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EB5 投资移民绿卡:亚特兰大公寓项目分析

因为各种原因,包括绿卡排期进度,留学生就业机会,工作签证抽签,中国家庭对子女教育和就业的安排,等等,最近考虑办 EB-5 投资移民的中国申请人越来越多,尤其是在美国国会通过法案建立了 EB-5 新政以后。请见我们新未名律师事务所的相关文章:《EB5 投资移民绿卡批准案例,2024 年 10 月》,《更多 EB5 投资移民永久绿卡批准案例》。

EB-5 投资人最关注的一个问题是:怎样找到靠谱的项目,面对各种宣传材料,怎样做出选择。这个和选择股票一样,归根到底要投资人自己做出决定,但是多了解信息可以有更好的决策过程。

我们新未名律所现在分析评点市场上的多个 EB-5 投资移民项目,形式类似于股评,新车评估,餐馆评估,和各种探店,不作为具体的项目推荐和法律建议,但是根据我们的了解提供详细的信息和投资项目分析,做出我们律所的独立评估,包括对项目各方面的打分。值得强调的是,我们的分析是与美国资深经济学家合作,根据经济学家提交的详细报告做出的(我们律所独立联系了美国资深经济学家,非来自于区域中心,非来自于项目方)我们不接受任何 EB-5 区域中心或项目方的赞助,独立做出分析,供 EB-5 投资人考虑。


1. Overview of the Project 项目概览

The Southern Student Housing Project is aimed at addressing the growing demand for student accommodations in Atlanta, Georgia. Located at 564 Centennial Olympic Parkway NW, this 8-story development encompasses 100 residential units that consist of 307 beds tailored for students and 6,000+ square feet of leasable retail and restaurant space. In addition, the project includes 60 parking spaces adjacent to Bobby Dodd Stadium (45,000 seat stadium) on Georgia Tech campus, which will generate added revenues through event parking.  The project is managed by Dezhu Investment LLC, a Georgia-based development firm with a history of successful real estate ventures.

美南学生住房」 这个 EB-5 投资移民项目,旨在解决美国乔治亚州亚特兰大地区日益增长的学生住宿需求。项目地址位于 564 Centennial Olympic Parkway NW,计划建设一座 8 层楼的综合性建筑,包含 100 个住宅单元,提供 307 张学生床位,以及超过 6,000 平方英尺的零售和餐饮空间用于出租。此外,项目还包括 60 个停车位,紧邻著名的乔治亚理工学院校园内的 Bobby Dodd 体育场(可容纳 45,000 人)。这些停车位将在体育比赛和大学搞活动期间产生额外收入。该项目由总部位于乔治亚州的开发公司德筑集团 Dezhu Investment LLC  管理,该公司在房地产开发领域拥有丰富的成功经验。

A significant aspect of this project is its affiliation with the American Southern Regional Center (ASRC), a USCIS-designated EB-5 regional center approved on September 22, 2016. ASRC specializes in facilitating EB-5 investments across various sectors, including real estate development, hospitality, and infrastructure projects throughout Georgia. Their involvement ensures that the Southern Student Housing Project adheres to EB-5 program requirements, particularly in job creation and economic impact.

这个亚特兰大公寓项目与美国南方区域中心(ASRC)合作。该中心于 2016 年 9 月 22 日获得美国移民局(USCIS)批准,专注于乔治亚州的 EB-5 投资,包括房地产开发、酒店业和基础设施项目。ASRC 区域中心的参与帮助这个项目符合 EB-5 要求,尤其是在创造就业和经济影响方面。

As of November 2024, the project is over halfway completed, with an expected completion date in July 2025. The effective utilization of EB-5 funds has minimized the need to draw from the $39 million construction loan, leaving substantial reserves to ensure smooth completion and operation. This financial strategy, combined with the project’s prime location near major academic institutions like Georgia Tech, positions it as a compelling opportunity for investors seeking both financial returns and a pathway to U.S. residency through the EB-5 program.

