因为各种原因,包括绿卡排期进度,留学生就业机会,工作签证抽签,中国家庭对子女教育和就业的安排,等等,最近考虑办 EB-5 投资移民的中国申请人越来越多,尤其是在美国国会通过法案建立了 EB-5 新政以后。请见我们新未名律师事务所的相关文章:《EB5 投资移民绿卡批准案例,2024 年 10 月》,《更多 EB5 投资移民永久绿卡批准案例》。
EB-5 投资人最关注的一个问题是:怎样找到靠谱的项目,面对各种宣传材料,怎样做出选择。这个和选择股票一样,归根到底要投资人自己做出决定,但是多了解信息可以有更好的决策过程。
我们新未名律所现在分析评点市场上的多个 EB-5 投资移民项目,形式类似于股评,新车评估,餐馆评估,和各种探店,不作为具体的项目推荐和法律建议,但是根据我们的了解提供详细的信息和投资项目分析,做出我们律所的独立评估,包括对项目各方面的打分。值得强调的是,我们的分析是与美国资深经济学家合作,根据经济学家提交的详细报告做出的(我们律所独立联系了美国资深经济学家,非来自于区域中心,非来自于项目方)。我们不接受任何 EB-5 区域中心或项目方的赞助,独立做出分析,供 EB-5 投资人考虑。
1. Overview of the Project 项目概览
AG18 LLC offers an attractive EB-5 investment opportunity in Long Island City (LIC), one of the most rapidly developing areas of New York City. Located just one subway stop from Midtown Manhattan, this twin residential project combines modern luxury with proximity to cultural, recreational, and economic hubs.
AG18 项目(对应的区域中心为 ARCFE,组 18)提供了一项富吸引力的 EB-5 投资机会,项目位于纽约市快速发展的区域——长岛市(LIC)。该项目距离曼哈顿中城区仅一站地铁,融合了现代奢华生活方式与文化、娱乐和经济枢纽的便利性。
Project A: A 23-story luxury condominium building, catering to high-end buyers seeking premium residential living.
项目 A:一栋 23 层的奢华公寓大楼,面向寻求高端住宅生活的买家。
Project B: An 8-story rental property nearing completion, designed to address LIC’s high rental demand while providing stable, recurring income.
项目 B:一栋 8 层的出租物业,旨在满足长岛市高需求的租赁市场,同时提供稳定的长期收入。
The development is adjacent to Murray Park, offering green space and urban tranquility, making it a prime location for residential investment. The AG18 project embodies a great blend of financial potential, secure immigration benefits, and a desirable metropolitan lifestyle. We summarize the key features of the project below.
开发项目毗邻默里公园(Murray Park),为居民提供绿地与城市宁静。这使得该项目成为住宅投资的黄金地段。AG18 项目将财务潜力、安全移民收益与理想的都市生活方式完美结合。以下总结了该项目的主要特点。
2. Highlights of This Project 项目亮点
Prime Location: Long Island City (LIC)
The AG18 project is strategically located in Long Island City, Queens, a neighborhood recognized for its rapid development and vibrant urban environment. LIC offers a unique mix of residential appeal, cultural attractions, and economic opportunities:
AG18 项目位于纽约皇后区长岛市(LIC),这一社区以其快速发展和充满活力的城市环境而闻名。长岛市结合了住宅吸引力、文化景点和经济机会的独特优势:
- Proximity to Manhattan: LIC is only one subway stop away from Midtown Manhattan, providing residents with unparalleled access to New York City’s economic and cultural core. This connectivity ensures high demand for residential units from professionals, families, and international buyers.
- 毗邻曼哈顿:长岛市距离曼哈顿中城区仅一站地铁,方便居民前往纽约市的经济和文化核心。如此优越的连通性确保了专业人士、家庭以及国际买家对住宅单元的高度需求。
- Anable Basin Waterfront: The projects are located near the historic Anable Basin, a former industrial waterfront now transforming into a mixed-use hub of residential, commercial, and cultural activity. This redevelopment adds long-term value to the properties while attracting premium buyers and renters
. - Anable Basin滨水区:项目位于历史悠久的 Anable Basin 附近,这一前工业滨水区正在转型为集住宅、商业和文化活动于一体的综合开发中心。这一重新开发为物业增加了长期价值,同时吸引了高端买家和租户。
- Murray Park Community: Both projects are situated adjacent to Murray Park, a rare green space in LIC that offers soccer and tennis courts, a children’s playground, and open fields. This unique urban oasis enhances the quality of life for residents, making the area highly desirable.
