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拜登发布行政令要求美国政府吸引 AI 人才

前几天我们刚分享了 关于全球 AI 人才的统计,显示全球顶尖 AI 研究人员有 59% 在美国工作,昨天拜登总统发布了关于「安全、可靠和可信地开发和使用人工智能」的行政令,里面进一步要求美国政府吸引 AI 人才,包括要求国务卿和国土安全部:

  • 识别和吸引海外大学、研究机构和私营部门在 AI 和其他关键及新兴技术领域的顶尖人才,与他们建立、增强联系,向他们介绍在美国的研究和就业机会,向顶尖 STEM 人才宣传美国非移民和移民签证的选择,并且他们的签证申请可能会得到加速审批。
  • 为 AI 和其他关键及新兴技术的专家制定明确的移民途径,包括 O-1A、EB-1、EB-2,以及为初创企业准备的国际企业家项目。
  • 为 AI 和其他关键及新兴技术的专家获得 H-1B、以及调整身份提供方便。
Biden 拜登



[…] establish[…] a program to identify and attract top talent in AI and other critical and emerging technologies at universities, research institutions, and the private sector overseas, and to establish and increase connections with that talent to educate them on opportunities and resources for research and employment in the United States, including overseas educational components to inform top STEM talent of nonimmigrant and immigrant visa options and potential expedited adjudication of their visa petitions and applications.

[…] clarify and modernize immigration pathways for experts in AI and other critical and emerging technologies, including O-1A and EB-1 noncitizens of extraordinary ability; EB-2 advanced-degree holders and noncitizens of exceptional ability; and startup founders in AI and other critical and emerging technologies using the International Entrepreneur Rule;

[…] continue its rulemaking process to modernize the H-1B program and enhance its integrity and usage, including by experts in AI and other critical and emerging technologies, and consider initiating a rulemaking to enhance the process for noncitizens, including experts in AI and other critical and emerging technologies and their spouses, dependents, and children, to adjust their status to lawful permanent resident.

根据 的统计:

  • 中国是 AI 技术人才的第一大输出国,29% 的顶尖 AI 研究人员来自中国(大家可能已经注意到,在 Open AI 等顶尖 AI 公司里有很多华人面孔)。美国位列第 2,提供了全球 20% 的顶尖 AI 人才。
  • 这些顶尖 AI 人才绝大部分在美国获得了研究生以上学位,并且大部分留在了美国工作 —— 全球顶尖 AI 人才有 59% 在美国工作,另有 11% 流向(回)中国、10% 去了欧洲、6% 去了加拿大。

生于湖南,求学于北京,先后在广东、北京、DC 工作。一代移民,生活在美东小镇。

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