiliation: Staff Scientist in National Institutes of Health
  • Education: Ph.D. from Zhejiang University, China
  • Number of Publications: N/A
  • Number of Citations: 1385
  • Number of Reviews: 38
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 01/2021
  • Case Approved: 03/2022
Computer Science & Data Analytics500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #996
  • Specialty Field: Material Physics & Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Principal Investigator at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
  • Education: Ph.D. from Fudan University, China
  • Number of Publications: 33
  • Number of Citations: 1232
  • Number of Reviews: 53
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2021
  • Case Approved: 03/2022
Chemistry & Materials Science30+500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #997
  • Specialty Field: Pathogen Biology
  • Affiliation: Associate Research Scientist at Yale School of Medicine
  • Education: Ph.D. from Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Number of Publications: 58
  • Number of Citations: 1522
  • Number of Reviews: 28
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 01/2021
  • Case Approved: 03/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine30+500+21-30EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1001
  • Specialty Field: Environmental Science
  • Affiliation: Northwest A&F University
  • Education: Ph.D. from China Agricultural University (CAU)
  • Number of Publications: 71
  • Number of Citations: 1333
  • Number of Reviews: 19
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 01/2022
  • Case Approved: 03/2022
Environmental & Earth Sciences30+500+16-20EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #1002
  • Specialty Field: Biomedical Sciences/Cell Biology and Molecular Biology
  • Affiliation: Associate Research Scientist at Yale University
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Lucknow, India in Biochemistry; Ph.D. From Kanazawa Medical University, Japan in Medical Sciences
  • Number of Publications: 48
  • Number of Citations: 1896
  • Number of Reviews: 24
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2022
  • Case Approved: 03/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine30+500+21-30EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #988
  • Specialty Field: Animal science/ Neuroendocrinology
  • Affiliation: UT Southwestern Medical Center University of Rochester
  • Education: Ph.D. from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (VT)
  • Number of Publications: 15
  • Number of Citations: 90 (Google Scholar) / 135(CNKI)
  • Number of Reviews: 18
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2020
  • Case Approved: 02/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine10-150-10016-20EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #989
  • Specialty Field: Chemical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Management Consultant at a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University
  • Number of Publications: 11
  • Number of Citations: 495
  • Number of Reviews: 22
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 01/2021
  • Case Approved: 02/2022
Engineering & Technology10-15301-50021-30EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #990
  • Specialty Field: Chemical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Research Associate at University of Southern California (USC)
  • Education: Ph.D. from Bose Institute/University of Calcutta, India
  • Number of Publications: 20
  • Number of Citations: 1172
  • Number of Reviews: >30
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 01/2021
  • Case Approved: 02/2022
Engineering & Technology16-20500+21-30EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #985
  • Specialty Field: Life Science
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Fellow at Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, San Diego Branch
  • Education: Ph.D. from Beijing Normal University (BNU)
  • Number of Publications: 27
  • Number of Citations: 1336
  • Number of Reviews: 30
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 10/2021
  • Case Approved: 01/2022
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30500+21-30EB-1YesYes
EB-1 #986
  • Specialty Field: Statistics
  • Affiliation: Research Fellow at a Research Institute
  • Education: Ph.D. from Columbia University
  • Number of Publications: 17
  • Number of Citations: 1050
  • Number of Reviews: 30
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2021
  • Case Approved: 01/2022
Mathematics & Statistics16-20500+21-30EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #987
  • Specialty Field: Materials Science and Engineering
  • Affiliation: Researcher, General Motors
  • Education: Ph.D. from Worcester Polytechnic Institute
  • Number of Publications: 30
  • Number of Citations: 800
  • Number of Reviews: 15
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2020
  • Case Approved: 01/2022
Engineering & Technology21-30500+10-15EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #976
  • Specialty Field: Animal Science
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Fellow at Michigan State University
  • Education: Ph.D. from China
  • Number of Publications: 28
  • Number of Citations: 286
  • Number of Reviews: 11
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 05/2020
  • Case Approved: 12/2021
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30201-30010-15EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #977
  • Specialty Field: Pathobiology
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research at National Institutes of Health
  • Education: Ph.D. from a U.S. University
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 180
  • Number of Reviews: 18
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2019
  • Case Approved: 12/2021
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10100-20016-20EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #978