- 默里公园社区:两个项目毗邻默里公园(Murray Park),这是长岛市里面少有的绿地,提供足球场、网球场、儿童游乐场和开放场地。这一独特的城市绿洲提升了居民的生活质量,使该地区极具吸引力。
Project Composition: Twin Residential Developments 项目组成:双住宅开发项目
The AG18 investment includes two distinct residential projects designed to cater to LIC’s diverse real estate market:
AG18 项目包括两个专为满足长岛市多样化房地产市场需求而设计的住宅项目:
Project A: Luxury Condominiums 项目A:豪华公寓
- A 23-story building featuring 201 high-end residential units and over 11,000 square feet of commercial space.
- 一栋 23 层的大楼,拥有 201 套高端住宅单元及超过 11,000 平方英尺的商业空间。
- Designed to attract affluent buyers seeking premium living spaces in NYC, these condominiums will offer modern amenities, luxury finishes, and panoramic views.
- 专为吸引寻求高级生活空间的高收入买家设计,这些公寓将提供现代化设施、豪华装修和全景视野。
- The development includes parking facilities and other convenience features that appeal to high-income residents.
- 开发项目包括停车设施和其他便捷功能,以吸引高收入居民。
Project B: Rental Apartments 项目B:出租公寓
- An 8-story mixed-use development with 54 rental units, retail, and community spaces.
- 一栋 8 层的综合开发大楼,拥有 54 套出租单元、零售和社区空间。
- Designed for long-term income generation, Project B caters to the strong rental demand in LIC.
- 可以带来长期收入,满足长岛市强劲的租赁需求。
- Located one block from Project A, it shares the same locational advantages, providing a complementary market offering.
- 距离项目 A 仅一个街区,享有相同的区位优势,提供了互补的市场产品。
Transportation and Accessibility 交通与可达性
The projects benefit from LIC’s unparalleled connectivity and infrastructure, making them attractive to commuters and businesses alike:
- Eight Subway Lines: LIC offers access to the N, W, 7, E, M, R, G, and F subway lines, ensuring seamless travel throughout NYC.
- 八条地铁线路:项目周边有 N、W、7、E、M、R、G 和 F 线路,便于通往纽约市各地。
- Ferry and Bus Services: Additional transit options include ferry services along the East River and multiple bus routes connecting to surrounding boroughs and airports.
- 渡轮与巴士服务:包括东河沿岸的渡轮服务及连接周边行政区和机场的多条巴士线路。
- Highway Access: LIC is conveniently located near major highways, facilitating car travel to other parts of New York City and beyond.
- 高速公路便利性:项目靠近主要高速公路,便于通往纽约其他地区及周边地区。
This extensive transit network enhances the projects’ appeal, particularly for professionals working in Manhattan and other parts of NYC.
Historical and Economic Significance 历史与经济意义
The projects are situated in one of LIC’s most dynamic areas, steeped in history and poised for future growth:
- Anable Basin’s Transformation: Once an industrial hub, the Anable Basin area has evolved into a focal point for redevelopment. It was previously shortlisted as the potential site for Amazon’s East Coast headquarters, a testament to its strategic value
. - Anable Basin 地区的转型:Anable Basin 地区曾是一个工业中心,如今已发展成为重建开发的焦点。该地区曾入围亚马逊东海岸总部的潜在选址,充分体现了其战略价值。
- Mixed-Use Development: The area is becoming a vibrant community that blends residential, commercial, cultural, and recreational spaces, driving long-term appreciation in property values.
- 综合用途开发:该地区正逐步发展成为一个充满活力的社区,融合了住宅、商业、文化和休闲空间,推动了物业价值的长期增值。
- The AG18 projects are designed to meet the expectations of modern urban residents, incorporating top-tier features and amenities.
- AG18 项目旨在满足现代城市居民的期望,融入了顶级的功能和设施。
- Green Spaces: Adjacent to Murray Park, the developments offer residents access to rare urban green spaces, enhancing their appeal.
- 绿色空间:毗邻默里公园(Murray Park),项目为居民提供了稀有的城市绿地,进一步提升了吸引力。
- Energy-Efficient Design: The projects aim to minimize their environmental impact while meeting the expectations of environmentally conscious buyers and renters.
- 节能设计:项目旨在尽量减少环境影响,同时满足注重环保的买家和租户的期望。
Short Investment Period with Predictable Returns
- Loan Term: Investors benefit from a standard loan period of 2.5 years, with an optional extension of 1.5 years. This ensures a relatively quick return of capital.
- 贷款期限:投资者受益于标准的 2.5 年贷款期限,并可选择延长 1.5 年,确保资金相对快速回笼。
- Annual Returns: During the deployment period, investors receive 3.5% annual interest, providing predictable returns.
- 年度回报:在资金部署期间,投资者可获得 3.5% 的年度利息,提供可预见的收益。
- First-Lien Mortgage Security: EB-5 funds are secured by a first-priority lien on Project A’s land and improvements, ensuring repayment priority.