截至 2024 年 11 月,南方学生住房项目已完成超过一半,预计于 2025 年 7 月竣工。通过有效利用 EB-5 资金,项目减少了对 3900 万美元施工贷款的依赖,保留了充足的储备资金,以确保项目顺利完成并运营。这种财务策略,加上项目靠近乔治亚理工学院等知名学术机构的优越地理位置,让这个项目为寻求财务回报和办理 EB-5 投资移民绿卡的人提供了机会。

2. Highlights of This Project 项目亮点

Prime Location with Strong Demand: Situated near several major academic institutions in Atlanta, including Georgia Tech, the project capitalizes on the increasing demand for student housing. With record-breaking enrollment numbers for several years in a row, demand for student housing in the area has significantly outpaced supply, creating a robust market for purpose-built student accommodations.


Secured Construction Financing: With $39 million in construction loans, only a small portion has been used, thanks to effective use of EB-5 funding. This leaves a substantial reserve to ensure smooth completion and operation.

项目已获得 3,900 万美元  的施工贷款。因为能够利用 EB-5 资金,目前项目仅使用施工贷款中的一小部分。这种财务策略保留了充足的资金储备,确保项目顺利完成并投入运营。

Mixed-Use Design Enhances Market Appeal: The combination of 100 residential units and 6,000+ square feet of leasable retail and restaurant space creates a vibrant, multi-functional environment. This design caters to both student residents and the broader community, ensuring diversified income streams.

项目结合了 100 个住宅单元  和超过 6,000 平方英尺的零售与餐饮空间用于出租,打造了一个有活力的多功能环境。这种设计除了满足学生住户的需求,还服务于更广泛的社区,确保多样化的收入来源。

Major Construction Progress: The project is already over 50% completed as of November 2024, with construction progressing ahead of schedule. It is on track for a July 2025 completion date, ensuring timely delivery and operational readiness for the upcoming academic year.

施工重要进展:截至 2024 年 11 月,项目已完成超过 50% 的建设任务,进展快于预期。项目预计将于 2025 年 7 月  竣工,确保在新学年开始前按时交付并投入运营。

3. Sources of Funding 资金来源

The Southern Student Housing Project utilizes a well-balanced financial structure to ensure robust funding for construction, development, and operations. Below is a breakdown of the primary funding sources:


  • Senior Loan from the Keystone National Group for an amount of $10 million and $13.85 millions of Developer Equity, which was contributed by Dezhu Investment LLC, the developer. This significant capital injection demonstrates strong commitment and financial confidence in the project’s success.


高级贷款:项目从 Keystone National Group  获得了 1,000 万美元  的高级贷款,用于支持建设和开发阶段的资金需求。

开发商股本投入:开发商德筑集团 Dezhu Investment LLC  提供了 1,385 万美元  的股本投资。这笔重要的资本注入表明了开发商对项目成功的强烈承诺和财务信心。

  • The project aims to raise $32 million through EB-5 investor contributions. Each EB-5 investor will contribute $800,000, benefiting from the project’s designation in a Targeted Employment Area (TEA).


项目计划通过 EB-5投资者  筹集 3,200万美元  的资金。

每位 EB-5 投资者将投资 80万美元,并可受益于项目所在的 EB-5 目标就业区(TEA  优惠政策。

  • Construction Loan: The project has secured a $39 million construction loan as a contingency to ensure smooth completion of the project. Due to the effective use of EB-5 funds, only a small portion of this loan has been drawn to date, leaving substantial reserves available to address any unforeseen challenges during construction or early operations.


项目已获得 3,900 万美元的施工贷款,作为保障资金以确保项目顺利完成。

因为使用了 EB-5 资金,目前项目仅动用了施工贷款的一小部分。剩余的储备资金可用来应对施工过程中或早期运营阶段可能出现的事先难以预见的挑战。

Summary of Funding Allocations:

Funding SourceAmount (Approx.)Purpose
Developer Equity$13.85 millionBase capital for construction and development.
Senior Loan$10 millionA loan from Keystone National Group
EB-5 Investor Funds$32 millionPrimary funding for construction and job creation.
Construction Loan (used)$39 millionContingency funding, with substantial reserves remaining.


