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首页 » 求学就业 » 面试时如何回答「你有过哪些失败的经历?」附英文范例


在面试中,当被问到「Tell Me About a Time You Failed」这样的问题时,如何回答可能是个难题。面试官之所以问这个问题,并不是在为难你,而是希望借此了解你的成熟程度、坚韧性、个性、学习愿望以及接受批评的态度。这些特质在简历和求职信上是看不出来的,而且求职者自己一般也不会主动谈及。



1 、慎重选择




2 、事先演练




3 、征求反馈




1 、关注「学到了什么」




三年前,我们在执行【项目 A】时,发现结果未达到预期目标。虽然当时看起来似乎没有成功,但我们将其视为改进的机会。之后,我们进行了彻底的分析,发现【B 策略】可能更有效。于是,我们开始实施这个策略,并且在【C 方面】取得了显著进展。

Three years ago, we were doing A, but realized the result fell short of the goal. Things were just not working. Many saw it as a failure, but we also saw it as an opportunity to improve, so we did a thorough analysis and realized that B was a better tactic. We activated it, and now we’re seeing a greater C.



2 、选择「误判」类的案例




When we started the project, we made assumptions about what our customer base already knew. But when the first phase didn’t go as planned, it became clear that we misjudged their awareness. To correct that problem, we conducted focus group testing before the next phase to ensure our campaign matched the understandings of the audience we were targeting, and I carry that lesson with me today.

3 、不过分强调「失败」




Our failure to foresee that problem compelled us to examine that event (not “error” or “mistake”) closely and take measures to avoid that result (not “failure”) in the future.

4 、「我们」而非「我」



  • 「我没有意识到」可以变成「我们没有意识到……」」
    “I didn’t realize” to “We didn’t realize…”
  • 「我没有预见到那个结果」可以变成「我们的团队没有预见到那个结果」
    “I didn’t foresee that result” to “Our team didn’t foresee that result”

5 、强调「纠正措施」




While we were able to correct the brochure in the next edition, we immediately added an important step to the process: instituting multiple levels of review before we publish new material.


We nearly lost the account — which would have been a considerable failure — but we regrouped and reimagined the pitch to better match the client’s needs.

6 、简短描述「失败」


发生了【事件 A】,产生了【结果 B】,但我们从中学到了【经验 C】,并应用了【措施 D】。

7 、不为失败辩护



  • 这并没有让我们退步太多,但很多人过度反应。
    It didn’t set us back that much, but many people overreacted.
  • 我从一开始就是对的——他们只是没有看到。
    I was right all along — they just didn’t see it.
  • 我的错误实际上从长远来看是有益的,因为……
    My mistake was actually beneficial in the long run because…

8 、使用「失败」的替代词



  • 学到了 Learned
  • 领悟到 Gleaned
  • 获得了洞察力 Gained insight
  • 意识到 Realized
  • 理解 Understood


  • 克服 Overcame
  • 改进 Improved
  • 提升 Elevated
  • 纠正 Corrected


  • 重新校准 Recalibrated
  • 调整 Adjusted


以下范例选自 indeedthemuse哈佛商业评论




My current job involves processing claims for our client. In this instance, I made an error regarding the client’s information, and as a result, the company received major pushback from the client. This put a lot of stress on my team in particular, as it is our responsibility to remain accurate and thorough.

The error was alarming, and our team suffered because of it. I was determined to not make a mistake like this again, so I spoke with my manager about work strategies I could implement to prevent an error like this from occurring again. Since then, I have not made task errors like this and can keep track of my work more efficiently.




When I first started the position, I found myself falling behind on work due to procrastination. This affected my work, as I was not meeting production standards, making things harder for my team overall. After speaking with my manager, I realized that my procrastination was a symptom of my lack of confidence in my abilities in my role.

Upon discovering this, my manager and I decided it would be best if I shadowed other team members to watch how they work and ask questions. I have now been at the company for two years, no longer procrastinate, and regularly review training materials to remain current about my job functions.


作为一个管理 10 人团队的负责人,我的任务之一是通知团队系统的更新。有一次,我在发送系统更新邮件时遗漏了一个关键细节,导致团队陷入混乱,并严重影响了我们的工作流程。


I manage a team of 10 people in our department. It is my job to inform the team of system updates via meetings and emails. In one instance, I sent an email about a system update but forgot to include a key detail. Because of this, the team was confused, and the department endured several hours of back-and-forth conversation through email and instant message. Because of this, our harmony and workflow were disrupted.

