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面试后如何写感谢信|附 10 封英文模板

面试结束后给面试官发送感谢信是一种礼貌且重要的行为,这不仅展现了您的专业素质,还表达了对面试机会的尊重。在这篇文章中,我们将介绍撰写感谢信的关键内容、实用技巧和注意事项,并提供《哈佛商业评论》、 Indeed 官网等来源的 10 份英文模板作为参考。通过这些模板,您可以更好地理解如何有效地表达感谢之情,同时保持专业和诚挚的语调。



1 、标题优化

当您通过电子邮件发送感谢信时,一个清晰简洁的主题行至关重要,以便有效传达您的信息。例如,主题为「Thank you for your time」适合大多数面试后的感谢信。若想更加随和,可以使用「Great to meet you today」作为主题。

2 、个性化的问候


邮件应直接发送给面试您的人,并确保名字拼写无误。例如,如果面试官名为 Christopher 但偏好您称呼他为 Chris,那么在后续通信中也应保持这种称呼方式。若面试过程中涉及多位面试官,向每位面试官分别发送一封简短的感谢邮件是个良好的习惯。



3 、表达感激与真诚的感谢

在开始撰写邮件的正文部分时,首先要表达您的感激之情。对面试官抽出时间与您见面表示感谢是很重要的。为了表达得更清晰,您应该具体提到职位名称,因为招聘经理可能同时处理多个职位的候选人。例如,您可以写道:「Thank you for taking the time to discuss the marketing manager position with me today.」

撰写感谢语时,记得感谢面试官抽出时间与您进行面谈或交流。您应该表达的感激之情是针对他们与您的讨论,而非面试本身。常见的感谢信中会有「Thanks so much for interviewing me」,但这可能会显得有些程序化。尤其是在您与面试官建立了良好关系的情况下,建议避免将此过程称作「Interview」。

4 、简明概述您的资历


您需要将自己的资格与职位及其具体要求相联系,阐明自己为何是此职位的理想人选。比如,您可以这样写:「My social media and search engine marketing expertise would make me an excellent candidate for this marketing role.」


5 、鼓励采取下一步行动

在感谢信的结尾部分,应鼓励招聘经理进行下一步的招聘流程。根据您在面试中获得的信息来撰写这一部分,因为您可能需要提供额外的推荐信或参加第二轮面试以获得职位。例如,您可以这样写:「Please don’t hesitate to contact me to arrange a follow-up interview.」

6 、提供联系方式



1 、保持简短和清晰

确保感谢邮件简洁明了。招聘人员通常没有时间阅读长篇大论。尝试将内容控制在最多三个段落内,每个段落 2-3 句话,重点突出您在对话中的亮点和对该角色最感兴趣的方面。

2 、简要强调您对组织的吸引力


3 、表达对职位机会的持续兴趣,并期待下一步的流程。

4 、保持真实(专业)自我


5 、感谢信的形式可以多样

虽然电子邮件是最常见的感谢信发送方式,但也可以选择其他形式。例如,如果您通过 LinkedIn 联系的面试官,那么在面试后通过 LinkedIn 发送感谢信息也是合适的。

另外,如果您认为面试官会欣赏手写便笺,您也可以选择邮寄一张感谢卡片。如果选择邮寄卡片,可以在电子邮件中提一句,如:「P.S. Just because I’m an appreciator of handwritten thank you notes myself, you should be receiving a letter in the mail/I dropped a letter off at the front desk as well!」




1 、避免过度详细


2 、不要提出要求


3 、注意语法和拼写


4 、参考模板,但需个性化




  • 展示兴趣和礼仪:对许多雇主而言,收到面试后的感谢信是他们所期待的。这不仅表明您对职位的真诚兴趣,还体现了您良好的职业礼仪。
  • 再次强调您的资格:感谢信为您提供了又一次机会,来重申您对职位的兴趣和您的资格,从而可能影响潜在雇主的最终决策。
  • 突出您的优势:通过感谢信,您可以提醒招聘经理您为何适合该职位,以及作为候选人的突出之处。可以在信中提及面试时的特定评论、问题或对话,以增加个性化和相关性。
  • 个人化的触感:虽然电子邮件是最常见的通信方式,手写的感谢信却能增添个人化的触感,有助于您在众多候选人中脱颖而出。然而,由于邮寄可能耗时,因此手写信件不应是唯一的通信方式。
  • 速度和时效性:由于招聘过程可能进展迅速,因此建议在面试后 24 小时内发送感谢电子邮件。这样做不仅可以迅速与招聘团队建立联系,而且有助于在他们完成招聘流程之前对他们的决策产生影响。


10 封英文感谢信模板

下面几封感谢信模板分别来自哈佛商业评论Indeed 官网博客、以及 The Muse


Subject: Thank you

Hi Genesa,

It was great speaking with you yesterday about being a possible fit for your team. I appreciate the transparency into the project you are working on and what it is like working at[company name]. It seems like an amazing team and an exciting project with huge potential. I am excited about the possibility of working with you. If you have any questions or want to continue our conversation, please reach out at any time.