  • Specialty Field: Cancer Biology
  • Affiliation: Research Scholar at a U.S. medical Center
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC)
  • Number of Publications: 27
  • Number of Citations: 652
  • Number of Reviews: 49
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 03/2021
  • Case Approved: 12/2021
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30500+30+EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #979
  • Specialty Field: Cancer and Immunology
  • Affiliation: Research Associate at a U.S. university
  • Education: Ph.D. from Peking University, China
  • Number of Publications: 25
  • Number of Citations: 280
  • Number of Reviews: 135
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2021
  • Case Approved: 12/2021
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30201-30030+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #980
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: IBM
  • Education: Ph.D. from College of William and Mary
  • Number of Publications: 8
  • Number of Citations: 953
  • Number of Reviews: 288
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2020
  • Case Approved: 12/2021
Computer Science & Data Analytics0-10500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #981
  • Specialty Field: Not specified
  • Affiliation: Research fellow at University of California Berkeley Advanced Fellow in Europe Tenure-track assistant professor in a U.S. university
  • Education: Ph.D. from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU)
  • Number of Publications: 25
  • Number of Citations: 449
  • Number of Reviews: 52
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2021
  • Case Approved: 12/2021
EB-1 #975
  • Specialty Field: Biomedical Science
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Associate at University of Maryland
  • Education: Ph.D. from a university in Asia
  • Number of Publications: 31
  • Number of Citations: 535
  • Number of Reviews: 17
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2020
  • Case Approved: 11/2021
Life Sciences & Medicine30+500+16-20EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #982
  • Specialty Field: Life Science (Medical Scientists)
  • Affiliation: Associate Research Scientist at Yale University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Jawaharlal Nehru. University, New Delhi, India
  • Number of Publications: 24
  • Number of Citations: 717
  • Number of Reviews: 12
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2021
  • Case Approved: 11/2021
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30500+10-15EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #984
  • Specialty Field: Materials Science
  • Affiliation: Scientific Editor at a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
  • Number of Publications: 8
  • Number of Citations: 383
  • Number of Reviews: 12
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2021
  • Case Approved: 11/2021
Chemistry & Materials Science0-10301-50010-15EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #971
  • Specialty Field: Pharmacology and Cell Biology
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Fellow at a U.S. Medical School
  • Education: Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University
  • Number of Publications: 14
  • Number of Citations: 349
  • Number of Reviews: 47
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 04/2020
  • Case Approved: 10/2021
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15301-50030+EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #972
  • Specialty Field: Computational Science & Engineering
  • Affiliation: Research Scientist at a U.S. company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Number of Publications: 36
  • Number of Citations: 3435
  • Number of Reviews: 206
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 07/2020
  • Case Approved: 10/2021
Computer Science & Data Analytics30+500+30+EB-1YesYes
EB-1 #973
  • Specialty Field: Mathematical Statistics
  • Affiliation: Researcher at the FDA
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Maryland, College Park
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: 236
  • Number of Reviews: 11
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2020
  • Case Approved: 10/2021
Mathematics & Statistics0-10201-30010-15EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #974
  • Specialty Field: Biotechnology
  • Affiliation: Associate Professor at a university in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • Number of Publications: 31
  • Number of Citations: 700
  • Number of Reviews: 34
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2020
  • Case Approved: 10/2021
Life Sciences & Medicine30+500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #983
  • Specialty Field: Biomedical Sciences
  • Affiliation: Biomedical Postdoctoral Staff/Boston University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Wuhan University
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: 90
  • Number of Reviews: 8
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2020
  • Case Approved: 10/2021
Life Sciences & Medicine0-100-1000-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #961
  • Specialty Field: Biological Sciences
  • Affiliation: Research Scientist at a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from South Dakota State University
  • Number of Publications: 12
  • Number of Citations: 477
  • Number of Reviews: 12
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2021
  • Case Approved: 09/2021
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15301-50010-15EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #962
  • Specialty Field: Medicinal Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Associate Scientist at a U.S. University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Ghent University, Belgium
  • Number of Publications: 13
  • Number of Citations: 383
  • Number of Reviews: 28
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2021