As the leader of this team, I called an emergency meeting to clarify the changes made. I also apologized to my team for the error, ensured any errors made due to mine would not be counted against them and promised to update everyone accurately moving forward. I also let the team know that if they have any other questions or concerns, they can observe my open door policy and express their thoughts with me in person.


对我而言,只要我觉得自己提交的工作本可以在分配的资源下做得更好,我就会认为这是一次失败。在大学三年级的一个工程课项目中,我们的任务是制作一个小型气垫船,每个团队都有 300 美元的材料预算,并可使用工程学院的材料库。我负责构建气垫船,包括材料的订购。我迅速制定了材料清单并在线订购,但由于成本过高,不得不在设计中削减一些部分。



To me, I’ve failed any time I turn in work that I feel I could have done better with the resources allotted. One time, in my junior year of college, the final for an engineering class was to build a small, functioning hovercraft. Each team was given $300 for supplies as well as access to the engineering school’s supply storage. I was responsible for the construction of the hovercraft, including ordering any needed supplies. I quickly made a list of supplies we needed and ordered them online. Unfortunately, getting everything on my list was too expensive so I cut a few components from our design.

When I saw other teams constructing their hovercrafts, they had way more supplies than we did. I realized that if I had checked the supply storage before making my list and taken the time to look around for better prices instead of taking the first thing I saw online, I could’ve saved significantly. The rest of my team did a great job on their parts, but I knew I could’ve done better. I emailed my professor directly to take responsibility for our hovercraft’s underperformance. I ended up with a lower grade on the project than the rest of my group, but I’m glad I didn’t bring them down.

I learned to always take my time before using any resources I’m given to make sure that I’m using them wisely, and never make a purchase before shopping around a bit—both in work and outside of it.


对我而言,失败是在没有尝试过所有方法之前就放弃。在我担任电子邮件营销助理期间,公司设定了一些挑战性很强的新 KPI,包括每季度至少使邮件通讯的订阅人数增长 25% 。

最初,我对这个目标感到非常震惊,甚至怀疑其可行性,因此我没有采取特别的行动来实现它,而是专注于其他 KPI 。大约一个月后,老板询问了我的进展。面对我的停滞不前,她要求我在第二天结束前提出三个增加订阅者数量的想法。我们一起讨论了这些想法及其实施方法,从而产生了更多的策略。尽管我由于起步晚而只实现了 12% 的增长,未能达到那个季度的目标,但在下一个季度,我通过尝试新方法成功实现了 26% 的增长。


To me, failure is when you give up without trying everything you reasonably can. When I was an email marketing associate, my company rolled out some new KPIs that were fairly aggressive, including that all email newsletters should be growing their subscriber lists at a rate of 25% per quarter.

I was floored. It felt like too much to ask for, and I had no idea how to get it done. So I continued to focus primarily on my other KPIs. After about a month, my boss asked how my numbers were looking. I admitted they were about the same and I hadn’t done anything differently. I could tell she was upset. She immediately tasked me with coming up with three possible ideas to grow the subscriber list and sending them to her by the end of the next day. It didn’t matter how small or basic or out there they were, she just wanted to see a list.

Then, we talked through each of my ideas and how to accomplish them and came up with more. I ended up implementing a few, but starting so far into the quarter, I only saw growth of 12%, so I failed to meet the goal. But by continuing to try new things the next quarter, I was able to grow my list by 26%.

I learned that if something feels too big, I should never ignore it and instead try to break it down or reach out for help. This early experience turned me into someone who is super conscientious and effective when it comes to pursuing new goals—the more challenging, the better.



为了解决这个问题,我们与内部沟通团队合作,为全公司员工开展了一系列教育活动,包括制作操作教学视频、设置与 IT 人员的问答环节,以及创建一个专门的求助邮箱。

虽然我对最初没有将用户教育纳入推广计划感到后悔,但这次经历让我们汲取了宝贵教训。现在,在推出所有新产品时,我们都把用户教育放在首位。结果是,现在有 95% 的员工每天都在使用这个云平台,这不仅提高了工作效率,还增强了文件的安全性。

Last year, my team introduced a new cloud-based internal filing system to the company and launched it as quickly as possible. But when the staff reported errors and frustrations using it, we realized that we hadn’t taken their learning curve into consideration.

So, we met and worked with our internal communications team to develop a company-wide education campaign, including how-to videos, Q&A opportunities with IT staff, and a dedicated email address for help.

I regret we didn’t make this part of our roll-out plan, but we worked very hard to learn from what happened and now prioritize user education with all product roll outs. Today, 95% of our staff use the cloud platform daily, which means more efficiency and greater safety for our files.


哈啰!我是小编 🐻 维尼爸。

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