- 第一留置权抵押担保:EB-5 资金由项目 A 的土地及改进设施的第一优先权留置权担保,确保还款优先权。
- Completion Guarantees: The developer has committed to completing construction for Project A, minimizing risks of delays or unfinished projects.
- 完工保证:开发商承诺完成项目 A 的施工,降低了延误或未完工项目的风险。
- No Redeployment Requirement: Once investors meet the minimum two-year EB-5 investment period, they are not required to redeploy funds, ensuring peace of mind.
- 无需 「再投资」:一旦投资者满足最低两年的 EB-5 投资期要求,他们无需重新二次投资,令人放心。
Proven Developer Track Record 成熟的开发商业绩记录
The projects are managed by ZD Jasper Realty, a developer with over 20 years of experience in residential and mixed-use developments in NYC and China. Their past successes include:
项目由 ZD Jasper Realty 管理,该开发商在纽约市和中国拥有超过 20 年的住宅和综合用途开发经验。他们的过往成功案例包括:
- ARCFE Group 13 Projects: ZD Jasper Realty was a key player in delivering high-quality developments under ARCFE’s previous offerings, including luxury rental apartments and mixed-use properties.
- ARCFE 区域中心,组 13 项目:ZD Jasper Realty 是 ARCFE 过往项目的关键参与者,成功交付了高质量的豪华出租公寓和综合用途物业。
- Successful EB-5 History: Projects developed by ZD Jasper Realty have consistently met USCIS requirements, achieving full repayment of EB-5 capital and approvals for I-526 and I-829 petitions
. - 成功的 EB-5 历史:ZD Jasper Realty 开发的项目符合美国移民局(USCIS)的要求,成功实现 EB-5 资本的全额偿还,并获得 I-526 和 I-829 申请的批准。
By combining prime location, strong market fundamentals, and a proven operational framework, AG18 LLC offers a standout opportunity in NYC’s real estate market. These features make it an ideal investment for EB-5 participants seeking security, returns, and U.S. residency.
通过结合优越的地理位置、稳健的市场基础和成熟的运营框架,AG18 项目(ARCFE 组 18)为纽约市房地产市场提供了一个出色的投资机会。这些特点使其成为 EB-5 参与者在寻求安全性、投资回报和美国居留权时的理想选择。
3. Sources of Funding 资金来源
The AG18 projects are financially robust, with a diversified funding stack totaling $231.1 million:
AG18 项目的财务结构稳健,共计融资 2.311 亿美元,资金来源多样化:
- EB-5 Capital: $33.6 million raised from 60 global investors, accounting for approximately 14.5% of total funding.
- EB-5 资本:从来自全球的 60 位 EB5 投资者那里筹集 3360 万美元,占项目总融资的约 14.5%。
- Developer Equity: Over $74.9 million, reflecting the developer’s significant financial commitment and minimizing reliance on external loans.
- 开发商股权:超过 7490 万美元,体现了开发商的显著财务承诺,减少了对外部贷款的依赖。
- Senior Secured Loans: These loans are backed by first-lien mortgage security, ensuring that the projects are financially insulated from potential market fluctuations.
- 高级抵押贷款:由第一留置权担保,确保项目能从市场波动中获得财务保障。
Source of Funding 资金来源 | Amount (USD) 金额(美元) | Percentage 占比 | Details 详情 |
EB-5 Capital EB-5 资本 | $33,600,000 | 14.5% | Raised from 60 EB-5 investors, each contributing $800,000. Funds are deployed as senior-secured loans. 来自 60 位 EB-5 投资者,每位投资者投资 80 万美元。资金作为高级抵押贷款使用。 |
Developer Equity 开发商股权 | $74,900,000 | 32.4% | Demonstrates the developer’s financial commitment, reducing dependency on external loans. 显示开发商的财务承诺,减少对外部贷款的依赖。 |
Traditional Construction Loans 传统建设贷款 | $122,600,000 | 53.1% | Backed by first-lien mortgage security, ensuring stable financing for construction and operations. 由第一留置权担保,确保建筑和运营资金稳定。 |
Total Project Costs 总项目成本 | $231,100,000 | 100% | A balanced funding structure ensures financial stability and reduces risks for investors. 平衡的资金结构确保财务稳定,降低投资者风险。 |
The funding structure mirrors successful strategies seen in other ARCFE-managed projects, combining secure capital deployment with predictable cash flow
这种资金结构结合了以往 ARCFE 管理项目的成功策略,在资本部署安全性和现金流预测性之间取得平衡。
4. Market Analysis 市场分析
Long Island City (LIC) is a prime example of an urban success story, characterized by:
AG18 项目位于纽约地区快速发展的长岛市,该地区以其动态的城市环境和经济活力闻名。以下特点凸显了项目的市场潜力:
- Unprecedented Growth: LIC has become a magnet for residential and commercial investment, driven by its proximity to Manhattan and its dynamic urban infrastructure. 前所未有的增长:长岛市已成为住宅和商业投资的热点,其增长动力源于曼哈顿的邻近性和现代化的城市基础设施。
- High Rental Demand: LIC’s population is growing rapidly, creating sustained demand for high-quality rental units such as those offered by Project B. 高需求的租赁市场:长岛市人口快速增长,对高质量租赁单位的需求持续增加,例如项目 B 提供的租赁住宅。
- Luxury Market Viability: The area’s appreciation in property values and its affluent demographic make it an ideal market for Project A’s luxury condominiums. 豪华市场的可行性:该地区房产价值的持续升值以及富裕人口的增加,为项目 A 的高端公寓市场提供了理想条件。
- Prime Waterfront Location: The developments are near the East River waterfront, an area that has attracted significant redevelopment and economic activity, enhancing their long-term value
. 滨水区的优势:项目靠近东河滨水区,这一地区吸引了大量再开发和经济活动,进一步提升了项目的长期价值。
These factors align AG18’s projects with LIC’s trajectory as a high-demand real estate market, offering strong potential for appreciation and returns.
