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首页 » 健康|医药 » 美国比较好的晕车药和晕船药


人眼见到的运动如果与前庭系统感觉到的运动不相符,就会产生错觉和平衡失调,出现恶心、反胃、呕吐等症状,学名「晕动病」,英文 Motion Sickness。这种情况在坐车、飞机和乘船的时候经常出现,即晕车、晕机和晕船,英文俗称 car sickness。美国市面上最常用的是晕车腕带,非处方药物则有茶苯海明(Dramamine)和美克洛嗪(Bonine),另有姜糖、薄荷糖等。


美国有很多晕车药和晕船药,但 Amazon 上防治晕车和晕船最受欢迎的产品却是一款腕带:Sea Band,而且我听说国内很多孕妇从美国海淘和代购,用于减轻恶心、呕吐等妊娠反应。Sea-Band 腕带有普通成人款、儿童版、女士版,其实主要差别是手腕大小。

Sea-Band Anti-Nausea Acupressure Wristband for Motion & Morning Sickness, 1 Pair, Gray
$8.30 on Amazon
Sea Band 成人版 1 双
Sea-Band Mama! Anti-Nausea Acupressure Wristband for Morning Sickness, Colors May Vary, 1 Pair
$7.96 on Amazon
Sea Band 孕妇版 1 双
Sea-Band Anti-Nausea Acupressure Wristband for Motion & Morning Sickness, Child, Blue
$8.87 on Amazon
Sea Band 儿童版 1 双
Sea-Band Anti-Nausea Ginger Gum For Motion & Pregnancy Morning Sickness, 24 Count
$7.64 on Amazon
Sea Band 防吐姜糖 24 片

Sea-Band 是英国公司,是否华人创办我不知道,其产品线多围绕中医理论。防晕手环的原理就是挤压手臂的内关穴(见上图中间白点,需双手同时戴),按照使用说明对准穴位即可,无药物、无副作用、可以重复使用和清洗。Amazon 上一位用户评价说:

My husband and I went on a cruise for our honeymoon. About 1/2 an hour after the ship sailed, I became quite seasick. My husband went to the on-board store to get Dramamine or whatnot. They were all out. He brought back the only thing left: Sea Bands. I said “what is this ridiculous Voodoo, it’ll never work, plus they don’t even remotely match my outfit.” We both laughed at them, but I was willing to try anything at that point, so on they went. About 20 minutes later, I was noticeably better, and about 40 minutes later, I was completely cured…

大意是说,「我和老公在邮轮上度蜜月,船上的晕船药没了,只剩下 Sea-Band,我一开始不屑一顾,以为这是无聊的巫术,何况尺寸也不适合我的手腕。我抱着死马当活马医的想法试试,没想到 20 分钟以后晕船的症状明显开始减轻,40 分钟以后完全消失了……」

防晕手环还有其他品牌,比较知名的如 Toulifly,价格也差不多。

TOULIFLY Travel Wristbands,Travel Motion Sickness Relief Wrist Band,Natural Nausea Relief (Grey+Black)
$8.79 on Amazon
Toulifly 晕车腕带 2 双


如果你不喜欢戴在手上,可以选择口服药,Google 搜索 “Motion Sickness Pills,” “Travel Sickness Pills” 或者 “Kinetosis Treatment”,这些都是防治晕车、晕机和晕船的药物,还可以用于减轻晨呕、因为消化不良引起的反胃,以及孕妇恶心、呕吐等妊娠反应,因此很多人海淘、代购。


  • 茶苯海明 dimenhydrinate,品牌名 Dramamine,有成人配方和儿童配方,注意茶苯海明服后可能嗜睡,所以不能驾驶、操作机器等。Dramamine 也有不瞌睡配方,其实就是生姜……
  • 美克洛嗪 meclizine,常见品牌 Bonine。
Dramamine Original, Motion Sickness Relief, 36 Count
$11.35 on Amazon
Dramamine 原配方
茶苯海明 50mg
Dramamine Kids Chewable, Motion Sickness Relief, Grape Flavor, 8 Count
$4.57 on Amazon
Dramamine 儿童配方
茶苯海明 25mg
From the Makers of Dramamine, Advanced Herbals, Non-Drowsy, Motion Sickness Relief, Made with Natural Ginger, 18 Count
$5.89 on Amazon
Dramamine 不瞌睡配方
Non-Drowsy Bonine for Motion Sickness Relief, Sea Sickness, Car Sickness, Nausea, & Vomiting - Meclizine HCI 25mg, Travel-Sized - 16ct Raspberry Chewable Tablets (Packaging May Vary)
$5.94 on Amazon
Bonine 晕车药
美克洛嗪 25mg

比较常见的晕车药还有吸入剂 Quease Ease,使用的时候放在鼻子下面闻几次即可,不用口服;可参见他们在 Youtube 上的视频广告。成分说明为「薄荷、留兰香、薰衣草和生姜精油的专利混合物」。

Soothing Scents Queasy Ease Motion Sickness Instant Relief
$19.99 on Amazon
Quease Ease 晕车吸入剂


姜糖、薄荷糖也有减轻恶心和反胃的功效,如果你不想用药,或者晕车反应轻微,可以试试(上面说了,Dramamine 不瞌睡配方的有效成分就是生姜)。

  1. Tummy Drops 姜糖以及薄荷糖,主要原料顾名思义是姜和薄荷。
  2. Preggie Pop Drops Plus,主要原料为覆盆子、柠檬,并含维生素 B6。
  3. Sea Band 的姜味口香糖 Ginger Gum,好处是可以嚼很长时间。
USDA Organic Natural Ginger Tummydrops, Gluten Free & Vegan, 33 Individually Wrapped Drops in a Resealable Bag
$13.89 on Amazon
Tummy Drops 姜糖
Tummydrops, Natural Peppermint, Gluten Free & Vegan, 33 Individually Wrapped Pure Peppermint Oil Lozenges Made with Organic Ingredients
$13.89 on Amazon
Tummy Drops 薄荷糖
Preggie Pop Drops Plus | 21 Drops | Vitamin B6 for Morning Sickness & Nausea Relief during pregnancy | Safe for pregnant Mom & Baby | Gluten Free | Two Flavors: Lemon & Raspberry
$5.48 on Amazon
Preggie Pop Drops Plus
Sea-Band Anti-Nausea Ginger Gum For Motion & Pregnancy Morning Sickness, 24 Count
$7.64 on Amazon
Sea Band 防吐姜糖 24 片

生于湖南,求学于北京,先后在广东、北京、DC 工作。一代移民,生活在美东小镇。

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