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如果你在美国逾期逗留(overstay),离开之后签证自动失效,而且通常情况下必须回母国重新申请签证、不能去第三国申请,依据是 INA 222(g)

(1) In the case of an alien who has been admitted on the basis of a nonimmigrant visa and remained in the United States beyond the period of stay authorized by the Attorney General, such visa shall be void beginning after the conclusion of such period of stay.

(2) An alien described in paragraph (1) shall be ineligible to be readmitted to the United States as a nonimmigrant, except-

(A) on the basis of a visa (other than the visa described in paragraph (1))* issued in a consular office located in the country of the alien’s nationality (or, if there is no office in such country, in such other consular office as the Secretary of State shall specify); or

(B) where extraordinary circumstances are found by the Secretary of State to exist.

* 注:这个地方 USCIS 网页缺一个 closing parentheses,是我添加的。

22 CFR 41.101 – Place of application (b) 也明确说道:

Place of application for persons subject to INA 222(g). Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section, an alien whose prior nonimmigrant visa has been voided pursuant to INA 222(g), who is applying for a new nonimmigrant visa, shall make application at a consular office which has jurisdiction in or for the country of the alien’s nationality unless extraordinary circumstances have been determined to exist with respect to that alien as set forth in paragraph (c) of this section.


(c) Exceptions based on extraordinary circumstances.

(1) An alien physician serving in underserved areas of the United States under the provisions of INA 214(l) for whom an application for a waiver of the 2-year foreign residence requirement and/or a petition to accord H-1B status was filed prior to the end of the alien’s authorized period of stay and was subsequently approved, but whose authorized stay expired during the adjudication of such application(s), shall make application in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section.

(2) Any other individual or group whose circumstances are determined to be extraordinary, in accordance with paragraph (d)(1) of this section, by the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Visa Services upon the favorable recommendation of an immigration or consular officer, shall make application in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section.

(3) An alien who has, or immediately prior to the alien’s last entry into the United States had, a residence in a country other than the country of the alien’s nationality shall apply at a consular office with jurisdiction in or for the country of residence.

(4) An alien who is a national and resident of a country in which there is no United States consular office shall apply at a consular office designated by the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Visa Services to accept immigrant visa applications from persons of that nationality.

(5) An alien who possesses more than one nationality and who has, or immediately prior to the alien’s last entry into the United States had, a residence in one of the countries of the alien’s nationality shall apply at a consular office in the country of such residence.

延期被拒 Overstay 其他签证会同时失效作废吗?》 《I-94 过期或延期被拒,在美国逾期或非法滞留的后果


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25 thoughts on “逾期逗留之后只能回母国重新申请签证”

  1. 没有,只是提交了 I129 和 nunc pro tunc, 但是 uscis 没有批我的 npt,给了 797b。我现在有四个多月的 overstay(i94 和 797 都过去四个多月),可以去加拿大面签吗?

  2. 杨老师您好,

    雇主忘记 file 我的 h1b extension,过期后快三个月才 file,也申请了 NPT,H1B approve 但是 extension of stay 没批。具体时间线如下:

    – 07.31 H1B 过期
    – 10.26 file h1b with npt
    – 11.1 rfe request for additional signed copy
    – 11.14 rfe request for extraordinary circumstance
    – 12.1 case approve
    – 12.5 收到 extension of stay 没有批
    – 今天是 12.9,还没收到 797。

    我有一个 10 个月大的宝宝还在哺乳期,回国没法带宝宝,办不下来旅行证。我工作地方离加拿大非常近,请问我这种情况可以去加拿大签证吗?

  3. 感谢 Derek Yang 的解释,但是你关于 overstay 我有疑问。根据 302.1-9(B)(1)c.4,下面情况指出有 pending application 不适用 INA 222(g). 还请您解读解读。

    (4) (U) Applicants with Pending Change of Status or Extension of Status Applications: An applicant is not ineligible under INA 222(g) even though the departure date on Form I-94, Arrival-Departure Record, passes, if:

    (a) (U) The applicant files a timely application for extension of stay or for a change of status; and

    (b) (U) The application is approved. In addition, if an applicant departs after the date on the Form I-94 passes, but before their application for extension or change of status has been decided by USCIS, they must be subject to a blanket exemption from INA 222(g), if the application was filed in a “timely manner” and is “nonfrivolous” in nature. (省略了一部分)

    (c) (U) Nonimmigrants admitted D/S (Duration of Stay) who leave the United States while the extension of stay or change of status application is pending, are not subject to INA 222(g), if no status violation was found that would have resulted in the termination of the period of stay authorized. In addition, D/S nonimmigrants whose extension of stay or change of status applications were denied for reasons other than a status violation are not subject to INA 222(g).

  4. 杨老师您好,想要咨询一下,我的 i20 grace period 结束时间是 7.19,我的回国航班是 7.28,如果申请换 b 签的话大概率还在 pending 的时候就会飞回去了,这样子的情况下会不会影响到我的十年签呢。

  5. 杨老师,您好:请问 COS pending(I-94 已过期)期间离境,下次申请新的签证时需要会回母国还是可以去第三国?感谢!