5. Operational Forecast Analysis 运营预测分析
AG18 LLC’s projects demonstrate efficient planning and execution, ensuring timely delivery of both developments:
建设进展: AG18 项目在建筑规划和执行方面表现出色:
- Project A (23-story Luxury Condominiums) It is at the pre-construction stage with permits and financing secured. Preparatory work is complete, and construction is expected to commence shortly. Scheduled for completion within 30 months of starting construction, aligning with the investment’s 2.5-year loan term.
项目 A(23 层豪华公寓)当前处于开工前阶段,所有许可证和融资已获批。前期准备工作已完成,施工即将启动。项目预计将在开工后 30 个月内竣工,这与投资的 2.5 年贷款期限一致。
- Project B (8-story Mixed-Use Rental Building): It is nearing completion with the superstructure finalized and façade work underway. Interior finishing is expected to follow shortly. Project B is expected to become operational in 2024, generating rental income from residential and retail leases.
项目 B(8 层综合用途出租建筑)已接近完工,主体结构已完成,外墙施工正在进行中。室内装修工作将在不久后跟进。项目 B 计划于 2024 年投入运营,通过住宅和零售租赁产生租金收入。
Revenue Projections: The projects are expected to generate substantial revenue through diversified income streams:
- Project A: 项目 A:
- Condominium Sales: Revenue from the sale of 201 luxury condominium units will drive significant cash inflows. LIC’s growing real estate market and high-end buyers ensure strong demand and price appreciation. 公寓销售:通过出售 201 套豪华公寓单元产生大量现金流。长岛市日益增长的房地产市场和高端买家确保强劲需求和价格升值。
- Commercial Leasing: The 11,543 square feet of commercial space offers additional revenue opportunities, catering to LIC’s vibrant business ecosystem. 商业租赁:11,543 平方英尺的商业空间为 LIC 充满活力的商业生态系统提供了额外的收入机会。
- Project B: 项目 B:
- Rental Income: The 54 residential units are designed to meet LIC’s high rental demand, ensuring stable and recurring income. 租赁收入:54 个住宅单元专为满足 LIC 高租赁需求而设计,确保稳定的经常性收入。
- Retail and Community Space: Additional revenue will be generated from leasing retail spaces and community facilities, adding to the project’s financial stability. 零售和社区空间:通过零售空间和社区设施的租赁获得额外收入,进一步提高项目的财务稳定性。
Operational Oversight: AG18 LLC benefits from strong operational oversight and experienced management: 运营监督 AG18 LLC 受益于强大的运营监督和经验丰富的管理团队:
- Completion Guarantees: The developer provides a completion guarantee for Project A, minimizing risks associated with construction delays or cost overruns. 完工保证:开发商为项目 A 提供完工保证,最大限度地降低施工延误或成本超支的风险。
- Third-Party Administration: EB-5 funds are managed by Proxy Fund Services LLC, ensuring proper allocation and transparency. 第三方管理:EB-5 资金由 Proxy Fund Services LLC 管理,确保资金分配和使用的透明性。
- Professional Contractors: The project engages reputable contractors and suppliers to maintain high-quality standards and adhere to timelines. 专业承包商:项目聘用了信誉良好的承包商和供应商,确保高质量标准和按时交付。
Long-Term Growth Potential: The operational strategy is designed to ensure long-term success:
- Market Dynamics: LIC’s high rental demand and affluent buyer demographic ensure a steady flow of tenants and buyers. 市场动态:LIC 高租赁需求和富裕买家群体确保租户和买家的稳定来源。
- Sustainability: The inclusion of energy-efficient designs and access to green spaces aligns with growing consumer preferences for eco-friendly living. 可持续性:采用节能设计和绿色空间符合消费者对环保生活日益增长的偏好。
- Post-Stabilization Plans: Once operational, Project B will pursue permanent refinancing, enhancing cash flow and financial flexibility. 后期稳定化计划:项目 B 投入运营后,将寻求永久性再融资,增强现金流和财务灵活性。
6. Economic Impact Analysis 经济影响分析
The AG18 LLC project is expected to deliver significant economic benefits to the local and regional economy through its development of two high-profile mixed-use properties in Long Island City (LIC). This economic impact extends beyond the immediate construction phase, contributing to long-term job creation, local business growth, and increased property tax revenues.
