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首页 » 生活常识 » 中国驾照在美国各州开车的规定


持中国驾照在美国旅游,是否可以合法开车,网上有很多讨论。驾照是各州地方事务,和联邦政府没有关系,因此不存在所谓的「美国驾照」,只有各州的驾照;是否承认外国驾照也由各州决定。本文主要参考资料为各州交通管理部门 (DMV) 或执法部门、立法部门的官方文件,并全部列出原文地址可供核实。



  • 外国驾照只适用于「非居民」(nonresident) 。「居民」(resident) 必须在定居之后申请本州驾照,以外州甚至外国驾照开车可能被控无证驾驶。不同州和部门对「非居民」的定义不一样,请咨询所在州 DMV/MVA 。持旅游签证、入境不超过 30 天的中国公民,在任何一个州都属于「非居民」。
  • 持绿卡的中国公民不能使用中国驾照。绿卡是 「Permanent Resident」,而 resident 不能使用外国驾照。
  • 美国各州对考正式驾照的年龄要求一般是 16 岁或 18 岁。
  • 中国不存在国际驾照(International Driver Permit; IDP)。如果你持 PRC 驾照,任何人和机构声称能给你办理国际驾照,不管他们身在中国还是美国,都是骗子。国际驾照由联合国 1949 年《日内瓦道路交通公约》和 1968 年《维也纳道路交通公约》确立;中华人民共和国并没有批准和加入这两个公约,因此没有资格颁发、也不承认国际驾照 — 可参阅美国国务院博客雾谷飞鸿的介绍《再谈国际驾照》。 台湾、香港和澳门都批准了这两个公约,有些州明确承认台湾、香港、澳门的驾照,但不承认中华人民共和国驾照。
  • IDP 其实就是一张签约国互相认可的翻译,必须和母国的驾照原件一起使用,而且只能由本国政府和机构颁发;美国政府不能给中国驾照颁发 IDP 。当然,如果你有美国驾照,申请 IDP 很容易。
  • 支付宝和租租车的「国际驾照认证件」只是一份普通翻译,没有法律效力,不要误以为就可以合法驾车了。
  • 在美国办理国际驾照和美洲驾照的攻略
  • 支付宝和租租车所谓的「国际驾照」没有法律效力
  • 小心谨慎开车,减少出事故和被警察 Pull Over 的机率。
  • 实测 2024 最好的行车记录仪 —— 哪款能清楚拍到车牌号码?




本文根据美国各州的官方资料解读,点击超链接可以查对原文核实。我尽量找 DMV / MVA / Law Enforcement Agency 主管机构的资料。有些法规条文只明确了 「license from another state,」 我认为指的是「美国其他州的驾照」,并不包含其他国家驾照,只有 「license from another country」 才是「外国驾照」。


State中国驾照 OK?限制
Alaska阿拉斯加州可以90 天
Colorado科罗拉多州应该可以30 天
Connecticut康涅狄格州也许可以1 年
Disctrict of Columbia华盛顿特区应该可以N/A
Idaho爱达荷州可以1 年
Iowa爱荷华州可以30 天
Mississippi密西西比州可以60 天?
New Hampshire新罕布什尔州也许可以N/A
New Jersey新泽西州应该不可以N/A
New Mexico新墨西哥州应该可以N/A
New York纽约州可以N/A
North Carolina北卡罗来纳州应该可以N/A
North Dakota北达科他州可以N/A
Pennsylvania宾夕法尼亚州应该可以熟悉交通标识;1 年
Rhode Island罗得岛州可以N/A
South Carolina南卡罗来纳州可以N/A
South Dakota南达科他州可能不行N/A
Utah犹他州可以6 个月
Washington华盛顿州可以1 年
West Virginia西弗吉尼亚州可以每年 90 天


美国警察并不一定了解国际驾照 (IDP) 和联合国公约,更不用说记得哪些国家签署了、哪些国家没有。


  • 首先当然要确保中国驾照有效并随身携带。现在的中国驾照我记得是中英文双语。
  • 如果所在州的 DMV/MVA 有授权的译者,找他们翻译成英文 — 比如说 Maryland 的 DMV 就有这项服务,我在 MD 考驾照的时候,花 25 美元从上面找译者翻译,半个小时就给我了。
  • 实在不行你就在美国找一个律师事务所做份英文翻译,最好还找 Notary 公证一下,这些翻译件带在身上聊胜于无、以备万一。支付宝的「国际驾照认证件」其实就是一个认证过的普通翻译件
  • 读一遍美国的《驾驶员手册》— 目前有 5 个州和特区提供中文版《驾驶员手册》。至少,你得知道一些美国开车的常识,比如路权、谁先走谁后走;比如哪些车辆必须停车避让(警车、救护车、校车等);被警察拦下来之后需要注意些什么 — 比如双手必须放在方向盘上让警察看到、未经警察许可不能下车,等;另外要熟悉美国常见的交通标志,比如限速,比如非常重要的 STOP 标志,比如 “Do not pass” 的含义。

