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公司的这个问题,通常并不是为了坑您,让您在压力之下说个很低的数字,然后继续压价。大部分职位都有确定的预算,HR 问您的预期,可能只是想确定他们是不是付得起您想要的薪水。如果您的要求远远超出预算,那大家都没必要再一轮轮的面试浪费时间。


顺便给大家一个小 tip:很多人可能不知道,假如 HR 打探您现在的薪水,您并不一定需要回答。美国有 20 多个州甚至有法律限制,禁止雇主打听您过去的薪水,比如加州。这背后的主要原因是为了解决性别不平等的历史 —— 很多女性比同等职位的男性薪水低,如果雇主打探您过去的薪水,并以此为标准来确定您未来的薪水,那么您的薪水会一直比男性低。有了这个法律,雇主确定您未来的薪水时,就只能按照现在的工作职责、以及您的经验和能力,而不能参照您过去那个可能本来就不合理的薪水。准备面试前,先查查所在州的法律,是否禁止雇主在面试中打探您过去的薪水。


I actually don’t understand the full scope of the role at this point to accurately price myself, but I would love to know the budgeted salary range.

如果面试官爽快地告诉了您预算范围,他们可能会问,这是否在您期待的范围之内。通常来说,只有收到 offer 、确定对方很想要您之后,才是薪水谈判最好的时机;如果前期面试过程中遇到这个问题,您也可以模糊一点,比如:

That’s helpful to know. If you were to offer me the job, is there room to negotiate?


That’s not something I’m comfortable answering, but I’m happy to talk about my qualifications for this role.


如果规避策略无效,对方非要您说个数,那您也可以考虑给出一个区间,而不是一个具体的数字。面试之前您要做好功课,对这个职位通常的薪水范围有一个合理的预期。如果对方的招聘要求里已经写了薪水范围,您可以对照自己的经验、技能和岗位职责的描述,看看自己落在区间的哪个位置,是偏上呢还是偏下。如果您是通过猎头或内推来应聘的,可以直接问猎头或者内推的朋友,自己也可以通过 Glassdoor 或者 这样的网站来调查,帮您了解这个职位、在这个行业、这个地区,合理的薪水大概会是多少,给自己定一个底线。

这个数字当然不需要在面试里如实报出来,但心里有个数对于之后和公司谈条件很有好处。一般来说,这个范围可能上下浮动 30%-50%,比如 6-9 万、 8-12 万,不要太窄,但也不要宽得离谱。简要解释一下得出这个范围的理由,包括您做过的调查,重点说说您的哪些技能和经验特别符合这个工作,此外还可以表明,薪水只是您的考虑因素之一。一定要让对方清楚,您也很关心其他的福利待遇。最后,表达出一定的灵活度,别听起来很强硬、像最后通牒,要让双方都觉得这事儿可以谈。



I’m looking for a competitive salary that reflects my qualifications and experience. Based on my research and the requirements of the role, as I understand them, I would expect a salary in the range of $75,000 to $100,000. Of course, I’m open to discussing the details of the entire compensation package, since salary is just one factor. I’m particularly excited to learn more about the opportunities for growth and advancement here.


Given my experience and expertise, I’m looking to make between $60,000 and $90,000 in my next role. I’ve done some research on similar roles and talked to people in comparable organizations, all of which helped me confirm that range. I know I’d be a valuable asset to your team and am open to learning more about your budget for the role and the other benefits that you offer employees.


I’ve been doing some research on similar roles and my understanding is that, for someone at my level, with my background and experience, I can expect to make a salary in the range of $100,000 to $125,000. Of course, compensation isn’t the only thing that’s important to me. So I’m eager to hear more about your benefits package, including paid time off and other perks. What’s most important to me is finding a place where I can thrive. I can be flexible around the exact numbers for a job that’s a great fit.

哈啰!我是小编 🐻 维尼爸。

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