  • Case Approved: 09/2021
Chemistry & Materials Science10-15301-50021-30EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #963
  • Specialty Field: Biology
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Associate at a U.S. University
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Rochester
  • Number of Publications: 28
  • Number of Citations: 801
  • Number of Reviews: 31
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2020
  • Case Approved: 09/2021
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #964
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: Research Scientist at a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from the University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass Amherst)
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: 2971
  • Number of Reviews: 62
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2021
  • Case Approved: 09/2021
Computer Science & Data Analytics0-10500+30+EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #965
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: Applied Research Scientist at a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Tsinghua University, China
  • Number of Publications: 30
  • Number of Citations: 228
  • Number of Reviews: 72
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2020
  • Case Approved: 09/2021
Computer Science & Data Analytics21-30201-30030+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #966
  • Specialty Field: Medicinal Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Senior Scientist at a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Pittsburgh
  • Number of Publications: 4
  • Number of Citations: 300
  • Number of Reviews: 47
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 01/2020
  • Case Approved: 09/2021
Chemistry & Materials Science0-10201-30030+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #967
  • Specialty Field: Applied Science and Technology
  • Affiliation: Assistant Professor at a U.S. University
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of California at Berkeley
  • Number of Publications: 37
  • Number of Citations: 3372
  • Number of Reviews: 47
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2020
  • Case Approved: 09/2021
Engineering & Technology30+500+30+EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #969
  • Specialty Field: Bioinformatics
  • Affiliation: Thermo Fisher Scientific
  • Education: MS from University of Texas at Arlington
  • Number of Publications: 47
  • Number of Citations: 1168
  • Number of Reviews: 3
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2020
  • Case Approved: 09/2021
Computer Science & Data Analytics30+500+0-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #960
  • Specialty Field: Economics
  • Affiliation: Fund Manager in China
  • Education: Master's degree in China
  • Number of Publications: N/A
  • Number of Citations: N/A
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2019
  • Case Approved: 08/2021
Business & EconomicsEB-1NoNo
EB-1 #970
  • Specialty Field: Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering
  • Affiliation: A U.S. company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Washington University in St. Louis
  • Number of Publications: 18
  • Number of Citations: 651
  • Number of Reviews: 8
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2020
  • Case Approved: 08/2021
Engineering & Technology16-20500+0-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #955
  • Specialty Field: Biological Engineering
  • Affiliation: Senior Scientist at a pharmaceutical company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Cornell University
  • Number of Publications: 26
  • Number of Citations: 763
  • Number of Reviews: 46
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 06/2020
  • Case Approved: 07/2021
Engineering & Technology21-30500+30+EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #956
  • Specialty Field: Neuroscience
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Scholar at University of Southern California
  • Education: Ph.D. from a university in the U.S.
  • Number of Publications: 6
  • Number of Citations: 138
  • Number of Reviews: 103
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 06/2020
  • Case Approved: 07/2021
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10100-20030+EB-1YesYes
EB-1 #957
  • Specialty Field: Materials Science and Engineering
  • Affiliation: Process Engineer at Lam Research
  • Education: Ph.D. from a U.S. university
  • Number of Publications: 20
  • Number of Citations: 1180
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 04/2021
  • Case Approved: 07/2021
Engineering & Technology16-20500+EB-1YesYes
EB-1 #958
  • Specialty Field: Physics
  • Affiliation: Research Associate at Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • Education: Ph.D. from a U.S. university
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 235
  • Number of Reviews: 24
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 04/2020
  • Case Approved: 07/2021
Physical Sciences0-10201-30021-30EB-1YesYes
EB-1 #959
  • Specialty Field: Fundamental Physics
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Researcher at a U.S. University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Princeton University
  • Number of Publications: 11
  • Number of Citations: 460
  • Number of Reviews: 4
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2020
  • Case Approved: 07/2021
Physical Sciences10-15301-5000-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #968
  • Specialty Field: Ecosystem Ecology/ Biogeochemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Scholar at a U.S. University
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Number of Publications: 23
  • Number of Citations: 825
  • Number of Reviews: 22
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2020
  • Case Approved: 07/2021
Environmental & Earth Sciences21-30500+21-30EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #950
