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  • NEW【2021/02/24】拜登正式废除川普 10014 行政令 [链接]10052 行政令将于 2021/03/31 过期。
  • 【2020/12/31】川普将 10014 和 10052 号行政令延长到 2021/03/31。
  • 【2020/06/22】川普发布 10052 行政令,将 10014 禁令延长到 2020/12/31、并禁止部分 H/J/L 入境。
  • 【2020/04/30】移民权利组织要求联邦法庭紧急叫停 Trump 的 60 天移民禁令,但是该请求被 Oregon 的联邦法官 Michael Simon 于 4 月 30 日驳回。该法官于 2011 年上任,是 Obama 总统任命,在去年的另一起移民案件中曾做出对 Trump 政府不利的判决。
  • 【2020/04/22】Trump 签署 10014 号行政令:Proclamation Suspending Entry of Immigrants Who Present Risk to the U.S. Labor Market During the Economic Recovery Following the COVID-19 Outbreak;俗称「川普移民禁令」。



On Wednesday, April 22, President Trump signed a proclamation suspending entry into the United States of certain immigrants who present risk to the U.S. labor market during the economic recovery following the COVID-19 outbreak.  The proclamation was effective at 11:59 p.m. EDT on Thursday, April 23. It was continued by President Trump on June 23, and will expire on December 31, 2020, unless continued. 

U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents, and those holding valid immigrant visas on the effective date of the Proclamation, are not subject to the proclamation. The Proclamation is not retroactive. No valid visas will be revoked under this Proclamation. The proclamation provides exceptions to its restrictions for certain categories of immigrants, including: certain healthcare professionals, aliens seeking to enter the United States pursuant to an EB-5 investor visa, spouses and children (categories IR2, CR2, IR3, IH3, IR4, IH4) of U.S. citizens, members of the United States Armed Forces and any spouse and children of a member of the United States Armed Forces, and aliens seeking to enter the United States pursuant to an Afghan and Iraqi Special Immigrant Visa. In addition, cases involving a child applicant who may age out may be considered for a national interest exception. Please refer to the proclamation for a full list of exceptions.

Routine visas services have been suspended at U.S. posts worldwide, but as resources allow, embassies and consulates will continue to provide emergency and mission critical visa services. Mission-critical immigrant visa categories may include applicants who may be eligible for an exception under this presidential proclamation, such as: IR/CR1, IR/CR2, IR/IH-3, IR/IH-4, SQ, SI, and certain employment-based medical professionals, as well as cases involving an applicant who may age out. While embassies and consulates may process these types of cases, their ability to do so may be limited by local government restrictions and available resources. In addition, an applicant’s ability to travel may be impacted by local laws, regulations, and travel restrictions



Section 1. Suspension and Limitation on Entry. The entry into the United States of aliens as immigrants is hereby suspended and limited subject to section 2 of this proclamation.

Sec. 2. Scope of Suspension and Limitation on Entry. (a) The suspension and limitation on entry pursuant to section 1 of this proclamation shall apply only to aliens who:

(i) are outside the United States on the effective date of this proclamation;

(ii) do not have an immigrant visa that is valid on the effective date of this proclamation; and

(iii) do not have an official travel document other than a visa (such as a transportation letter, an appropriate boarding foil, or an advance parole document) that is valid on the effective date of this proclamation or issued on any date thereafter that permits him or her to travel to the United States and seek entry or admission.

(b) The suspension and limitation on entry pursuant to section 1 of this proclamation shall not apply to:

(i) any lawful permanent resident of the United States;

(ii) any alien seeking to enter the United States on an immigrant visa as a physician, nurse, or other healthcare professional; to perform medical research or other research intended to combat the spread of COVID-19; or to perform work essential to combating, recovering from, or otherwise alleviating the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak, as determined by the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Homeland Security, or their respective designees; and any spouse and unmarried children under 21 years old of any such alien who are accompanying or following to join the alien;

(iii) any alien applying for a visa to enter the United States pursuant to the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program;

(iv) any alien who is the spouse of a United States citizen;

(v) any alien who is under 21 years old and is the child of a United States citizen, or who is a prospective adoptee seeking to enter the United States pursuant to the IR-4 or IH-4 visa classifications;

(vi) any alien whose entry would further important United States law enforcement objectives, as determined by the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Homeland Security, or their respective designees, based on a recommendation of the Attorney General or his designee;

(vii) any member of the United States Armed Forces and any spouse and children of a member of the United States Armed Forces;

(viii) any alien seeking to enter the United States pursuant to a Special Immigrant Visa in the SI or SQ classification, subject to such conditions as the Secretary of State may impose, and any spouse and children of any such individual; or

(ix) any alien whose entry would be in the national interest, as determined by the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Homeland Security, or their respective designees.


