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信小信邀请好友 Claire 来美国玩,我给她写了邀请函;北京面签,顺利一次过关。 Claire 是年轻漂亮的单身姑娘,花名「F 姐」(F 的含义你自己体会),曾经和小信是同事。我特意提到她年轻漂亮单身,是因为网上有很多文章说这种申请人很容易被拒。



Invitation Letter

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is xxx, aka “Sabrina.” I’m writing to invite Ms. xxx (aka “Claire”), one of my best friends in China, to visit me from September xx to October xx, 2016.

I moved to the U.S. in xxx. Prior to that I was a xxx Manager with Oracle China from xxx to xxx, where Claire and I were co-workers and became close friends.

I haven’t seen Claire for xxx years and I miss her dearly. When I learnt a few months ago that she’s planning to take a break from work, I convinced her to visit me and spend a few days here.

Ms. xxx is currently an xxx with Oracle China, making RMB xxx annually, which I think is decent for her age. I was told that she has around RMB xxx (approx. USD xxx) in her savings account, which is more than enough to cover her travel expenses, especially since my husband and I have agreed that she can stay with us and does not need to pay for it. My husband and I own a three bedroom apartment in Falls Church, Virginia and we will spare a bedroom for her.

Claire’s parents both live in China, and, as far as I know, she does not have other relatives or friends in the U.S. She already purchased round trip tickets, which will take her back to China on October xx, 2016.

I don’t work right now and plan to spend most of my time with Claire while she’s here. I may take her out and explore around DC, Virginia and Maryland.

Following documents shall be presented during the interview upon requests:

  1. An employment status letter for Ms. xxx from Oracle China.
  2. Her most recent bank statements.
  3. Itinerary of her round trip flights.

My contact info: Cell / Email / Address xxx.

Please assist Ms. xxx in issuing her visa. I hope you’re having a wonderful day in Beijing.

xxx aka. Sabrina
July 3, 2016


【合作伙伴】 新未名律所专业办理各类美国移民和签证,拥有名校博士团队、十几年成功经验、数千批准案例,高批准率,免费评估。 网址。 联系人: 蔡律师,、 杨律师,、 张律师,

生于湖南,求学于北京,先后在广东、北京、DC 工作。一代移民,生活在美东小镇。

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