AG18 项目预计通过其位于长岛市(LIC)的两处高端综合用途开发项目,为当地和区域经济带来显著的经济效益。这些经济影响不仅体现在施工阶段,还包括长期的就业创造、地方商业增长和增加的物业税收入。
Job Creation 就业创造:
The EB-5 program mandates the creation of a minimum of 10 full-time jobs per investor, but AG18 LLC significantly surpasses this requirement. The project is projected to generate 1,272.5 jobs, providing approximately 30 jobs per investor. This surplus ensures compliance with USCIS requirements and reduces immigration-related risks for EB-5 participants.
根据 EB-5 投资移民法规的要求,每位投资者必须创造至少 10 个全职岗位,而 AG18 项目大幅超出这一要求。
项目预计将创造 1,272.5 个就业岗位,平均每位投资者可贡献约 30 个就业机会。这一大幅盈余确保符合 USCIS 的要求,同时降低 EB-5 参与者的移民风险。
Tax Revenues and Local Economic Growth 税收贡献与地方经济增长:
- Property Tax Contributions: The development will contribute significantly to local government revenues through property taxes, aiding in the funding of public services such as schools, infrastructure, and public safety. 物业税收入:项目将通过物业税(房产税)为地方政府贡献大额收入,用于支持公共服务,包括学校、基础设施和公共安全。
- Increased Consumer Spending: The influx of new residents and commercial tenants will drive spending in local businesses, including restaurants, retail stores, and service providers. 消费者支出增长:新居民和商业租户的涌入将推动当地企业的消费,包括餐馆、零售商店和服务供应商。
- Long-Term Economic Integration: By creating modern residential and commercial spaces, the AG18 project aligns with LIC’s broader economic development goals, attracting more investment and enhancing the area’s appeal. 长期经济整合:通过现代化的住宅和商业空间的建设,AG18 项目契合 LIC 的整体经济发展目标,吸引更多投资并提升该地区的吸引力。
Community Benefits 对社区的贡献
The project’s integration with LIC’s urban landscape fosters sustainable development:
项目与 LIC 的城市景观融合,推动可持续发展,造福当地社区:
- Green Living: Proximity to Murray Park provides residents access to recreational facilities, enhancing quality of life. 绿色生活:靠近默里公园(Murray Park),为居民提供便利的休闲设施,提升生活质量。
- Cultural Contributions: The mixed-use nature of the project supports LIC’s dynamic cultural and economic environment, making it a magnet for creative and business communities. 文化贡献:项目的综合用途性质支持 LIC 充满活力的文化和经济环境,使其成为吸引创意和商业社区的磁石。
The project’s comprehensive economic impact reflects its dual role as a catalyst for local growth and a secure investment vehicle for EB-5 participants.
AG18 项目的综合经济影响充分体现了其作为地方增长催化剂和 EB-5 参与者安全投资工具的双重作用。
7. Investor Security EB-5 投资安全
AG18 LLC prioritizes investor security through a comprehensive framework:
AG18 LLC 项目通过全面的框架保障投资者的安全:
- First-Lien Mortgage Security: EB-5 funds are secured by first-priority liens on the land and construction improvements of Project A, ensuring repayment priority. 第一留置权抵押担保:EB-5 资金由项目 A 的土地和建筑改进的第一优先权留置权担保,确保投资者享有优先还款权。
- Completion Guarantee: Developers provide guarantees for Project A, reducing risks of incomplete construction. 完工保证:开发商为项目 A 提供完工保证,降低施工未完成的风险。
- Short Deployment Period: A 2.5-year loan term ensures a relatively short investment horizon, with an extension period capped at 4 years. 短期周转周期:2.5 年的贷款期限确保了相对较短的投资周期,且延期期限上限为 4 年。
- No 「Second Investment」 Requirement: Investors need not redeploy funds once the USCIS-mandated two-year investment period is satisfied. 无需 「再投资」:投资者在满足美国移民局(USCIS)规定的两年投资期后,无需重新投资资金到新项目。
8. Risk Analysis 风险分析
- Construction Risks: These are mitigated by the advanced progress of Project B and the completion guarantee provided for Project A. 建设施工风险:通过项目 B 的先进进度和项目 A 的完工保证,这些风险得到了有效缓解。
- Market Risks: LIC’s strong market fundamentals and growing demand for residential properties minimize exposure to economic fluctuations. 市场风险:长岛市(LIC)强劲的市场基础和对住宅物业日益增长的需求,最大程度地降低了经济波动的影响。