下面是各州政府部门的官方资料,应该可以视为合法的依据。另外,网友「青争子」在微信上联系我,说她写邮件给各州 DMV 咨询,有 9 个州回复了。这些回复她截图给我并同意我加到这篇文章中。

阿拉巴马州 (Alabama): 中国驾照可以合法开车上路

State of Alabama, Law Enforcement Agency, “Frequently Asked Questions,”

The following persons may drive a motor vehicle upon the streets or highways in Alabama without an Alabama driver license.[…]
A non-resident at least 16 years old who has in his immediate possession a valid driver license issued to him in his home state or country.[…]
Any non-resident fulltime student, properly enrolled and registered in a school, college, university, or trade school in this state, who holds a valid license from his home state or country.

大意:16 岁以上 nonresident 凭母国(州)有效驾照可在 Alabama 合法开车上路。

阿拉斯加州 (Alaska): 中国驾照入境内 90 天可以

State of Alaska, Division of Motor Vehicles, “Transfer a License
from another State, US Territory, or Country

You are welcome to drive in Alaska if you are at least 16 years old and have a valid driver license from another state, US Territory, or country.
If you will be driving in Alaska for more than 90 days, you must get an Alaska driver license.

大意:年满 16 岁并且拥有其他国家(州)有效驾照,可在 Alaska 境内驾驶不超过 90 天,之后则需要申请 Alaska 驾照。

亚利桑那州 (Arizona): 中国驾照可以

State of Arizona, Department of Transportation, “Frequently Asked Questions,”

What is needed for a person from another country to drive in Arizona?
You may legally drive in Arizona using a valid driver license from another country. An international driving license or permit is not required, but it is recommended because it can be printed in English and used in conjunction with the driver license from the other country.

大意:你可以使用有效的外国驾照在 Arizona 合法驾驶,无需国际驾照。

阿肯色州 (Arkansas): 中国驾照可能不行

Arkansas 的 DMV 没有明确说明,但是 Arkansas 大学给学生们准备的《考驾照指南》(Guide to Obtaining an Arkansas Driver’s License) 表示,

All drivers’ must have a valid unexpired license from one of the United States or a valid unexpired
international license. You may drive legally with a license from your home country if you also have an
international license (both are required).

大意:必须要有母国驾照 + 国际驾照。上面我们已经说了,中国没有国际驾照。

加利福尼亚州 (California): 中国驾照可以

State of California, Department of Motor Vehicles, “How to apply for a driver license if you are over 18?

If you are a visitor in California over 18 and have a valid driver license from your home state or country, you may drive in this state without getting a California driver license as long as your home state license remains valid.
If you become a California resident, you must get a California driver license within 10 days. Residency is established by voting in a California election, paying resident tuition, filing for a homeowner’s property tax exemption, or any other privilege or benefit not ordinarily extended to nonresidents.

大意:18 岁以上游客可凭母国(州)有效驾照在加州合法开车上路,没有明确时间限制。如果来加州定居,则需要在 10 天内考取加州驾照。

科罗拉多州 (Colorado): 中国驾照 30 天内应该可以

Colorado DMV 官网没找到明确说明,但是 University of Northern Colorado 给学生们准备的这份指南表示,

International Driver’s Licenses may be used for up to 30 days. After that you must obtain a Colorado Driver’s License.

大意:他国驾照可在 Colorado 州使用 30 天,此后须申请本州驾照。

康涅狄格州 (Connecticut): 中国驾照在 1 年内应该可以

State of Connecticut, Department of Motor Vehicles, “International Driver Permits,”

An International Driver Permit (IDP) is essentially an English translation of a foreign language driver’s license issued by a foreign country. These permits can only be obtained in the country which issued the actual license.
An IDP is not considered a valid license. It must accompany the valid foreign license. Connecticut permits a student or visitor to operate a motor vehicle in Connecticut for a period of up to one year with his or her foreign license. If the license is in a language other than English or Spanish, the license must be accompanied by an IDP which serves as an English translation of the foreign license.