开发商自有资本$13.85 million建设和开发的基础资金
高级贷款$10 million来自 Keystone National Group 的贷款
EB-5 投资资金$32 million用于建设和创造就业的主要资金。  
施工贷款(已使用部分)$39 million应急资金,仍保留大量储备。

4. Market Analysis 市场分析

The Southern Student Housing project is well-positioned to meet a growing demand for purpose-built student accommodations in Atlanta. Several key factors support its strong market potential:


Unprecedented Growth in Student Housing Demand: Georgia Tech’s enrollment has been rising steadily, setting new records annually, with an increase of over 16,000 students from 2019 to 2024. This growth further intensifies the already significant shortage of student housing in the area. Georgia Tech’s on-campus housing accommodates approximately 8,700 residents, leaving a significant portion of the student body to seek off-campus accommodations. The Atlanta student housing market remains undersupplied, with existing units experiencing high occupancy rates. This project directly addresses this gap, positioning itself as a top-tier option for students.



从 2019 年到 2024 年,乔治亚理工学院的入学人数稳步上升,累计增加超过 16,000 名学生,连续创下新纪录。学生人数的快速增长进一步加剧了该地区已经非常显著的学生住房短缺问题。


乔治亚理工学院校园内的住房设施仅能容纳约 8,700 名学生,使得大量学生不得不寻找校外住宿。这种供需缺口使得学生在校外寻找高质量住宿成为迫切需求。



Versatile Mix-Use Strategy: The retail and restaurant spaces complement the residential units, offering convenience for tenants and additional income streams for the project. These spaces are expected to attract strong foot traffic from students and locals.


便利性与多功能性:项目结合了  零售和餐饮空间  与住宅单元的设计,为学生租户提供生活便利。这些商业空间有机会吸引大量的客流量,包括学生和附近居民。

Economic Strength of Atlanta: Atlanta continues to experience robust economic growth, supported by a diverse job market, thriving infrastructure projects, and a growing population.

The area surrounding Centennial Olympic Parkway is undergoing redevelopment, making the project part of a broader trend of urban revitalization.



周边区域的城市复兴:项目所在地 Centennial Olympic Parkway  周边正在经历重新开发,成为亚特兰大城市复兴的一部分。

Rising Project Profitability: With higher-than-anticipated demand, the project’s revenues are expected to increase, boosting its financial returns and making it even more attractive to investors.


5. Economic Impact Analysis 经济影响分析

Enhanced Job Creation: The project is expected to create approximately 700 jobs, far exceeding the EB-5 requirement for 40 investors. This job creation surplus provides a buffer of 300 jobs, ensuring that all investors meet the program’s criteria, even if actual job creation falls slightly below projections. This includes positions generated during construction, and additional jobs through retail operations, and ongoing property management. The significant reserve funds from unused construction loans further ensure the project’s smooth completion and ability to meet job creation goals.



预计项目将创造约 700 个就业机会,远超过 40 位 EB-5 投资者  需要创造就业的最低要求(每位投资者需创造 10 个就业岗位,本项目一共创造需要 400 个就业机会)。

这意味着项目提供了 300 个额外就业岗位的缓冲,即使实际创造的岗位略低于预期,也能确保所有投资者满足 EB-5 投资移民的要求。







Positive Regional Effects: The influx of students and residents into the property will increase spending in local businesses, including retail and restaurants, creating a ripple effect in the economy. The project also contributes to the ongoing redevelopment of the Atlanta midtown area, helping transform it into a more vibrant and attractive community.







Return of EB-5 Capital: The project anticipates full repayment of EB-5 investors’ funds by 2028, providing clarity on the return timeline. This early projection demonstrates the project’s strong financial foundation and commitment to investors.

EB-5 资金回款计划


项目预计将在 2028 年  全额偿还 EB-5 投资者的资金,为投资者提供了明确的资金回款时间线。


TEA Benefits: The project’s location in a Targeted Employment Area (TEA) qualifies for the reduced EB-5 investment threshold of $800,000, making it accessible to a broader range of investors while ensuring funds are directed to high-need areas.