- Regulatory Risks: The AG18 project fully complies with the EB-5 Reform and Integrity Act of 2022, ensuring adherence to USCIS requirements. 监管风险:AG18 项目符合 EB5 投资移民新法 3《2022 年 EB-5 改革与诚信法案》的规定,合乎美国移民局(USCIS)的要求。
- Financial Risks: The inclusion of senior-secured loans with first-lien mortgage security provides a robust safeguard against financial uncertainties. 财务风险:高级担保贷款的加入,以及第一留置权抵押担保,为应对财务不确定性提供了强有力的保障。
9. Our Ratings on This Project Compared to Other Similar EB-5 Projects, Using a Scale of 1 to 5 (5 being the most favorable for investors). 项目评分(1-5 分,5 分为最优)
Reliable Funding Sources 可靠的资金保障 (5/5)
The AG18 project receives the highest rating for funding reliability due to its diversified and well-structured financial stack:
由于其多元化且结构合理的资金体系,AG18 项目在资金可靠性方面获得了最高评级:
- Substantial Developer Equity: The developer has committed over $74.9 million, representing approximately 32.4% of the total funding. This substantial equity contribution demonstrates the developer’s confidence in the project and reduces dependency on external financing. 开发商大量股权资金投入:开发商承诺投资超过 7,490 万美元,约占总资金的 32.4%。这一大规模的股权投入体现了开发商对项目的高度信心,同时减少了对外部融资的依赖。
- Traditional Construction Loans: The projects are supported by senior construction loans backed by first-lien mortgage security. This ensures that the project has access to stable financing while prioritizing debt repayment, adding a layer of financial security. 传统建筑贷款:项目获得由第一留置权抵押担保支持的高级建筑贷款,确保项目获得稳定的融资渠道,并优先偿还债务,增加了财务安全保障。
- EB-5 Capital: The $33.6 million raised from EB-5 investors is deployed as a senior secured loan, ensuring repayment priority and adhering to USCIS requirements. The project’s structured approach to integrating EB-5 capital aligns with best practices in the industry. EB-5 资本:此项目从 EB-5 投资者那里筹集 3,360 万美元,作为高级担保贷款部署,确保了还款优先权,并符合美国移民局(USCIS)的要求。项目对 EB-5 资本的结构化运用符合行业最佳实践标准。
This balanced capital stack minimizes financial risks and ensures that sufficient resources are available throughout the construction and operational phases, creating a financially stable environment for investors.
Promising Market Prospect 广阔的市场前景 (5/5)
The AG18 project capitalizes on Long Island City’s (LIC) strong real estate fundamentals, making it a prime market for investment:
AG18 项目充分利用长岛市(LIC)强劲的房地产市场基础,使其成为理想的投资市场:
- Unparalleled Location: LIC is just one subway stop from Midtown Manhattan, offering exceptional convenience for commuters while maintaining lower housing costs compared to Manhattan. The projects are also situated near Anable Basin, a rapidly developing waterfront district with significant cultural and economic potential.
- 无与伦比的地理位置:长岛市距离曼哈顿中城区仅一站地铁,为通勤者提供了极大的便利,同时其住房成本相较曼哈顿更为低廉。此外,项目毗邻快速发展的 Anable Basin 滨水区,该区域拥有巨大的文化与经济潜力,正在迅速转型为重要的综合开发中心。
- High Rental Demand: LIC’s growing population and influx of professionals drive robust demand for rental properties like those offered in Project B. The area’s reputation as a prime residential hub ensures steady demand and consistent rental income.
- 强劲的租赁需求:长岛市不断增长的人口和涌入的专业人士推动了对租赁物业(如项目 B 提供的住宅)的强劲需求。作为首选住宅区,长岛市的声誉确保了租赁需求的稳定性和持续的租金收入。
- Luxury Condominium Market: LIC’s upscale demographic supports premium property prices, providing strong revenue potential for Project A’s high-end condominiums. Proximity to Murray Park enhances the attractiveness of these units, making them stand out in the competitive luxury market.
- 豪华公寓市场:长岛市日益升级的人口结构支撑了高端物业价格,为项目 A 的高端公寓提供了强大的收益潜力。毗邻默里公园的优势进一步提升了这些住宅单元的吸引力,使其在竞争激烈的豪华房地产市场中脱颖而出。
LIC’s trajectory as one of NYC’s fastest-growing neighborhoods, combined with its cultural appeal and strong transportation network, ensures long-term market demand, making the AG18 projects highly viable.
