
今天有读者问:「我们的 F3 排期已到,我和妻子在国内,小孩(已过 18 岁)已去美念书,这种情况小孩是单独在美转换身份,我和妻子去广州面签好呢?还是一家共同去广州面签好呢?」这是个有意思的问题。

根据 USCIS 的 I-485 说明 [来源],附属申请人在以下情形可以提交申请调整身份(AoS):

1. At the same time the principal applicant files Form I-485;

2. After the principal applicant filed a Form I-485 that remains pending a final decision by USCIS;

3. After USCIS approves the principal applicant’s Form I-485, if the principal applicant is still a lawful permanent resident and if, at the time of the principal applicant’s Form I-485 approval, you were the principal applicant’s spouse or child; or

4. After the principal applicant obtained an immigrant visa and entered the United States as a lawful permanent resident if the principal applicant is still a lawful permanent resident and, at the time of the principal applicant’s entry, you were the principal applicant’s spouse or child.

  1. 与主申请人同时提交 I-485 。
  2. 主申请人已提交 I-485 但尚未批准,附属申请人可以申请 AoS 。
  3. 主申请人 I-485 获批且绿卡未放弃或撤销,符合资格的附属申请人可以 AoS 。
  4. 主申请人在境外获得移民签证、进入美国成为永久居民后,符合资格的附属申请人可以 AoS 。

上述读者的情形符合最后一类。他和妻子在中国通过面试、拿到签证、进入美国之后,他的孩子即可在美国申请调整身份。领馆处理程序,从有签证名额开始,到最终面谈通过拿到签证,可能会长达 8-12 个月。至于哪种方案更有利,建议此类情形的读者请移民律师详细咨询。


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Derek Yang

生于湖南,先后在北京和广东学习与工作。2013年移居美国。EB-1 职业移民。非移民律师、非移民中介。Twitter @mrderekyang

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