      1. 您好,您文章中说 cos pending 期间离境 case 会自动被拒需要回母国签证,但是评论里说 i94 过期后只要在过期前提交 cos 可以离境去第三国签证。请问哪一个才是准确的?因为我也是 cos pending 期间想去加拿大首签 h4,i94 已过期,不确定是否可行。谢谢,期待您的回复!

        1. 补充: 我 j2 签证是今年 11 月 9 号过期,i94 跟着 2019 也是 11 月 9 号过期,10 月初已经和队友一起申请了 h4 转身份,因为加签还没下来,境内转身份也慢,估计去加拿大时 i94 已过期,case 也是 pending 中,所以这种情况可以去加拿大签 h4 吗?谢谢您,期待回复

          1. 文章是几年前回复读者评论而写,我刚看了下,要么是当时有 misunderstanding, 要么是某次编辑的时候搞混了。如果是在身份过期前及时提交了 cos 申请、并在 USCIS 处理之前离开,不会触发 INA 222(g),可以去其他国家申请签证。参见国务院外事手册 9 FAM 302.1-9(B)(6) 的说明,我在这篇文章里有引用,参见「已经回国了还没批复怎么算?」、表格标黄部分:《I-94 过期或延期被拒,在美国逾期或非法滞留的后果

  6. 杨先生您好!我 H4 是今年 5 月 5 日到期。今年一月提交了 H4 的申请。我想请问您一下,如果我在 5 月 5 日之前没有收到 approve notice ,由于我已经提交申请了,是不是可以合法逗留在美国?谢谢您

    1. 如果你及时提交了 renewal 的申请,只要主身份(H-1B)和你们的婚姻没有失效、并且你没有其他违反身份的行为,那么在 5/5 之后你仍然可以在美国合法停留等待 USCIS 的审理结果。但是,如果你 EAD 失效,在新的 EAD 批准之前你将不能工作。

  7. Derek Yang 您好!
    我妈妈因为去年疫情滞留,这次来美国前在 EVUS 的是否滞留问题上写了「是」。结果 b2 签证被 revoke。
    好不容易又申请到了新的 B2 签证,现在问题是 EVUS 逾期滞留的问题该怎么填呢?
    打电话给 EVUS 中心,agent 说「you should truthfully answer YES no matter the visa」

    1. 如实回答。逾期滞留会导致你当时持有的签证取消,并不会导致你此后重新申请的签证取消。

  8. 补充说明:我此行来到美国前一直在加拿大居住并工作(country of residence 是加拿大),并持有加拿大枫叶卡。

  9. 您好, 我是 2020 年 6 月 28 日持 b2 入境美国,i94 截止日期是 12 月 27 日。

    2020 年 11 月 18 日,我递交了 i539 延期申请到 2021 年 6 月 25 日。

    2021 年 7 月 17 日,我收到了指纹通知。

    我打算打完指纹(8 月 11 日)后,8 月 14 号离境去加拿大(持有加拿大枫叶卡)读研。

    因为我和配偶今年 6 月 19 日结婚,所以我打算回加拿大后申请 H4 签证,并已经约好面签。

    请问这种情况的话,我回到加拿大后需要做什么吗?之后在加拿大面签 H4 会受到影响吗?谢谢!

    1. 补充说明:我此行来美国前一直在加拿大居住并工作(country of residence 是加拿大,上次短暂回国是 2019.10),并持有加拿大枫叶卡。

  10. 您好,意思是说,虽然我之前有过 overstay,但由于回母国办理签证被 approve,证明是说他授予了我可以再次合法入境。那我这次用新的身份合法入境之后,再需要申请签证,是可以去第三国的,因为我之前已经被 CBP admit 合法入境了。我理解的对么? 谢谢!

    1. 文中所引条款的字母意思是,overstay 之后,你再申请新的美国签证,需去母国的美领馆(不能去第三国);需持在母国的美领馆发的签证,方可经 CBP 检查入境(不能持其他国家的美领馆发的签证)。入境之后,你在美国境内应该可以转身份,因为转身份不涉及 “admission”。但转身份之后,再次离开、再次申请签证,是否仍然要去母国的美领馆,还是可以去第三国的美领馆,我没找到权威的说法。我倾向于认为可以去第三国的美领馆。如果你面临这种情况,建议你联系律师咨询 legal advice。我们有合作的律所:新未名律师事务所

  11. 您好,想请教一下关于转身份申请被拒,之后第三国申请签证的问题。是不是但凡有过转身份被拒,并且有 overstay 和 unlawful present 之后,每次以后办理新的身份的签证都要必须回国内办理签证? 之前有和您咨询过我情况。我是由于疫情在境内转身份 b1-f1 被拒,有了大概 100 天左右的 unlawful present. 我目前 5 月份在国内申请 f1 签证已经被 approve 了。想问一下,我这样的情况,如果说之后想要申请新的类型签证,比如说 H4,永远都必须回本国,而不能在境内转身份或者在其他国家办理身份了是么? 谢谢。

    1. 「Admit / admission」指的是经 CBP 检查、授权合法入境。Overstay 之后需要回母国申请签证方可 “readmit”;境内转身份应该不受影响。

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