由于项目位于  目标就业区(TEA),投资者只需投入 80 万美元,而非更高金额,即可参与 EB-5 投资移民计划。满足这一条件扩大了项目的 EB-5 投资者基础。

6. Operational Forecast Analysis 运营预测分析

  • The operational outlook for this project is strong, driven by high demand for student housing, strategic financial planning, and experienced management. It is well-positioned to deliver steady income and operational stability, supported by robust demand, diversified revenue streams, and a clear financial repayment plan for EB-5 investors.

运营前景展望: 学生住房需求持续增长,战略性的规划,和富有经验的团队,都有利于良好的运营前景。在强劲需求,多元化的收入来源,和清晰的 EB-5 还款计划支持下,项目可以提供稳定的运营和收入。

  • Construction and Timeline: The project is currently over 50% completed, with July 2025 set as the completion date, aligning with the 2025–2026 academic year for optimal lease-up.

建设进度与时间表:项目建设已完成超过 50%,预计将在 2025 年 7 月  完工,以便在 2025-2026 学年  投入运营,实现好的入住率。

  • Occupancy Rates and Revenue: The property is expected to achieve high occupancy during its first academic year due to the acute shortage of student housing in Atlanta, driven by record enrollment growth at Georgia Tech and other nearby institutions. Expected occupancy rate is 90% in Year 1 (2025–2026), and stabilizing at 95%–97% by Year 2.

首学年入住率(2025–2026 学年)

由于亚特兰大学生住房市场的严重短缺,项目在第一学年预计达到 90% 的入住率



项目在第二学年(2026–2027)有望稳定在 95%–97% 的入住率

  • Revenues: Residential units are expected to generate $5.72M–$6.35M annually from student housing leases for the first 5 years after the project completion while the retail spaces are expected to add an additional $800K–$1.2M annually, diversifying income streams. The EB-5 capital repayment is anticipated by 2028, backed by stable cash flow and increasing revenues.


  1. 住宅单元收入
    • 学生住房租赁预计在项目完成后头 5 年每年产生 572 万至 635 万美元  的收入。
  2. 零售空间收入
    • 商业零售和餐饮空间预计每年增加 80 万至 120 万美元  的额外收入。
    • 这些收入来源多样化,有助于分散财务风险。
  3. EB-5 资金回款
    • 基于稳定的现金流和逐步增长的收入,预计将在 2028 年  实现 EB-5 投资者的资金回款。
  • Operational Efficiency: Managed by Dezhu Investment LLC, leveraging their expertise to ensure efficient property management and tenant satisfaction. Reserve funds are allocated for maintenance and contingencies, ensuring long-term financial health.

运营效率: 这个项目由经验丰富的德筑集团 Dezhu Investment LLC  管理,该公司在房地产开发和物业管理领域拥有丰富的经验,有利于租户高满意度。


7. Risk Analysis 风险分析

While the Southern Student Housing Project is a well-structured EB-5 investment opportunity, it is not without risks. Below is a breakdown of key risks and the measures in place to mitigate them:

尽管  美南学生住房项目  是一个结构完善的 EB-5 投资机会,但它并非完全没有风险。以下是对于主要风险以及项目应对措施的详细分析:

Construction Risks:

  • Potential Delays: As with any large-scale development, there is a risk of construction delays due to supply chain disruptions, labor shortages, or unexpected issues.


  • 供应链中断:建材或设备交付延迟可能导致施工进度放缓。
  • 劳动力短缺:缺乏熟练工人可能影响项目的施工效率。
  • 意外问题:如天气条件恶劣、地基问题或设备故障等不可预见的情况。
  • Mitigation: The project is already over 50% completed and has substantial financial reserves from the unused $39 million construction loan, which provides a safety net to ensure timely completion by July 2025. 缓解措施:该项目已完成超过 50% 的工作,并且从未使用的 3900 万美元建筑贷款中积累了 substantial 财务储备,这为确保项目在 2025 年 7 月之前按时完成提供了安全保障。