  • Specialty Field: Social Scientists and Relates works
  • Affiliation: Professor at a university in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from China
  • Number of Publications: 33
  • Number of Citations: >730
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2020
  • Case Approved: 06/2021
Social Sciences & Humanities30+500+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #951
  • Specialty Field: Agricultural Economics
  • Affiliation: Associate Professor in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from China
  • Number of Publications: 16
  • Number of Citations: 303
  • Number of Reviews: 22
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2020
  • Case Approved: 06/2021
Business & Economics16-20301-50021-30EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #953
  • Specialty Field: Cancer Immunotherapy
  • Affiliation: Research Associate at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Education: Ph.D. from China
  • Number of Publications: 12
  • Number of Citations: 380
  • Number of Reviews: 16
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 04/2021
  • Case Approved: 06/2021
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15301-50016-20EB-1YesYes
EB-1 #954
  • Specialty Field: Organic Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Researcher at a U.S. university
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Notre Dame
  • Number of Publications: 27
  • Number of Citations: 290
  • Number of Reviews: 52
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 03/2021
  • Case Approved: 06/2021
Chemistry & Materials Science21-30201-30030+EB-1YesYes
EB-1 #946
  • Specialty Field: Physics
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Associate at Boston University
  • Education: Ph.D. from a university in New York
  • Number of Publications: 20
  • Number of Citations: 574
  • Number of Reviews: 25
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2021
  • Case Approved: 05/2021
Physical Sciences16-20500+21-30EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #948
  • Specialty Field: Transport and Planning
  • Affiliation: Associate Professor in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from a university in the Netherlands
  • Number of Publications: 30
  • Number of Citations: 424
  • Number of Reviews: 8
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 07/2019
  • Case Approved: 05/2021
Engineering & Technology21-30301-5000-10EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #949
  • Specialty Field: Failure Analysis / Mechanical Engineering / Material Engineering
  • Affiliation: Failure Analysis Engineer in a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • Number of Publications: 34
  • Number of Citations: 1741
  • Number of Reviews: 19
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2020
  • Case Approved: 05/2021
Engineering & Technology30+500+16-20EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #937
  • Specialty Field: Sports
  • Affiliation: Sports Coach
  • Education: Institute for Athletes in China, received a four-year diploma
  • Number of Publications: N/A
  • Number of Citations: N/A
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 11/2020
  • Case Approved: 04/2021
Social Sciences & HumanitiesEB-1YesNo
EB-1 #938
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Fellow at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
  • Education: Ph.D. from a university in the U.S.
  • Number of Publications: 18
  • Number of Citations: 418
  • Number of Reviews: 21
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 02/2021
  • Case Approved: 04/2021
Chemistry & Materials Science16-20301-50021-30EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #939
  • Specialty Field: Computer Science
  • Affiliation: Ph.D. candidate at Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Education: M.Eng. from China
  • Number of Publications: 17
  • Number of Citations: ~1,000
  • Number of Reviews: 73
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2021
  • Case Approved: 04/2021
Computer Science & Data Analytics16-20500+30+EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #940
  • Specialty Field: Surface Science Research
  • Affiliation: Principle Investigator at a university in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from a university in Germany
  • Number of Publications: 30
  • Number of Citations: 685
  • Number of Reviews: 23
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2018
  • Case Approved: 04/2021
Chemistry & Materials Science21-30500+21-30EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #941
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Researcher at University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC)
  • Education: Ph.D. from a U.S. university
  • Number of Publications: 8
  • Number of Citations: 646
  • Number of Reviews: 28
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2020
  • Case Approved: 04/2021
Chemistry & Materials Science0-10500+21-30EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #942
  • Specialty Field: Biomedical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Assistant Professor in a U.S. Institute
  • Education: Ph.D. from a U.S. university
  • Number of Publications: 31
  • Number of Citations: 572
  • Number of Reviews: 26
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 03/2020
  • Case Approved: 04/2021
Engineering & Technology30+500+21-30EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #943
  • Specialty Field: Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the NIH
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Number of Publications: 14
  • Number of Citations: 211
  • Number of Reviews: 14
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 01/2019
  • Case Approved: 04/2021
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15201-30010-15EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #944
  • Specialty Field: Entomology
  • Affiliation: Postdoc at a U.S. university
