题外话:用电脑发 email 或用手机发短信也能影响环保?据 BBC 表示:「… 一项研究估计,10 年前,平均每名澳大利亚互联网用户向大气排放了相当于 81 公斤(179 磅)的二氧化碳。」 8billiontrees 表示:「… 据估计,一条 140 字节的短信至少排放 0.00215 克二氧化碳。」所以,使用缩写不但节省时间,同时也是环保的呢!
英语缩写/网络用语通常用于非正式 email、短信或社交平台,常用到的数字有 1,2,3,4 和 8。除了数字本身的数量意思,「2」可代替「to」或「too」,「4」可代替「for」及或用于发音有「for」的单字,「8」可用于发音有「eight」的单字,「3」可用于表示同一字重复 3 次;「911」可以代表「alert」(警报/警戒)。
另通常使用小写表示是一个单字,比如「4ever」代表「forever」;大写则表示几个不同单字的第一个字母,比如「4EAE」代表「for ever and ever」。不过我觉得没有一定非得如此,非正式使用嘛。下面我们来介绍一下(很多你可能没有听过的)缩写和网络用语。
?4U = I Have a Question for You
「?4U」是「I have a question for you」的缩写,意思是「我有个问题想问你」;当你想问别人一个问题的时候可以在问题的前面或后面用「?4U」。
- ?4U. What would you do if someone was chasing me?
- Your girlfriend and mother fell into the water at the same time, who do you save first? ?4U.
121 = One-to-One
- My child needs 121 attention.
- I‘ll have a 121 with my boss tonight.(这个 121 指一对一的谈话)
1ce = Once
- 1ce a day is a lot.(啥东西一天一次是很多的?自己脑补 XD)
- I won the game 1ce I figured out my opponent’s strategy.
- I 1ce had a fear of public speaking, but I overcame it with practice.
- A: I got full marks in my exam yesterday!
- B: Really? 1ce!
E123 = Easy as 1, 2, 3
「E123」是「easy as 1, 2, 3」的缩写,表示「超级容易」、「像数数一般简单」:
- The problem is as E123.
- Cooking a delicious meal can be as E123 if you follow the recipe carefully.
HHO1/2K = Ha Ha, Only Half Kidding
「HH」可以理解为「哈哈」或者「Half Humor」- 半幽默,「only half kidding」是「半开玩笑」或「半认真」的意思,表示说话者的话可能部分是玩笑,但也有一些是认真的:
- You look like a teddy bear! HHO1/2K.
- HHO1/2K, but I think we should all quit our jobs and start a rock band.
NE1 = Anyone
- NE1 is welcome to join the party.
- I need some help. NE1?
- Does NE1 have anything to day?
2day = Today
- I had a really bad day 2day.
- Is 2day the day?
2F4U = Too Fast for You
「2F4U」是「Too fast for you」的缩写,是「对你来说太快了」的意思,但也可用于自己或他人,不一定指「对你来说」:
- I’m driving 2F4U, so you might want to hold on tight.
- The rollercoaster was 2F4U, and I was screaming the whole way down.
- I’m 2F4U, you’ll never beat me.
2M2H = Too Much to Handle
「2M2H」是「Too much to handle」的缩写,意思是「太多无法处理」,表示某个问题或局面超出了一个人的能力范围:
- The work was 2M2H for her to complete everything in one day.
- After a long day at work, the idea of cooking dinner was 2M2H, so I ordered takeout instead.
2moro = Tomorrow
- Will you still love me 2moro?
- Can’t wait for 2moro!
2nite = Tonight
- Let’s go ice skating 2nite.
- What do you wanna do 2nite?
B2B = Business to Business
「B2B」是「business to business」的缩写,意思是企业之间的商业交易。这些交易往往以大宗采购、长期合作、定制化产品等方式展开,目的是为了满足另一个企业的特定需求,并在商业上互惠互利:
- Our company specializes in providing B2B services to other businesses in the manufacturing industry.
- B2B never sleeps.
B2C = Business to Consumer
「B2C」是「business to consumer」的缩写,意思是企业向最终消费者销售产品或服务的商业模式:
- Many online retailers focus on B2C sales, as it allows them to reach a large audience of individual consumers.
- Our company specializes in B2C e-commerce, offering a wide range of products and services to customers around the world.
B2K/BTK = Back to Keyboard
「B2K」是「Back to keyboard」的缩写,也有人写成「BTK」,表示某人已经离开了他们的计算机或键盘一段时间,现在已经回到键盘前工作或沟通。比如你在参加一个线上会议或跟人聊天,有事要离开一下,你可以说「BRB」(就是 be right back,一会就回来),然后回来的时候说「B2K」或「BTK」。
「B2K」或「BTK」也可解释为「born to kill」(生而为杀手),在电影和电视剧中出现。
B2W = Back to Work
「B2W」是「Back to work」的缩写,表示准备好回到工作状态或已回到工作岗位上,也可以是要求别人回去工作:
- Sorry, I had to take a break, but now I’m B2W and ready to finish this project.
- B2W, please.
- Get your ass B2W!
F2F/FTF = Face to Face
「F2F」是「face to face」的缩写,意思是「面对面」,可用于两人或多人的面对面:
- We should have a F2F meeting to discuss this issue in more detail.
- I feel like I prefer having sex F2F.
