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对付诈骗电话大家都有经验了,什么 「您有一份文件待领取……」、「DHL 提醒您……」,直接挂断不罗嗦。英文的骚扰推销电话,有时候我们一时不察,英文也不流利,不知道怎么拒绝,很容易就被带入局。很多人都选择直接挂断或不理会,不过你想练习一下口语的话,可以尝试下面几种回应法。



  1. Thank you for calling, but I’m not interested.
  2. No thank you, I’m not interested.
  3. Thank you for thinking of me, but I’ll have to decline.
  4. I appreciate your effort, but it’s not something I’m looking for at the moment.
  5. I do not make any purchases over the phone. Thanks for respecting that.
  6. Thank you for the information. I’ll keep it in mind, but for now, I’m not interested.




  1. I’d prefer not to receive these calls. Can you take me off your list?
  2. Thank you for the call, but I am not interested. I would like my number to be removed from your list. Thanks and have a good day.
  3. I’d appreciate it if you could take my number off your list. Thank you.
  4. I’d like to request that you don’t call this number again. Can you please remove it from your system?
  5. I’m not interested in these offers. Please make sure I’m not contacted again.
  6. I understand you have a job to do, but I’d like to be excluded from any future calls. Please remove my details.

你也可以在联邦的免骚扰清单(National Do Not Call Registry)上登记自己的号码,以减少推销电话打来,见 《在美国如何减少骚扰和骗子电话》。


  1. I’m in the middle of something right now. Can you please remove me from your list?
  2. Now’s not a good time. Please don’t call again.
  3. I’m in the middle of something right now. Could we perhaps not continue this call?
  4. Now isn’t a good time for me. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t call back. Thank you.
  5. This isn’t a convenient time for me. I’d prefer not to receive these calls. Thank you.
  6. I’m not available to chat at the moment. Please ensure I’m not contacted in the future.


这个是我在 Quora 上看到的,可在你的电话套餐有无限通话时使用。你只需要告诉他:

Alright if you insist on talking I can listen to you, but before you start listen to this carefully: I can let you talk about your offer for hours if you like. I am very free today to listen to you to kill time. But in the end I will not sign up anything and you will not get paid a single cent for talking to me. So, if you’re smart you don’t want to waste your time with me. Go talk with someone else who might be interested and you might get paid for your work. But if you want to waste time for nothing, just go on. I’m ready to listen.


2025 美国无限流量手机电话卡推荐
2025 美国无限流量手机电话卡推荐
本文只包含真正的「无限高速流量」套餐。某些商家所谓「前 5/10/xx GB 高速流量、此后无限 2G 流量」的 unlimited plans 不算。


  1. I’m actually under 18, so I’m not sure I’m the right person for you to speak with.
  2. I’m a minor, and I don’t think I can help with this.
  3. Sorry, I’m not old enough to discuss this.




大多数电话推销员是用电脑拨打的,你接到的电话并不是推销员一个号码一个号码按下的。推销系统拨打你的号码后,当你拿起电话说出第一个字时,电脑才会将电话转接给第一个可用的接线员。所以当你发现自己不小心接了不想接的电话,不要马上说 Hello,你不出声,电脑就不会把你的电话转接给接线员,此时挂断电话即可。It worked for me! 完全不用说话,简直是社恐人的福音!

当然,如果这个来电不是骚扰电话,而是真的有正事找你,你接起来一句话不说,对方可能以为没接通或者打错,有可能耽误事情呢。因此当我在等待回电时,我还是会 Hello 一句,确定不是我想接的电话后,再用上面的话术拒绝。

Fan Zhao:爱烘培爱省钱的精明叻叻俏主妇。

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