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延期申请在离开之后被拒,更新 EVUS 和 DS-160 时怎么回答?

今天有读者问道:「Derek 你好,有个问题想请教你一下,我爸爸是在 2020 年 1 月 30 日入境美国的,合法居留的时间在护照上写得是 2020 年 7 月 29 日,因为疫情的原因,我给他申请了 EXTENDED VISA, 收据是在 2020 年 6 月 15 日收到的,然后他本人在 2020 年 8 月 24 日就已经回国了。打指模的通知是他回国后才收到的。最终 2022 年 1 月他的 I-539 被拒了,因为他本人无法执行打指模。我现在的问题是:他现在想重新入境美国,我在网上给他申请新的 EVUS 时,有一个问题是:Have you ever stayed in the united states longer than the admission period granted to you by the U.S. government? 他这种情况是填写是还是否呢?」

1、更新 EVUS

简单来说:在 I-94 过期前及时提交了延期申请,离境之后被移民局拒绝,这种情形是否属于「stay longer than the admission period」?我的意见:不属于;回答 No。

我在《逾期或非法滞留的后果》里介绍过,「overstay」和「unlawful presence」是两个容易混淆、其实不同的概念;只要你及时提交了转换身份或延期的申请,在案件待审期间,即使身份过期,也不计算「unlawful presence」。

「Authorized stay」和「lawful status」也是两个容易混淆、其实不同的概念:如果你有合法身份(lawful status),在美国一定属于「authorized stay」;但反过来并不如此:authorized stay,并不意味着必须要有合法身份。

这个问题,移民局 policy manual 第 3 章有解释:「Lawful immigration status is distinct from being in a period of authorized stay. Periods of authorized stay are only relevant when determining a noncitizen’s accrual of unlawful presence for inadmissibility purposes. Although a noncitizen in a lawful immigration status is also in a period of authorized stay, the opposite is not necessarily true. Those in a period of authorized stay may or may not be in a lawful immigration status.」是否属于「authorized stay」,通常仅限于在计算 unlawful presence 的时候 —— 而上面已经说过,只要及时提交了转换身份或延期的申请,案件待审期间哪怕身份过期也不计算 unlawful presence。


2007/09/28某外国人以 B2 身份入境美国,I-94 给到了 2008/03/27
2008/03/16某雇主为他提交了 L-1 申请
2008/03/28他的 B2 身份过期
2008/09/10收到移民局为 L-1 申请发的 RFE 之后,他提交了 B2 延期的申请
2008/12/07申请人未回复 L-1 的 RFE,移民局拒绝了他的 L-1 申请
2009/01/11雇主提交了第 2 份 L-1 申请
2009/02/08移民局拒绝了其 B2 延期的申请
2009/02/11移民局批准了其第二份 L-1 申请的 petition (Form I-129)、但是拒绝了其将身份从 B2 转到 L-1 的申请 (I-539),因为他提交该申请的时候没有 B2 身份


When USCIS denied the first L-1 petition and COS application on December 7, 2008, the applicant was out of B-2 status as of March 29, 2008. Even though USCIS ultimately denied the first L-1 petition and COS request, the petition was timely filed. Accordingly, the petition provided the noncitizen a period of authorized stay while the petition was pending from March 16, 2008 through final adjudication on December 7, 2008.

Notwithstanding, the untimely filed application for extension of B-2 status did not provide the noncitizen any period of authorized stay. In addition, the applications and petitions filed did not grant any lawful status to the noncitizen or create a “bridge” of continuing lawful status stemming from the first timely filed petition.

他的第一份 L-1 申请,是「timely filed」,即在身份过期前及时提交,虽然最终因为未回复 RFE 被拒,但是从该申请提交后、到移民局在 2008/12/07 拒绝之日的这段时间,他属于「ahtorized stay」;注意:这段时间他并没有 lawful status。

回到前文读者的问题:她父亲在 I-94 过期前及时提交了延期申请,是「timely filed」,因而在提交申请之后、直到离开美国(或移民局拒绝其申请,whichever comes first)之间的这段时间,都属于「authorized stay」,因此更新 EVUS 时「Have you ever stayed in the united states longer than the admission period granted to you by the U.S. government?」这个问题应回答「No」。

2、回答 DS-160

重新申请/更新签证的时候,DS-160 表有这个问题:「Have you ever been unlawfully present, overstayed the amount of time granted by an immigration official or otherwise violated the terms of a U.S. visa?」 我的意见是,只要你在身份过期前及时提交了延期申请,并在移民局批复之前离开,那么就算最终申请被拒,也不属于 「overstay」。AVVO 上这位移民律师的回答也可以作为参考(尤其是第 3 点):

1. “…….does unlawful presence begin from the day of the decision or the day of I-94 expiry?”
One starts accruing “UP” from the date of the denial decision or expiration of I-94, whichever one occurs first.

2. “If the individual leaves right away, is the period when the I539 is pending considered 「overstay」?
No. It does not.

3. “What if the applicant leaves the country before a decision is made — is the period after i94 expiry overstay?
No. Also, once applicant departs mid-stream, prior to the application having been adjudicated that is considered “abandonment” of the application and the EOS is often denied as such.


  1. 移民局政策手册第三章,Unlawful Immigration Status at Time of Filing (INA 245(c)(2))
  2. Murthy Law Firm, Differences Between: Lawful Status, Period of Authorized Stay, & Unlawful Presence


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2 thoughts on “延期申请在离开之后被拒,更新 EVUS 和 DS-160 时怎么回答?”

  1. 我父母也是同样情况,离境后 visa extension denied. 在申请 EVUS 时有个问题是 是否曾经签证被拒签过, yes/no. Visa extension 被拒算不算签证拒签呢?我父母除了这次延期没通过,没有拒签的经历。

    1. 我不知道该问题的原文是什么。在美国申请 extension of status 应该不算签证被拒(status 和签证/visa 是两码事)。

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