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裁员不会写辞退信?ChatGPT 可以帮你

最近 Google 裁员的做法据说不太人道(aren’t very Googley),Business Insider 的编辑手痒让 ChatGPT 写一封裁员信,一开始呢它是拒绝的(说「It’s inappropriate」),但架不住编辑的再次要求,它还是写了一封模板,编辑表示你这很像是从网上抄来的…… ChatGPT 写的裁员信模板如下。

Subject: Reduction in Workforce


I am writing to inform you that, due to[specific reason for layoffs, such as financial difficulties or a shift in company strategy], Gomezon will be reducing its workforce by[number of layoffs]. This was a difficult decision that was not made lightly, and we understand that it will have a significant impact on everyone at the company.

[Specific information about who will be affected and when, as well as any severance package or outplacement services that will be provided.]

We want to assure you that we will be providing support and resources to those who are affected by this change. We will be working with outplacement firms to help with job search and career transition, and we will also be offering counseling services to help you through this difficult time.

We understand that this news is difficult to hear, and we appreciate your understanding and support during this time.


[Your Name]

生于湖南,求学于北京,先后在广东、北京、DC 工作。一代移民,生活在美东小镇。

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