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H-1B 工资级别的定义与要求

H-1B 身份对 「Prevailing Wage」 的要求,由你所在的区域、职位和级别决定。「外国劳工认证数据中心」2009 年的一份文件 [链接],「Prevailing Wage Determination Policy Guidance for Nonagricultural Immigration Programs」 、第 7 页,解释了四个级别的定义和要求。

一级/Level 1

Level I (entry) wage rates are assigned to job offers for beginning level employees who have only a basic understanding of the occupation. These employees perform routine tasks that require limited, if any, exercise of judgment. The tasks provide experience and familiarization with the employer’s methods, practices, and programs. The employees may perform higher level work for training and developmental purposes. These employees work under close supervision and receive specific instructions on required tasks and results expected. Their work is closely monitored and reviewed for accuracy. Statements that the job offer is for a research fellow, a worker in training, or an internship are indicators that a Level I wage should be considered.

一级为「入门」职位,指仅对该职位有基本理解的初级员工。此类员工主要做常规任务,无需或只需有限的判断力,包括熟悉雇主的操作方法和项目,可出于培训和职业发展目的而从事一些更高级别的工作。这些员工在严格的监督下工作,包括关于所需完成的任务、以及预期结果的明确指示。他们的工作受到严密管理和检查以确保准确。职务描述中可能有这些关键词: 「research fellow」 、 「worker in training」 、 「internship」 。

二级/Level 2

Level II (qualified) wage rates are assigned to job offers for qualified employees who have attained, either through education or experience, a good understanding of the occupation. They perform moderately complex tasks that require limited judgment. An
indicator that the job request warrants a wage determination at Level II would be a requirement for years of education and/or experience that are generally required as described in the ONET Job Zones.

二级为「合格」职位,指通过接受教育或培训,已经对该职位有较好理解的雇员。他们完成中等复杂程度、仅需有限判断力的任务。此类职位,如 ONET Job Zones 所描述,通常要求多年的教育背景和/或工作经验。

三级/Level 3

Level III (experienced) wage rates are assigned to job offers for experienced employees who have a sound understanding of the occupation and have attained, either through education or experience, special skills or knowledge. They perform tasks that require exercising judgment and may coordinate the activities of other staff. They may have supervisory authority over those staff. A requirement for years of experience or educational degrees that are at the higher ranges indicated in the ONET Job Zones would be indicators that a Level III wage should be considered.

Frequently, key words in the job title can be used as indicators that an employer’s job offer is for an experienced worker. Words such as ‘lead’ (lead analyst), ‘senior’ (senior programmer), ‘head’ (head nurse), ‘chief’ (crew chief), or ‘journeyman’ (journeyman plumber) would be indicators that a Level III wage should be considered.

三级为「经验丰富」的员工,他们对该职位有深厚的理解,并通过自身的教育背景或工作经验,获得了特别的技巧或知识。他们的工作需要行使判断力,包括可能要协调其他职员的工作、可能主管其他员工。他们的职位要求,如 ONET Job Zones 描述,包括更多年限的工作经验或更高的学位。职位关键词如 「lead」 analyst 、 「senior」 programmer 、 「head」 nurse 、 crew 「chief」 、 「journeyman」 plumber 。

四级/Level 4

Level IV (fully competent) wage rates are assigned to job offers for competent employees who have sufficient experience in the occupation to plan and conduct work requiring judgment and the independent evaluation, selection, modification, and application of standard procedures and techniques. Such employees use advanced skills and diversified knowledge to solve unusual and complex problems. These employees receive only technical guidance and their work is reviewed only for application of sound judgment and effectiveness in meeting the establishment’s procedures and expectations. They generally have management and/or supervisory responsibilities.


详解 H-1B 和 PERM 的最低工资要求以及如何查询
详解 H-1B 和 PERM 的最低工资要求以及如何查询
根据美国劳工部规定,美国公司在雇佣H-1B专业员工时,必须满足严格的工资要求。具体来说,雇主必须向H-1B员工支付最低工资(Prevailing Wage, 也译作「最低工资」)或实际工资中较高的那一项。最低工资是指该职位在特定地点和行业内的平均工资。实际工资是指该职位在雇主公司内的实际支付工资。


【合作伙伴】 新未名律所专业办理各类美国移民和签证,拥有名校博士团队、十几年成功经验、数千批准案例,高批准率,免费评估。 网址。 联系人: 蔡律师,、 杨律师,、 张律师,

生于湖南,求学于北京,先后在广东、北京、DC 工作。一代移民,生活在美东小镇。

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1 thought on “H-1B 工资级别的定义与要求”

  1. 在站里没找到任何 concurrent H-1B 的分享。不知道有没有小伙伴尝试过一个 part time H-1B 一个 Full time H-1B 同时工作,在申请绿卡的时候是否有影响?

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