大意:入境 1 年内可使用他国驾照,如使用英语和西班牙语之外的语言,则必须和国际驾照同时使用。

持中国驾照在 Connecticut 开车

然而,根据康州 DMV 对网友「青争子」的回复(如下), “You must have a valid IDP to operate a vehicle in CT” —「在康州开车你必须持有效的国际驾照」,这和 DMV 官网的说明不同,有可能他们并不知道中国驾照是中英文双语的?
另外,根据这位读者的反馈,「根据 DMV 邮件回复,可以把中国驾照在康州认可的翻译人员或者个人处进行翻译,然后配合原件就可以上路了。」

特拉华州 (Delaware): 中国可能不行

State of Delaware, Division of Motor Vehicles, “Driver Services
– General Requirements

Exemptions From Holding A Delaware Driver’s License:[…] Non-resident operators, over the age of sixteen (16) years, currently licensed in their home state or country. The license must be in the driver’s possession.

持中国驾照在 Delaware 开车

大意:16 岁以上非本州居民,可使用母国(州)有效驾照开车上路,并没有说需要国际驾照。
然而,特拉华州 DMV 给网友「青争子」的回复说, “In order to be legally drive here you must have a valid International Driving Permit” — 必须要有国际驾照。

华盛顿特区 (Disctrict of Columbia): 中国驾照应该可以

Distrct of Columbia, Department of Motor Vehicles, “Obtain a REAL ID Driver License with Out of Country Driver License,”

[…] A licensed driver who moves to the District of Columbia from another country is required to obtain a DC driver license, if residing in DC for more than 30 days and is not in the US on visiting visa.[…] We do not accept International Driver Licenses as proof of ability to drive. If you possess a non-English language driver license from a foreign country, you must attach an English translation from your embassy or from a certified translator. The embassy translation must be on official embassy letterhead. The date of the translation must be on or after the actual date of the non-English language driver license. Certified translator copies must have a certification stamp.

大意: DC 不认国际驾照。外国驾照如果没有英语,需去大使馆或找授权译者翻译成英文,随身携带。
//注:截至 2017 年 8 月,以上链接已经失效。 DC DMV 官网没有更新的说明,唯一提及国外驾照的说明在这里

If you have a valid out-of-country driver license, you will still have to take and pass the DC DMV driver knowledge test before you can get a DC DMV REAL ID driver license.
You will be allowed to keep your out-of-country driver license along with your DC DMV REAL ID driver license. DC DMV does not accept international driver licenses.
If your valid, non-US driver license is not in English, you must attach an English translation from your embassy or from a translation company. The embassy translation must be on official embassy letterhead. The date of the translation must be on or after the actual date of the non-English language driver license. Translations from companies must be certified with a translation stamp, or notarized by preparing a notarized affidavit confirming the translation was prepared by a qualified translator and that it is both accurate and complete.

佛罗里达州 (Florida): 中国驾照可以

State of Florida, Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, “Visiting from another country?”

Visitors to Florida who wish to drive while here are required to have in their immediate possession a valid driver license issued in his or her name from their country of residence.


乔治亚州 (Georgia): 中国驾照可以

State of Georgia, Department of Driver Services, “Drivers From Other Nations,”

Georgia recognizes unexpired driver’s licenses issued to and held by residents of other countries as long as the foreign license is unexpired. Generally, you may drive in Georgia for up to one year on an unexpired foreign license. Please note that in the case of a driver license issued by the driver’s licensing authority of a foreign country, a law officer may consult such person’s passport or visa to verify the validity of such license, if available.

大意:他国驾照只要未过期,可在 Georgia 使用一年。

夏威夷州 (Hawaii): 中国驾照可能不行

Hawaii 首府 Honolulu 官网有两条说明,一条是 2015 年 1 月 15 日更新的 “Frequently Asked Questions,”

Your valid foreign license is good to drive in Honolulu, Hawaii one year upon entry. You will need your valid passport to show admission date. Last Reviewed: January 15, 2015

一条是 2015 年 6 月 9 日更新的 “Frequently Asked Questions,”

The individual must have a foreign license along with their international permit to drive and a valid passport to show admission date. The license is valid one year upon entry to the U.S. The country must be listed with the United Nations Convention on Road Traffic (Geneva, 1949), and the Convention on the Regulation of Inter-American States. For complete listing of the recognized countries, please call AAA at 808-593-2221.