Market Risks 市场风险

  • Student Housing Demand: While the demand for student housing is high, unexpected changes in enrollment trends at nearby universities, such as Georgia Tech, could impact lease-up rates. 学生住房需求:虽然学生住房需求较高,但附近大学(如乔治亚理工学院)入学趋势的意外变化可能会影响租赁率。
  • Mitigation: Georgia Tech has sustained record-breaking enrollment growth for past 5 years and the undersupplied housing market in Atlanta significantly reduce this risk. 缓解措施:乔治亚理工学院在过去五年持续实现创纪录的入学增长,而亚特兰大住房市场的供应不足显著降低了这一风险。

Financial Risks 财务风险

  • Revenue Variability: Projected revenues depend on achieving high occupancy rates and leasing retail spaces at market rates. If these targets are not met, it could impact cash flow. 收入波动:预计的收入依赖于实现高入住率和按市场价格出租零售空间。如果这些目标未能实现,可能会影响现金流。
  • Mitigation: The combination of diversified income streams (residential leases and retail rents), the strong market demand, and experienced property management minimizes this risk. 缓解措施:多元化的收入来源(包括住宅租赁和零售租金)、强劲的市场需求以及经验丰富的物业管理团队有助于降低这一风险。

Regulatory Risks 监管风险

  • EB-5 Program Uncertainty: Regulatory changes or delays in processing EB-5 petitions could affect investor timelines for obtaining green cards. EB-5 项目不确定性:监管变化或 EB-5 申请处理延迟可能会影响投资者获得绿卡的时间表。
  • Mitigation: The project’s job creation safety cushion, which exceeds EB-5 requirements, ensures investor eligibility under current regulations. Additionally, the involvement of the American Southern Regional Center ensures compliance with EB-5 guidelines. 缓解措施:该项目创造的就业机会超过了 EB-5 要求,提供了投资者资格的保障,确保符合现行法规。此外,美国南部区域中心的参与确保了项目符合 EB-5 指导方针。

Economic and External Risks 经济和外部风险

  • Broader Economic Factors: Economic downturns, rising interest rates, or changes in the real estate market could impact the project’s financial performance. 更广泛的经济因素:经济衰退、利率上升或房地产市场变化可能会影响项目的财务表现。
  • Mitigation: The strong demand for student housing, even during economic downturns, and the project’s advanced construction progress provide resilience against broader market conditions. 缓解措施:即使在经济衰退期间,学生住房的强劲需求以及项目已取得的较大建设进展,使其能够抵御更广泛的市场环境变化。

Summary of Risks and Mitigations

Construction DelaysLowModerateAdvanced progress, reserve funds ensure completion.
Enrollment FluctuationsLowModerateRecord growth at Georgia Tech sustains demand.
Revenue VariabilityModerateModerateStrong market demand and retail diversification.
Regulatory DelaysModerateLowOversized job creation and ASRC compliance.
Economic DownturnModerateModerateDemand for student housing provides stability.


监管延迟适度超额的就业机会创造和 ASRC 合规性。

The Southern Student Housing Project exhibits moderate risk, primarily related to typical construction and regulatory uncertainties. These risks are effectively mitigated by the project’s advanced stage of completion, strong demand for student housing, and financial safeguards. Investors are well-protected, and the likelihood of significant disruptions is low.


8. Our Ratings on This Project Compared to Other Similar EB-5 Projects, Using a Scale of 1 to 5 (5 being the most favorable for investors).     项目评分(1-5 分,5 分为最优)

我们对这个美南学生住房 EB-5 投资移民项目的评级,与其他类似的 EB-5 项目相比,使用 1 到 5 的评分标准(5 为对投资者最有利)。

  • Reliable Funding Sources (5/5)

The project has demonstrated strong financial management, using EB-5 funds effectively to limit the draw on the $39 million construction loan, leaving ample reserves. This reserve ensures that the project can complete construction and begin operations without financial strain.

资金来源可靠性 (5/5)

该项目展示了较强的财务管理能力,有效利用 EB-5 资金,最大限度地减少了对 3900 万美元建筑贷款的依赖,从而留下了充足的储备。这些储备确保项目能够顺利完成建设并开始运营,而无需面临财务压力。

  • Promising Market Prospect (5/5)

The project directly addresses the acute shortage of student housing in Atlanta, driven by rising enrollment at Georgia Tech. The mixed-use design enhances marketability, catering to both student residents and local retail demand.