  • Education: Ph.D. from Virginia Tech
  • Number of Publications: 5
  • Number of Citations: 50
  • Number of Reviews: 56
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2020
  • Case Approved: 04/2021
Life Sciences & Medicine0-100-10030+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #945
  • Specialty Field: Pharmacognosy
  • Affiliation: Medicine quality analysis/Associate Chief Pharmacist in an institute in China
  • Education: Master's degree from a university in China
  • Number of Publications: N/A
  • Number of Citations: N/A
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2020
  • Case Approved: 04/2021
Life Sciences & MedicineEB-1NoNo
EB-1 #930
  • Specialty Field: Physics
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Fellow at Florida State University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University
  • Number of Publications: 19
  • Number of Citations: 1373
  • Number of Reviews: 2
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 05/2020
  • Case Approved: 03/2021
Physical Sciences16-20500+0-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #931
  • Specialty Field: Neuroscience
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Maryland Baltimore
  • Education: Ph.D. from Fudan University, China
  • Number of Publications: 16
  • Number of Citations: 320
  • Number of Reviews: 15
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2020
  • Case Approved: 03/2021
Life Sciences & Medicine16-20301-50010-15EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #932
  • Specialty Field: Neuroscience
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral fellow at Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  • Education: Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 184
  • Number of Reviews: 5
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2019
  • Case Approved: 03/2021
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10100-2000-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #933
  • Specialty Field: Molecular Neuroscience
  • Affiliation: Assistant Neuroscientist at Harvard Medical School
  • Education: Ph.D. from Sun Yat-sen University, China
  • Number of Publications: 16
  • Number of Citations: 525
  • Number of Reviews: 35
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2020
  • Case Approved: 03/2021
Life Sciences & Medicine16-20500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #934
  • Specialty Field: Biomedical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
  • Education: Ph.D. from Peking University
  • Number of Publications: 12
  • Number of Citations: 280
  • Number of Reviews: 26
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2020
  • Case Approved: 03/2021
Engineering & Technology10-15201-30021-30EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #935
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral researcher at Princeton University
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Minnesota
  • Number of Publications: 37
  • Number of Citations: 881
  • Number of Reviews: 12
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 12/2019
  • Case Approved: 03/2021
Chemistry & Materials Science30+500+10-15EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #936
  • Specialty Field: Cellular and Molecular Biology
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Associate at a research institute
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Number of Publications: 7
  • Number of Citations: 1329
  • Number of Reviews: 17
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2020
  • Case Approved: 03/2021
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10500+16-20EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #952
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Fellow at Northwestern University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Brown University
  • Number of Publications: 20
  • Number of Citations: 1421
  • Number of Reviews: 21
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2020
  • Case Approved: 03/2021
Chemistry & Materials Science16-20500+21-30EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #922
  • Specialty Field: Neuroscience
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Pennsylvania
  • Education: Ph.D. from Emory University
  • Number of Publications: 13
  • Number of Citations: 221
  • Number of Reviews: 20
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 09/2019
  • Case Approved: 02/2021
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15201-30016-20EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #923
  • Specialty Field: Metabolic Disease
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Associate at University of Florida College of Medicine
  • Education: Ph.D. from join program of Shandong University and The University of Florida
  • Number of Publications: 14
  • Number of Citations: 688
  • Number of Reviews: 12
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 04/2019
  • Case Approved: 02/2021
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15500+10-15EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #924
  • Specialty Field: Polymer Chemistry and Drug Delivery
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Associate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  • Education: Ph.D. from Northeastern University
  • Number of Publications: 15
  • Number of Citations: 400
  • Number of Reviews: 8
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 12/2019
  • Case Approved: 02/2021
Chemistry & Materials Science10-15301-5000-10EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #925
  • Specialty Field: Metabolomics
  • Affiliation: Research Assistant in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Peking Union Medical College in China
  • Number of Publications: 40
  • Number of Citations: 451
  • Number of Reviews: 23
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 05/2019
  • Case Approved: 02/2021
Life Sciences & Medicine30+301-50021-30EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #926