长岛市作为纽约市发展最快的社区之一,凭借其独特的文化吸引力和强大的交通网络,确保了长期的市场需求,使 AG18 项目具备极高的市场可行性。
Reliable Operational Analysis 可靠的运营规划 (5/5)
The AG18 projects demonstrate robust operational planning, supported by experienced developers and professional oversight:
AG18 项目展现了稳健的运营规划,受益于经验丰富的开发商和专业监督:
- Experienced Developers: The developer, ZD Jasper Realty, has over 20 years of experience in residential and mixed-use developments, with a track record of delivering successful projects in New York and China. Their past performance includes several completed ARCFE projects, with full EB-5 repayments and USCIS approvals
. - 经验丰富的开发商:开发商 ZD Jasper Realty 在住宅和综合用途开发领域拥有超过 20 年的经验,成功交付了多个项目,遍及纽约和中国市场。其过往业绩包括多个已完成的 ARCFE 项目,这些项目均实现了 EB-5 资金的全额偿还,并获得了美国移民局(USCIS)的批准。
- Construction Progress: Project B is nearing completion, with the superstructure finished and façade work well underway. Project A is ready to commence construction, with all permits secured and pre-construction preparations completed.
- 施工进展:项目 B 已接近完工,主体结构已完成,外立面施工正在有序推进。项目 A 已准备好启动施工,所需的许可证已全部获批,前期建设准备工作已顺利完成。
- Completion Guarantees: The developer has provided completion guarantees for Project A, mitigating risks of delays or incomplete construction.
- 完工保证:开发商为项目 A 提供了完工保证,最大限度地降低了施工延误或未完工的风险。
- Short Investment Horizon: Investors benefit from a 2.5-year loan term, with a capped extension of 1.5 years. This structure ensures a relatively short investment horizon while delivering annual returns of 3.5% during the deployment period.
- 较短的投资周期:投资者受益于 2.5 年的较短贷款期限,贷款延期期限上限为 1.5 年。这一结构确保了相对较短的投资周期,同时在资金部署期间提供 3.5% 的年度回报。
These factors collectively ensure that the projects remain on track to achieve operational and financial success, with minimal disruption to investors.
Economic Impact 经济影响 (5/5)
The AG18 project exceeds the EB-5 program’s job creation requirements, ensuring compliance and reducing investor risk:
AG18 项目超越了 EB-5 项目的就业创造要求,确保合规性并降低了投资者风险:
- Job Creation Surplus: The projects are expected to generate 1,272.5 jobs, averaging 30 jobs per investor, nearly triple the minimum requirement of 10 jobs per EB-5 investor. This substantial surplus ensures all investors meet USCIS criteria, even under conservative scenarios.
- 就业创造盈余:项目预计将创造 1,272.5 个就业岗位,平均每位投资者可贡献 30 个就业机会,几乎是 EB-5 法案对创造就业基本要求(每位投资人通过投资新创造 10 个工作岗位)的三倍。这一显著的就业盈余确保了所有投资者在保守情景下依然符合美国移民局(USCIS)的标准。
- Independent Validation: Job creation estimates are verified by Baker Tilly US LLP, a leading accounting and consulting firm specializing in EB-5 economic modeling. The use of the IMPLAN model, an industry standard, ensures accurate and credible calculations.
- 独立验证:就业创造数据由 Baker Tilly US LLP 进行验证。该公司是专注于 EB-5 经济建模的领先会计与咨询机构,采用行业标准的 IMPLAN 模型进行计算,确保了数据的准确性和可信度。
This robust economic impact demonstrates the projects’ contributions to the local economy while safeguarding investors’ immigration outcomes, making it an ideal EB-5 investment.
这一强劲的经济影响不仅展现了项目对当地经济的贡献,也保障了投资者的移民结果,使其成为理想的 EB-5 投资项目。
Investor Security 对投资者的保障 (5/5)
AG18 LLC prioritizes investor protection through multiple layers of security and compliance:
AG18 LLC 通过多重安全保障和合规措施,优先保护投资者的利益:
- First-Lien Mortgage Security: EB-5 funds are secured by a first-priority lien on Project A’s land and improvements, providing a strong guarantee of repayment priority.
- 第一留置权抵押担保:EB-5 资金由项目 A 的土地及改建设施提供第一优先权留置权担保,确保投资者享有优先还款权,提供强有力的保障。
- Completion Guarantee: For Project A, the developer has committed to completing the construction, reducing the risks associated with delays or cost overruns.
- 完工保证:对于项目 A,开发商承诺完成施工,降低了与施工延误或成本超支相关的风险。
- Short Deployment Period: Investors benefit from a relatively short 2.5-year loan term, with a maximum extension period of 1.5 years, ensuring quicker capital returns compared to other EB-5 projects.
