ABC English Learning


杀猪盘是一个网络流行词,是诈骗团伙对交友婚恋类网络诈骗的一种俗称。是指诈骗分子利用网络交友,诱导受害人投资赌博的电信诈骗方式。诈骗分子准备好人设、交友套路等 「猪饲料」,将社交平台称为 「猪圈」,在其中寻找被他们称为 「猪」 的诈骗对象。通过建立恋爱关系,即 「养猪」 。最后骗取受害者钱财,即 「杀猪」 。

结合这个意思,「杀猪盘」 的英文可以说:romance scam, dating scam, 或 sweetheart scam 。


  • I can’t believe my friend got caught up in a romance scam. She sent thousands of dollars to someone she met online and never even saw in person.
  • My mom almost fell for a romance scam when she started talking to a guy on a dating site. Luckily, I helped her realize he was just after her money.
  • It’s disgusting how these scammers prey on vulnerable people through romance scams. They have no morals or empathy for the people they’re stealing from.
  • I read about a woman who lost her life savings to a romance scam. It’s heartbreaking to think that someone could be so cruel to another person.
  • If someone you’ve never met in person is asking for money or personal information, it’s probably a romance scam. Don’t fall for it.
Fan Zhao

Fan Zhao:爱烘培爱省钱的精明叻叻俏主妇。

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