G2G = Got to Go
「G2G」、「Got to go」就是「得走了」、「我要走了」,也有人用「GTG」:
- Sorry, G2G now. Talk 2 U L8R!(L8R=Later,下面会提到)
- GTG. BRB.(「BRB」在上面 B2K 提到过,就是「be right back」,一会就回来)
P2P = Person-to-Person/Peer-to-Peer
「P2P」是「person-to-person」的缩写,意思是「人对人」。在这种情况下,它通常用于描述一种交易方式,其中双方直接进行交易,而不需要通过第三方机构或中介。例如,在金融领域,「P2P payment」意味着直接从一个人的银行账户向另一个人的银行账户转移资金,而不需要通过银行或第三方支付平台:
- We don’t need to go through a bank for this transaction. Let’s do it P2P.
「P2P」也可以是「peer-to-peer」的缩写,意思是 「点对点」 或 「对等网络」。它是一种去中心化的计算机网络,允许计算机之间直接交换文件、数据和信息,而不需要通过中央服务器进行转发。P2P 网络通常用于共享大型文件,例如音乐、电影、软件等:
- The company is developing a P2P file sharing system that will allow users to share large files without the need for a central server.
U2 = You Too
「U2」、「You too」就是「你也是」、「你也一样」的意思,通常用于回应对方的祝福或感叹:
- A: Have a great day!
- B: Thanks, U2!
- A: You’re such a loser!
- B: U2!(或 Same to you!)
<3 = Love
- Thank you for being such a good friend. <3
- Let me <3 U!
B3 = Blah, Blah, Blah
「B3」、「Blah, Blah, Blah」是一种常见的口语表达,通常用于表示对某个人讲话的内容感到不感兴趣、无聊或重复、啰嗦,也可以表示某人一直在喋喋不休的讲话:
- Every time my boss B3s about his weekend, it makes me sleepy.
- She kept running her mouth and all I heard was B3.
4EAE = For Ever and Ever
「4EAE」是「for ever and ever」的缩写,是「永永远远」的意思,表示某事或某人将永远存在或长久持续:
- Let’s be best friends 4EAE, no matter where life takes us.
- The memory of our first date will stay with me 4EAE.
4ever = Forever
- My love for you will last 4ever, no matter what obstacles we face.
- I hate it 4ever.
- It’s been around 4ever.
4YEO = For Your Eyes Only
「4YEO」是「For Your Eyes Only」的缩写,意思是「仅供你查看」,表示信息或消息仅限于某个特定的接收者查看,不应与其他人分享:
- This information is confidential and 4YEO, please do not share it with anyone else.
- It’s 4YEO. I think I’m in love with my boss.
B4 = Before
「B4」是「before」,意思是「在… 之前」、「以前」、「曾经」等:
- She arrived at the party b4 I did.
- I’ve never been to Paris b4.
- I was a vegetarian b4, but now I eat meat again.
B4N = Bye for Now
「B4N」是「bye for now」的缩写,意思是「暂时再见」或「现在先走了」,通常用于表示暂时性的离别,表示将来会再次见面或交流;其它还有「CYA」(See ya)、「CU」(see you)、「CUA」(see you around)及「CUL」(see you later):
- A: G2G. B4N.
- B: CYA.
- C: CU.
- D: CUL.
B4YKI = Before You Know It
「B4YKI」是「before you know it」的缩写,意思是「在你意识到之前」或「很快地」,通常用来形容时间过得很快或某个事件发生得非常迅速,使你没有时间来意识到或准备它:
- I’ll be back B4YKI.
- Don’t worry. We’re just going to subject you to a series of invasive tests. It’ll be over B4YKI.
G4I = Go for It
「G4I」代表「go for it」,意思是「去做吧」或「加油」,通常用来鼓励或支持某人采取行动,尤其是在面对一些挑战或机遇时:
- If you really want to learn a new skill, G4I and don’t let fear hold you back.
- You’re thinking about asking her out? G4I! You have nothing to lose.
- I’m just gonna G4I.
J4F = Just for Fun
「J4F」代表「just for fun」,意思是「只是为了好玩」,没有其他目的:
- I’m not a professional musician, I play guitar J4F.
- A: Why did you dye your hair purple? B: Oh, J4F.
- He thought that trip to the guillotine factory was J4F.
BHL8 = Be Home Late
「BHL8」是「be home late」的缩写,意思是「晚些回家」:
- Are you gonna BHL8?
- Don’t wait up for me, I’ll BHL8.
GR8 = Great
- GR8 weather today!
- GR8! I’m glad to hear that.
- GR8 to see you again!
L8R = Later
- A: G2G. CU.
- B: L8r!
W8 = Wait
- W8! Someone is knocking on the door.
- I’ll w8.
P911 = Parent Alert
「P911」通常是指「parent alert」的缩写,意为「家长警报」,主要用于指出某些行为可能会对未成年人造成威胁或危险,通常与在线安全和儿童保护有关。
- Some social media platforms have a P911 feature that allows users to report concerns related to child safety and online abuse.
- If you notice any suspicious online activity involving minors, it’s important to use P911 and report it to the authorities.
W00t = Whoomp! There it is!?
虽然「w00t」和「Whoomp! There it is!」两个词都可以表示兴奋或庆祝,但它们的来源、用法和含义不同。「Whoomp! There it is!」是一个口号,来自 1993 年一首流行舞曲《Whoomp! (There It Is)》,通常用于现场活动和比赛中的呼喊和欢呼。「W00t」则是一种互联网用语,意思是「Hooray!」、「万岁!」,它可能源于「wow」、「hoot」和「w00h00」等词汇的结合,通常于在线游戏和聊天室中,表达欢呼、庆祝获胜或成功。
- I finally got my dream job! W00t, W00t!
- W00t! Our team won the championship game!
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