- 较短的投资周期:投资者受益于相对较短的 2.5 年贷款期限,最长延期为 1.5 年,与其他 EB-5 项目相比,可实现更快的资金回笼。
- No 「Second Investment」 Requirement: Once investors meet the USCIS-mandated two-year minimum investment period, there is no requirement to redeploy funds, enhancing capital security and reducing investor uncertainty.
- 无需 「再投资」:一旦投资者满足美国移民局(USCIS)规定的两年最低投资期,无需重新投资资金到新项目,增强了资本安全性,降低了投资者面对的不确定性。
- Transparent Fund Administration: EB-5 funds are managed by Proxy Fund Services LLC, a third-party administrator, ensuring accountability and transparency in the deployment and management of capital.
- 透明的资金管理:EB-5 资金由第三方管理机构 Proxy Fund Services LLC 负责管理,确保资本部署和管理过程的透明度和问责制。
These measures align AG18 LLC with the highest standards in EB-5 project management, offering investors peace of mind and reliable pathways to achieving immigration and financial goals.
这些措施使 AG18 LLC 符合 EB-5 项目管理的标准,为投资者提供安心保障,并为实现移民和财务目标提供可靠的途径。
Risk Level (Lower Scores Indicate Higher Risk) 风险水平(分数越低代表风险越高)(4/5)
While the AG18 project carries some inherent risks typical of large-scale real estate developments, these are effectively mitigated:
虽然 AG18 项目具有大型房地产开发项目固有的风险,但这些风险已被有效缓解:
- Construction Risks: These are minimized by the advanced progress of Project B and the completion guarantee provided for Project A.
- 建设风险:通过项目 B 的先进施工进展和项目 A 的完工保证,建设风险被降至最低。
- Market Risks: LIC’s robust market fundamentals and high rental demand reduce the impact of potential economic downturns or price fluctuations.
- 市场风险:长岛市(LIC)稳健的市场基础和高租赁需求降低了潜在经济衰退或价格波动的影响。
- Regulatory Risks: The project fully complies with the EB-5 Reform and Integrity Act of 2022, ensuring adherence to modern program standards and reducing the risk of delays or denials due to compliance issues.
- 监管风险:项目完全符合《2022 年 EB-5 改革与诚信法案》的要求,确保遵守现代项目标准,降低因合规问题导致延误或被拒的风险。
Overall, the AG18 project is structured to mitigate risks at every stage, providing a secure and reliable investment environment for EB-5 participants.
总体而言,AG18 项目在各个阶段都设有风险缓解措施,为 EB-5 参与者提供了安全可靠的投资环境。
Aspect 分析角度 | Rating (1-5) 评分 | Details 详情 |
Reliable Funding Sources 项目资金来源可靠 | 5 | Balanced funding with strong equity contributions, senior loans, and EB-5 capital. 资金结构平衡,包含开发商较大比例的股权投入、高级贷款和 EB-5 资本。 |
Promising Market Prospect 市场前景广阔 | 5 | LIC’s growth trajectory, prime location, and high rental demand drive strong project success. 长岛市(LIC)的增长态势、黄金地段和高租赁需求为项目成功提供强劲动力。 |
Reliable Operational Analysis 运营可靠性分析 | 5 | Advanced construction progress, completion guarantees, and professional oversight ensure smooth operations. 先进的施工进展、完工保证及专业监督确保项目顺利运营。 |
Economic Impact 经济影响 | 5 | Job creation surplus validated by independent analysis safeguards investors’ immigration success. 通过独立分析验证,有大量 EB-5 创造就业盈余,为 EB-5 投资人合规带来保障。 |
Investor Security 投资安全分析 | 5 | First-lien collateral, completion guarantees, and short loan terms offer substantial protection. 通过第一留置权抵押、开发商完工保证,和较短期限的贷款,为投资人提供了有力保护。 |
Risk Level (Lower Score = Higher Risk) 总体风险 | 4 | Minimal risks, mitigated by secure funding, market strength, and experienced management. 通过可靠的资金支持、强劲的市场基础和经验丰富的管理团队,有效降低了风险。 |
10. Conclusion 结论
The AG18 LLC EB-5 investment project presents an attractive opportunity for foreign investors seeking U.S. residency. Strategically located in LIC, the project combines financial stability, operational success, and immigration security. With its robust funding structure, significant job creation surplus, and investor-centric safeguards, AG18 represents a rare chance to invest in one of NYC’s most dynamic markets.
AG18 LLC 的 EB-5 投资项目(ARCFE 区域中心,组 18)为寻求美国居留权的外国投资者提供了一个具有吸引力的机会。该项目位于战略性的长岛市(LIC),融合了财务稳定性、运营成功和移民安全性。凭借其稳健的资金结构、显著的就业创造盈余以及以投资者为中心的保障措施,AG18 代表了投资纽约市最具活力市场之一的机会。
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