I look forward to being in touch.

All the best,


Subject: Thank you

Hi Maria,

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today and sharing some of the innovative work you and your team are doing to support your clients.

From our conversation, I understand that the pace is fast, the work is top-notch, and as hard as you work, you all have a great time doing it together. People’s passion for their work was tangible and the sense of community was amazing.

I also understand you are looking for a person who can hit the ground running, does not need hand-holding, and is fun to work with. I am confident I am that person.

If you have any questions or want to continue our conversation, please feel free to reach out at any time.

I look forward to being in touch.



Subject: Thank you

Dear Mr. Cassidy,

I want to thank you for taking the time to meet with me today to discuss the financial planner position at Cascade Associates. I appreciate you sharing the history behind your family business and that you care for every customer as if they were your own family.

From our conversation, I understand that maintaining the legacy of top-notch service is your priority, and you are looking for planners who want to continue that legacy for years to come. As I shared, I have a young family of my own, and I am looking to put down roots with an organization that I can be proud to work for. I am excited about the possibility of joining your team.

If you have any questions or want to continue our conversation, please feel free to reach out at any time.



Subject line: Great to meet you

Hi Pat,

Thanks so much for taking the time to talk with me earlier today. Our conversation about the Marketing Manager position was inspiring, and it was fantastic to learn more about the role.

The job sounds exciting, and I think I would be an ideal candidate, thanks to my master’s degree and years of experience in the field.

Please contact me if you want to discuss this further. Thanks again for the opportunity.


Hannah Lee



Subject line: Thank you for the interview

Dear Dr. Chen,

Thank you for taking the time to speak with me about the Marketing Manager position this morning. It was inspiring to have such an insightful conversation about marketing metrics, and it was a pleasure to learn more about your insight into the industry.

The details you shared about the position and future goals for the marketing team convinced me that the role would be an ideal match for my qualifications. I believe that my Master of Science in marketing from Edison University and seven years of experience as a marketing specialist would allow me to make a valuable contribution to the department.

Thank you,

Hannah Lee



Subject line: Thanks for meeting with me

Hello Pat,

Thanks again for taking the time to meet with me yesterday afternoon. I enjoyed our conversation about the Marketing Manager position and appreciated learning more about working with the marketing team.

It sounds like a rewarding role, especially given the opportunities for collaboration and advancement. I think my master’s in marketing and marketing experience would make me an excellent candidate for the role.

I look forward to discussing this opportunity with you more. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need additional information about my references.

Thank you,

Hannah Lee



Subject line: Thank you for meeting with me

Hello Pat,

Thank you for taking the time to interview me this morning. I enjoyed our conversation about the Marketing Manager position and appreciated learning more about how the role works. The way the marketing and advertising teams work together sounds ideal for reaching goals and optimizing performance.

The Marketing Manager position sounds like a rewarding role, especially given the opportunities for leadership and advancement. I think my master’s in marketing from Edison University and more than seven years of experience leading marketing teams would make me an excellent candidate for this position.

I look forward to discussing this opportunity with you more. Please don’t hesitate to contact me to arrange a follow-up interview.

Thank you,

Hannah Lee



Hi Jimmy,

Thank you so much for chatting with me today. It was such a pleasure to learn more about the marketing manager role, and I’m very excited about the opportunity to join News Crew and help your team reach a new audience with your amazing content.

I look forward to hearing from you about next steps, but please don’t hesitate to contact me if I can provide any additional information.

All the best,



Hi Ms. Bernard,

I just wanted to thank you for inviting me to your office today. It was great to hear about 4Apps’ goals for streamlining your software and placing an emphasis on quality UX design, as well as how you see the engineering department playing a role in these initiatives.

4Apps seems like a wonderful place to work—and not just because you mentioned some great summer outings! I really admire the mission that drives your business, and look forward to the opportunity to help your team implement some of the ideas I mentioned around redesigning the homepage.

Please let me know if there’s anything else you need from me to move the process forward.

Enjoy the rest of your week,

Kyle Chang


Hi Jamaal,

Thank you so much for meeting with me today. I really enjoyed learning more about your career trajectory at CarRuns (and hearing what it was like to join as the fifth employee—so impressive!) and where you see the company going in the next couple years.

To follow up on our conversation about churned clients, I’ve attached a short deck I mocked up on my initial ideas for increasing renewals. Happy to discuss further if you see it being a helpful resource.

I can tell CarRuns is a special place to work, and I would be thrilled to join such an innovative, hardworking, and passionate team of individuals. Please let me know if there’s anything else I can provide to make your hiring decision easier.

Best regards,

Adelaide Jenkins

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