国土安全部移民事务监察员 7 月 21 日警告,移民局于 6 月份中止了与一家外包厂商的合作,削减了绿卡、EAD 工卡的产能。移民局表示打算招聘联邦雇员来代替外包合作商,但受疫情和预算影响,目前招聘冻结。在可预见的将来,绿卡和工卡的制作和发放将延迟。
July 21, 2020
Dear Stakeholder:
In June 2020, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) reduced its capacity to print secure documents, such as Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) Cards and Employment Authorization Documents, after it ended a contract with an outside company responsible for printing these cards. According to USCIS, it intended to hire federal employees to replace the contractors; however, its financial situation resulted in a hiring freeze that has impacted the printing of these secure cards.
Stakeholders are submitting requests for case assistance to the Office of the Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman (Ombudsman), confirming there are delays in receiving these secure documents. USCIS expects these backlogs will continue for the foreseeable future. Should there be a furlough of USCIS employees on August 3, 2020, card production backlogs will likely increase.
The Ombudsman is assisting individuals whose applications have been approved but whose cards have not yet been produced, by sending weekly spreadsheets to USCIS to verify card requests are in line to be processed. If you are experiencing a delay in receiving your secure document, you may submit a request for case assistance with the Ombudsman at https://www.dhs.gov/topic/cis-ombudsman/forms/7001.
LPRs may obtain proof of their status by requesting a stamp of temporary evidence in a valid passport. Please reach out to USCIS’ Contact Center (800-375-5283) to make an appointment at your local USCIS field office.
根据《国家法律评论》(National Law Review)介绍 [来源],目前已经有新移民入境缴费之后超过 120 天、境内调整身份 I-485 批准之后几个星期,都未收到绿卡。彭博法律(Bloomberg Law)7 月 23 日报道 [来源],已经有长时间等待工作许可的申请人起诉了移民局。而若移民局于 8 月 3 日起开始无薪休假,延迟预计将会更严重。
《移民局取消无薪休假,警告处理时间将更长》如果你的永久绿卡即将或已经到期、需要更新,或者是临时绿卡要转成正式绿卡,可联系移民局在当地的办公室(field office),在护照上加盖 I-551 临时注释,也称「临时移民章」。
什么是 I-551?
I-551 就是永久居民卡(Permanent Resident Card),俗称「绿卡」。最新版 I-551 如下。

注意左上角的 「Form I-551」 字样
- 新移民初次入境美国,海关官员会在你的签证上加这行注释。
- 若人在美国境内,可联系当地的移民局办公室。
这行注释即 「Temporary I-551 Stamp」,全文为:「Upon endorsement serves as temporary I-551 evidencing permanent residence for 1 year」 — 加注之后 1 年内即为永久居民身份之证明;参见下图。

注意相片下面的那行字:「Upon endorsement serves as temporary I-551 evidence permanent residence for 1 year」。
人在美国怎么办理 I-551 临时章?
- 致电 USCIS 客服 1 (800) 375-5283 做预约。告诉他们你需要 temporary I-551 stamp for international travel。注意:移民局近日重新设计了官网,现在已经不能在官网预约 InfoPass,参见官网说明:「If you are inside the United States, you can no longer schedule an appointment online using InfoPass for domestic offices.」
- 在预约好的日期,带好所需的文件,包括有效的护照、InfoPass 预约单(如果有的话)、能证明你移民身份的文件(I-485 approval notice; I-90 receipt notice; 快过期/已过期的绿卡;等),到当地的移民局办公室办理即可。
因为疫情,很多地方的 USCIS field offices 现在可能关门、或只处理紧急事务,不一定能预约常规事项。Good luck.
8/13 更新
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Hello,Derek Yang!
我的 aprroved notice 已经收到,是 7 月 21 日,申请的 I-485,但是现在还没收到卡,是不是还要继续等待,一般像这种情况,是已经生产卡片了,还是正在制作中,请教您一下?
我打电话给过 uscis 了,他们说你有什么 emergency, 我说了 他说不在他们的 list 上面,说他们现在只办紧急的. 请问还能怎么办呢
因为疫情,很多地方的 USCIS field offices 现在可能关门、或只处理紧急事务,不一定能预约常规事项。