市场前景预测 (5/5)


  • Reliable Operational Forecast (5/5)

With construction already more than halfway completed and an anticipated completion date of July 2025, the project is firmly on track to meet its timeline. Strong management by Dezhu Investment LLC adds to its operational reliability.

运营可靠性预测 (5/5)

由于建设已完成超过一半,预计将于 2025 年 7 月完成,该项目已牢牢保持在计划时间表上。德筑投资有限责任公司(Dezhu Investment LLC)强有力的管理进一步增强了项目的运营可靠性。

  • Economic Impact (5/5)

The project ensures the creation of well over the required 10 jobs per investor, offering a large cushion that secures investors’ green card eligibility. Additional benefits include increased local business activity and contributions to Atlanta’s urban development.

项目的经济影响与合规 (5/5)

该项目确保为每位投资者创造的就业机会远超要求的 10 个职位,提供了充足的保障,确保投资者有资格获得绿卡。其他好处包括促进当地商业活动和对亚特兰大城市发展的贡献。

  • Investor Security (5/5)

Collateralized EB-5 loans and substantial unused construction loan reserves provide investors with multiple layers of financial security. The project’s advanced stage of construction reduces risk and enhances confidence in timely completion and operations.

投资者资金安全 (5/5)

有担保的 EB-5 贷款和大量未使用的建筑贷款储备为投资者提供了多重财务安全保障。项目已进入较为先进的建设阶段,降低了风险,并增强了对按时完成和顺利运营的信心。

  • Risk Level (4/5)

Risks are minimal due to strong construction progress, secured funding, and growing market demand. Regulatory risks related to EB-5 visa processing remain, but the project’s robust structure mitigates most uncertainties.

风险级别 (4/5)

由于建设进展顺利、资金保障充分以及市场需求不断增长,风险已降至最低。尽管与 EB-5 签证处理相关的监管风险仍然存在,但项目的稳健结构有效地缓解了大部分不确定性。

Rating (1-5)Explanation
Reliable Funding Sources5The project’s effective use of EB-5 funds has minimized the need to draw from the $39 million construction loan, leaving a significant reserve to ensure smooth completion.
Promising Market Prospect5Strong demand driven by record enrollment at Georgia Tech and the undersupply of student housing, coupled with mixed-use elements, ensures market viability.
Reliable Operational Forecast5With construction already over halfway completed and clear progress toward the July 2025 completion date, the project is on track to deliver on its timeline.
Economic Impact5The project far exceeds EB-5 job creation requirements, ensuring investor eligibility while stimulating local economic activity.
Investor Security5Collateralized funding, excess construction loan reserves, and secure job creation outcomes provide investors with strong protections.
Risk Level4Minimal risks remain due to strong construction progress, sufficient funding, and robust market demand. Regulatory risks are inherent but well-managed.
 评级 (1-5)详解
资金来源可靠性5该项目有效利用 EB-5 资金,最大限度地减少了对 3900 万美元建筑贷款的依赖,从而留下了充足的储备,确保了项目的顺利完成。
运营可靠性5由于建设已完成超过一半,并且按计划向 2025 年 7 月的完工日期推进,项目正按时完成其时间表。
经济影响与合规5该项目远超 EB-5 就业创造要求,确保了投资者的资格,同时促进了当地经济活动。

9. Conclusion 结论

The Southern Student Housing EB-5 Project is a standout opportunity in the current EB-5 market. With its advanced construction progress, strong financial reserves, and soaring demand for student housing, the project presents minimal risks while offering significant potential benefits. For EB-5 investors, the combination of job creation, market strength, and investor protections makes this a highly attractive option.

美南学生住房 EB-5 项目在当前 EB-5 投资移民市场中是一个突出的机会。基于其先进的建设进展、充分的财务储备和学生住房需求的上升,该项目提供了较低风险,同时具有明显的潜在收益。对于 EB-5 投资者而言,项目的就业创造、市场优势和投资者保护措施相结合,使其成为一个有吸引力的选择。


2024 年 11 月


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