EB-5 投资移民时代已经终结?谣言!

这几天我看到很多人转发某媒体「新闻」:EB-5 投资移民时代已经终结!


这件事起源于移民局 12 月 22 日的公告

The EB-5 Immigrant Investor Regional Center Program expired at the end of the day on Dec. 21, 2018, due to a lapse in congressional authorization to continue the program. All regional center applications and individual petitions are affected. USCIS will not accept new Forms I-924, Application for Regional Center Designation Under the Immigrant Investor Program, as of Dec. 21, 2018. Any pending Forms I-924 as of Dec. 21, 2018, will be put on hold until further notice.

对于了解 EB-5 项目的人来说,这条公告其实很清楚,EB-5 区域项目 12 月 21 日过期,原因是国会没有通过财政预案。 EB-5 区域项目是一个 pilot program,通常和综合拨款法案一起批准,如今因为 Trump 要 $50 亿美元建墙、民主党不同意,双方僵持不下,没有批准财政预案,导致政府部分关门,EB-5 区域项目随之过期只是 collateral damage 。


The current lapse in annual appropriated funding for the U.S. government does not affect USCIS’s fee-funded activities.[…] Some USCIS programs, however, will either expire or suspend operations, or be otherwise affected, until they receive appropriated funds or are reauthorized by Congress. These include: EB-5 Immigrant Investor Regional Center Program (not the EB-5 Program). Regional centers are a public or private economic unit in the U.S. that promotes economic growth. USCIS designates regional centers for participation in the Immigrant Investor Program. The EB-5 Program will continue to operate.

简单点说,只不过是 EB-5 投资移民的区域中心项目,因为国会和 Trump 没有及时批准财政预案而临时中止,整个 EB-5 以及其非区域中心项目并不受影响,更谈不上什么「投资移民时代终结」。国会和 Trump 总统批准新的财政预案之后,区域中心项目就会重启。微信圈里以讹传讹也就罢了,居然有记者和媒体以此大做文章报道,要么是无知曲解、完全不了解这个项目的背景,要么是无聊博眼球。

过去几年美国政府多次关门,EB-5 区域中心项目也随之中止过多次,这既不是第一次、也不会是最后一次。美国政府上一次关门是 3 个月前,当时 EB-5 区域中心也随之中止,请参见当时我写的解释文章:《EB-5 区域中心投资移民 10 月又要过期了》。



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Derek Yang

生于湖南,先后在北京和广东学习与工作。2013年移居美国。EB-1 职业移民。非移民律师、非移民中介。Twitter @mrderekyang

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