  • Specialty Field: Mechanical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Associate at University of Virginia
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Virginia
  • Number of Publications: 42
  • Number of Citations: 3194
  • Number of Reviews: 75
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2019
  • Case Approved: 02/2021
Engineering & Technology30+500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #927
  • Specialty Field: Mechanical Engineering
  • Affiliation: Faculty at Jacksonville State University
  • Education: Ph.D. from The University of Alabama
  • Number of Publications: 27
  • Number of Citations: 293
  • Number of Reviews: 149
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 04/2019
  • Case Approved: 02/2021
Engineering & Technology21-30201-30030+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #928
  • Specialty Field: Biomedical Research
  • Affiliation: Post-Doctoral Scholar at National Institutes of Health
  • Education: Ph.D. from Peking University, China
  • Number of Publications: 13
  • Number of Citations: 315
  • Number of Reviews: 29
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 07/2018
  • Case Approved: 02/2021
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15301-50021-30EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #929
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry and Materials
  • Affiliation: Research Investigator at a company
  • Education: Ph.D. from Ohio State University
  • Number of Publications: 18
  • Number of Citations: 584
  • Number of Reviews: 49
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 07/2020
  • Case Approved: 02/2021
Chemistry & Materials Science16-20500+30+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #921
  • Specialty Field: Genomics and Computational Biology
  • Affiliation: Assistant Professor at a US University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Perelman School of Medicine
  • Number of Publications: 13
  • Number of Citations: 303
  • Number of Reviews: 43
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 11/2019
  • Case Approved: 01/2021
Computer Science & Data Analytics10-15301-50030+EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #912
  • Specialty Field: Optics
  • Affiliation: Research Associate at National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • Education: Ph.D. from Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
  • Number of Publications: 27
  • Number of Citations: 402
  • Number of Reviews: 15
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 02/2019
  • Case Approved: 12/2020
Physical Sciences21-30301-50010-15EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #913
  • Specialty Field: Physiology
  • Affiliation: Principal Investigator at a University in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Loyola University Chicago
  • Number of Publications: 11
  • Number of Citations: 547
  • Number of Reviews: >30
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 10/2018
  • Case Approved: 12/2020
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15500+21-30EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #914
  • Specialty Field: Neuropsychological Behavior and Injury
  • Affiliation: Assistant Researcher at a Medical University in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Prince Songkha University, Thailand
  • Number of Publications: 3
  • Number of Citations: N/A
  • Number of Reviews: N/A
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 05/2020
  • Case Approved: 12/2020
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #915
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Associate at Northwestern University
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Florida
  • Number of Publications: 21
  • Number of Citations: 743
  • Number of Reviews: 16
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 01/2020
  • Case Approved: 12/2020
Chemistry & Materials Science21-30500+16-20EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #916
  • Specialty Field: Life Science
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Researcher at NIH
  • Education: Ph.D. from Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 191
  • Number of Reviews: 15
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 07/2019
  • Case Approved: 12/2020
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10100-20010-15EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #917
  • Specialty Field: Cell Biology
  • Affiliation: Specialist at University of California, San Francisco
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Science and Technology of China
  • Number of Publications: 14
  • Number of Citations: 816
  • Number of Reviews: 15
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2019
  • Case Approved: 12/2020
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15500+10-15EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #918
  • Specialty Field: Biomedical Science
  • Affiliation: Postdoc at Harvard Medical School/Boston Children's Hospital
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
  • Number of Publications: 15
  • Number of Citations: 414
  • Number of Reviews: 34
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 01/2019
  • Case Approved: 12/2020
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15301-50030+EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #919
  • Specialty Field: Genomic Medicine
  • Affiliation: Postdoc in China
  • Education: Ph.D. from Jilin University, China
  • Number of Publications: >60
  • Number of Citations: 440
  • Number of Reviews: >40
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 10/2018
  • Case Approved: 12/2020
Life Sciences & Medicine30+301-50030+EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #906
  • Specialty Field: Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Associate at University of Houston
  • Education: Ph.D. from Chinese Academy Sciences
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 117
