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有澳门读者询问从美国代购的关税问题。香港和澳门都是免税港(free port),除了特定商品外不征收关税,参见美国商务部旗下网站 的整理

香港 – Hong Kong

Hong Kong | Rawpixel

Hong Kong is a free port that does not levy a customs tariff. The Hong Kong Government levies excise duties on four commodities: hard alcohol (distilled spirits), tobacco, hydrocarbon oil, and methyl alcohol. The excise tax on distilled spirits is 100 percent, and the rate for unleaded gasoline is US$0.78 per liter. Duties on wine and beer were reduced to 0 percent effective February 27, 2008. Lastly, a steep “First Registration Tax,” which ranges from 35-100 percent of price, is levied on new car purchases. The current list of dutiable goods and corresponding rates is available.

To inquire about specific products contact:

Customs and Excise Department
Address: Customs Headquarters Building
222 Java Road, North Point
Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 3759-2606
Fax: (852) 2541-3039 (Office of Dutiable Commodities Administration)

香港是免税港,只针对四类商品征收关税:蒸馏酒(hard alcohol,不含红酒和啤酒)、烟草、汽油(hydrocarbon oil)、甲醇(methyl alcohol)。另外,进口汽车虽然没有关税,但是要缴纳 35%~100% 的汽车首次登记税(First Registration Tax)。


  • 酒精可带不超过 1 升。
  • 不超过 19 支香烟,或 1 支/25 克雪茄,或 25 克其他烟草。


澳门 – Macau

Macau is a free port with no tariffs on general imports. Macau, however, does impose a consumption tax on alcohol, tobacco, and fuels, ranging from 5-20 percent (based on cost, insurance, and freight) and a motor vehicle tax of 10-55 percent on imported motorcycles and motor vehicles (based on the initial sale price).

To inquire about specific products contact:

Macau Customs Service
Rua S. Tiago da Barra
Doca D. Carlos I, SW
Customs Headquarters, Macau
Tel: (853) 2855-9944
Fax: (853) 2837-1136 Email:

澳门也是免税港,但是酒精、烟草、汽油需要征收 5%~20% 的消费税,摩托车和汽车则要征收 10%~55% 的汽车税。

生于湖南,求学于北京,先后在广东、北京、DC 工作。一代移民,生活在美东小镇。

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4 thoughts on “美国邮寄包裹到香港和澳门没有关税”

  1. 你好!請問個人能從美國寄雪茄到香港嗎? 還是說要另找公司幫忙寄呢。 如果可以寄的話會限量多少和雪茄的收稅是多少? 謝謝!

  2. 我想請問一下 Derek Yang, 從美國休期頓快遞 30 公斤的物品, 快遞費要收 $6200 美元嗎?而郵件到香港快遞公司又要收起 $5000, 美元的消費稅和超重稅?香港是個免稅城市呀, 請你告訴我嗎?衣服, 包,項鏈之類的

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