Trump 此前 Twitter 让很多人误以为会全面暂停移民,目前看来力度要小很多:

  • 仅限于人在国外的申请人。人在境内、调整身份不受影响。
  • 仅限于尚未获得移民签证的人。如果你于 4/22/2020 之前已经获得了移民签证,不受影响。
  • 不包括 Advance Parole。
  • 不包括美国的永久居民。如果你已经有了绿卡、人在国外,仍然可以回来。


  • 申请移民签证的医护人员、以及他们的 21 岁以下未婚子女。
  • EB-5 移民申请人。
  • 美国公民的配偶或 21 岁以下子女。
  • 美国军人的配偶或子女。


  • 如果你人在美国,AOS 并没有暂停。但受疫情影响,移民局处理速度很慢。5 月排期至今未出!
  • 如果你人在国外,但是已经有了移民签证、或绿卡、或 AP,仍然可以入境/回来。
  • 如果你在国外,不是 EB-5、也不是公民配偶或 21 岁以下子女,你的移民申请未来 60 天内不会批准。
  • 该行政令并未排除公民的父母。从字面意思上说,公民在境外的父母若申请移民也将暂停。

该行政令持续 60 天,此后可能延续。


【合作伙伴】 新未名律所专业办理各类美国移民和签证,拥有名校博士团队、十几年成功经验、数千批准案例,高批准率,免费评估。 网址。 联系人: 蔡律师,、 杨律师,、 张律师,

生于湖南,求学于北京,先后在广东、北京、DC 工作。一代移民,生活在美东小镇。

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36 thoughts on “〔更新〕拜登正式废除川普移民禁令”

  1. 杨老师你好. 我想知道道今天为止有没有人接到美国公民申请父母移民签证在广州领馆的面谈通知. 还是要等 2020 年 12 月 31 号后. 谢谢?

    1. 请问您父母到目前为止收到了广州的面试通知吗? 我也是相同情况 NVC 刚刚批准 但是貌似使领馆要等到明年才开始 IR5 处理?

  2. Hi 楊先生 您好

    這裡想向您請教一個綠卡問題。我是 L-1 holder.
    目前我正處於 I-485 轉換階段等待體檢和面試通知,人也正在美國。

    近期因為公司需要我出差到亞洲 2-3 個月,這裡想請問楊老師我如果出國會不會影響體檢/面試或是整個綠卡的進度呢?
    還是說收到 USCIS 的面試通知,再回來美國這樣有機會趕得上嗎 ?


  3. @Derek Yang

    Yang 老师, 我父母是绿卡持有者,我现在是在美国境内用 OPT 身份工作。我父母想最近为我递交 F2B 类的 I-130 表。我想请问一下 Trump 的 60 天移民限制令会对此有什么影响嘛?多谢!

  4. 杨先生,您好!我舅舅在 1 月份就拿到签证(F4)。曾经订过 2 月 26 日的机票,由于疫情关闭边境,现在又买了 6 月 20 日厦门至洛杉矶的机票,前面网友 emms 说有绿色卡也不让登机,我也听说美国海关只放行美国护照和绿卡,在川普的 60 天禁令下,我舅舅一行是否可以顺利入境。谢谢!

    1. 从字面上说,行政令生效前已经获得移民签证者不受影响(允许入境),参见 section 2, (a) (ii)。但具体执行中会怎么操作,我们不知道。

  5. 杨老师你好!我想问一下,行政令生效后,美国领事馆还会继续进行预约面谈吗?

  6. 杨老师,看到你这篇文章,F2B,公民的 21 周岁以上的子女是会受到影响的,对吗?也就是此类 6 月份不会有排期更新了,对吗?我的排期还有几个月到了,刚收到 I797。

    1. 对。有排期,但是不发签证给境外申请人。境内调整身份的此类申请人未在该行政令限制范围之内。

      1. 杨老师,我是在境外的,没有在美国境内,不发签证给境外申请人,那如果继续有排期,排期到了,怎么办呢?

  7. 杨老师您好!已获得临时绿卡并在 19 年 5 月份替交资料,请问什么时候可以获得长期绿卡呀?是否受影响?

  8. 老師您好:我想請問一下如果是辦 EB-4 宗教移民,準備下周遞交,會受到影響嗎?

      1. 这个公告貌似只针对移民签证?所有的非移民签证(比如 H-1B/H-4, L-1B/L-2, B-1/B-2)应该都不受影响吧?


  9. 杨老师,我是美国公民配偶正在申请境内绿卡,正在等待安排面试,三月底已拿到 EAD 卡,我于四月七日离开美国正在停留在第三国,原本计划暂时出境办点事情再回去,,我持有临时旅行证能入境吗?这次行政命令公民配偶不受影响,但是我在境外有些担心。

    1. 公民配偶不受影响。持有 Advance Parole 者也不受影响。至少行政令是这么说。

  10. 扬老师,我 2015 年 7 月 21 日巳申请美国移民,属于 1-130 类别,因我妈是公民,我是离异家庭,身边有个 10 岁儿子,一直排期是在 F1, 我这次受影响吗?你的看法如何,能告知吗?谢谢!

  11. 杨老师,我基于 F2B 485 申请的 combo 卡已经拖延 10 个月了,还能继续处理吗。目前身份 pending 中,啥都做不了,485 状态显示安排预约面试。看到今天发布会感觉像是判了 10 个月有期徒刑又给加刑了?

    1. 境内调整身份不受此行政令影响。目前受 Covid-19 影响移民局处理速度很慢。

        1. AOS 是调整身份(Adjustment of Status),指的是由非移民身份调整到移民身份(绿卡)。Change of status 指的是从一种非移民身份转换到另一种非移民身份。

          1. 谢谢,那从 L1 到 H1b 是从移民签证转到非移民签证。目前用的是 COS。不知有何影响。

            1. L1 和 H1B 都是非移民签证,但都允许 dual intent。本此行政令没有直接影响。

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