  • Number of Reviews: 14
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 12/2017
  • Case Approved: 11/2020
Chemistry & Materials Science0-10100-20010-15EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #907
  • Specialty Field: Biointerface Science
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Associate at University of Pittsburgh
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Science and Technology of China
  • Number of Publications: 14
  • Number of Citations: 353
  • Number of Reviews: 30
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 03/2020
  • Case Approved: 11/2020
Life Sciences & Medicine10-15301-50021-30EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #908
  • Specialty Field: Biological Sciences
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral research fellow at Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research
  • Education: Ph.D. from Columbia University
  • Number of Publications: 8
  • Number of Citations: 426
  • Number of Reviews: 13
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2020
  • Case Approved: 11/2020
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10301-50010-15EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #909
  • Specialty Field: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Affiliation: Post-Doctoral Researcher at University of Pennsylvania
  • Education: Ph.D. from Shandong University
  • Number of Publications: 18
  • Number of Citations: 790
  • Number of Reviews: 6
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2019
  • Case Approved: 11/2020
Life Sciences & Medicine16-20500+0-10EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #910
  • Specialty Field: Cell Biology
  • Affiliation: Staff Scientist at National Institutes of Health
  • Education: Ph.D. from Peking Union Medical College& Tsinghua University, China
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 285
  • Number of Reviews: 18
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 10/2018
  • Case Approved: 11/2020
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10201-30016-20EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #911
  • Specialty Field: Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Associate at The Jackson Laboratory
  • Education: Ph.D. from Harbin Medical University, China
  • Number of Publications: 23
  • Number of Citations: 372
  • Number of Reviews: 11
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 04/2020
  • Case Approved: 11/2020
Computer Science & Data Analytics21-30301-50010-15EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #901
  • Specialty Field: Bioengineering
  • Affiliation: Postdoc at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Education: Ph.D. from Purdue University
  • Number of Publications: 28
  • Number of Citations: 500
  • Number of Reviews: 59
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 07/2019
  • Case Approved: 10/2020
Engineering & Technology, Life Sciences & Medicine21-30301-50030+EB-1YesYes
EB-1 #902
  • Specialty Field: Life Science Research
  • Affiliation: Sr. Research Specialist, Department of Medicine at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
  • Education: Master's degree from Ocean University of China
  • Number of Publications: 16
  • Number of Citations: 974
  • Number of Reviews: 8
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2019
  • Case Approved: 10/2020
Life Sciences & Medicine16-20500+0-10EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #903
  • Specialty Field: Physical Chemistry
  • Affiliation: Post-doc at Johns Hopkins University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University
  • Number of Publications: 8
  • Number of Citations: 258
  • Number of Reviews: 20
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 08/2019
  • Case Approved: 10/2020
Chemistry & Materials Science0-10201-30016-20EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #904
  • Specialty Field: Ecology
  • Affiliation: Postdoc Research Associate at Iowa State University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Number of Publications: 42
  • Number of Citations: 718
  • Number of Reviews: 71
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 01/2020
  • Case Approved: 10/2020
Environmental & Earth Sciences30+500+30+EB-1NoYes
EB-1 #905
  • Specialty Field: Environmental Engineering
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Rice University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Rice University
  • Number of Publications: 18
  • Number of Citations: 367
  • Number of Reviews: 26
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 06/2020
  • Case Approved: 10/2020
Engineering & Technology16-20301-50021-30EB-1YesNo
EB-1 #900
  • Specialty Field: Plant Pathology
  • Affiliation: Research Scholar at North Carolina State University
  • Education: Ph.D. from University of Arkansas
  • Number of Publications: 9
  • Number of Citations: 213
  • Number of Reviews: 14
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 03/2020
  • Case Approved: 09/2020
Life Sciences & Medicine0-10201-30010-15EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #920
  • Specialty Field: Chemical Physics
  • Affiliation: Graduate Research Assistant at Harvard University
  • Education: Ph.D. from Harvard University
  • Number of Publications: 11
  • Number of Citations: 353
  • Number of Reviews: 15
  • PP or Not: No
  • RFE or Not: No
  • Case Filed: 09/2019
  • Case Approved: 05/2020
Physical Sciences10-15301-50010-15EB-1NoNo
EB-1 #947
  • Specialty Field: Virology and Cellular Biology Research
  • Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Associate at Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women's Hospital
  • Education: Ph.D. from China
  • Number of Publications: 25
  • Number of Citations: 318
  • Number of Reviews: 60
  • PP or Not: Yes
  • RFE or Not: Yes
  • Case Filed: 03/2021
  • Case Approved: 05/2020
Life Sciences & Medicine21-30301-50030+EB-1YesYes

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