第二条大意是外国驾照必须和 IPD 同时使用,入境 1 年内有效。如果是这样,中国驾照用不了。

爱达荷州 (Idaho): 中国驾照可以

Idaho Transportation Department, “International Driving Privileges,”

The United States signed an agreement with many other countries to honor a foreign driver license for visitors to the United States for up to one year from the date of arrival.[…] Visitors from foreign countries may drive non-commercially in Idaho using a foreign-issued driver license. Visitors must carry the foreign driver license and, in addition, it is suggested that visitors carry an International Driving Permit issued by officials in their country of residence. It is not mandatory that visitors have the International Driving Permit; it is merely a suggestion to aid law enforcement officials and others who need to know the actual content of the license.

大意:入境 1 年内他国驾照在 Idaho 可从事非商业性驾驶,有 IDP 更好,但是并非强制。
//注:截至 2017 年 8 月,以上链接已经失效。我在 Idaho 政府官网没有再找到关于国外游客在 Idaho 开车的说明。

伊利诺伊州 (Illinois): 中国驾照也许可以

Illinois, Secretary of State, “NEW TO ILLINOIS DRIVING,”

You may drive in Illinois with your valid license from your own country during your stay. This also applies to your spouse and children living with you while attending an Illinois college or university.[…] However, an International License is not valid in the State of Illinois.

这段话有些让人困惑。一方面,你可以使用他国驾照在 Illinois 开车,并且没有明确的时间限制。然而,它又说,Illinois 不承认 International License.
Illinois Legal Aid Online (伊利诺伊州法律援助网) 也有说明:

If you have a valid foreign driver’s license, you may legally drive in Illinois for 90 days from the day you became a resident of Illinois. You must keep that license on you at all times while driving. You should have the license translated into English so police officers and other officials are able to read it.

大意:他国驾照可在 Illinois 使用 90 天。

印第安纳州 (Indiana): 中国驾照应该可以

State of Indiana, Bureau of Motor Vehicles, “NEW INDIANA RESIDENTS,”

The United States signed an agreement with many other countries to honor a foreign driver license for visitors to the United States for at least one year from the date of arrival. This privilege is made possible as a result of the United Nations Convention on Road Traffic (Geneva, 1949), and the Convention on the Regulation of American Automotive Traffic (Washington, 1943), both of which have been ratified by the United States.
An out-of-country driver’s license cannot be used for identification purposes. Out-of-country driver’s license must in the English language or presented with a verifiably accurate English translation of the document.

持中国驾照在 Indiana 开车

大意: 他国驾照可以开车,不能用作身份证明 (ID); 该驾照如果不是英语,则需要提供一份可核实的准确英语翻译。没有明确说是否只适用于联合国 1949 年公约的签署国。
印第安纳州 BMV 给网友「青争子」的回复也说, “Out-of-country driver’s license must (be) in the English language or presented with a verifiably accurate English translation of the document” — 只要是英文、或有可以准确核实的英文翻译即可。

爱荷华州 (Iowa): 中国驾照可以

State of Iowa, Department of Transportation, “The Driver’s License,”

Anyone who operates a motor vehicle or motorcycle or moped on public streets and roads in Iowa is required to have a license. You are considered an Iowa resident for purposes of driver licensing if you have[…] lived in Iowa continuously for 30 days.[…]
You do not need an Iowa driver’s license if you[…] are a student or visitor and have a current license from your home state or country.[…]

大意: 在 Iowa 连续停留 30 天以上需要考驾照,学生和游客可以凭母国(州)驾照开车。

堪萨斯州 (Kansas): 中国驾照可以

Kansas Driving Handbook (revised Nov. 2016):

Out of State License or Driving on an Existing License
The following people can drive on a valid license as long as they are at least 16 years old:
Aliens – Foreign tourists, teachers or business people who are here for up to one year and who hold valid Immigration Documents.

Kansas State University 在 Driver’s License in Kansas 里也说道:

If you have a valid driver license from your home country and do not become a Kansas resident as defined by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), you may drive for up to one year from the date of entry stamped on your I-94. If you become a Kansas resident as determined by the DMV, you have 60 days to get a new Kansas driver’s license. The Kansas DMV law states you become a Kansas resident 90 days after registering a child in school or registering a motor vehicle.
Although it is not required, you should also have an International Driving Permit (IDP).

大意: 游客可持母国驾照,推荐但是不强制使用 IDP.

肯塔基州 (Kentucky): 中国驾照不可以

Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, “Foreign Tourists,”

Foreign Tourists from any Geneva Compact countries who vist the United States as bona fide tourists can drive legally while using their valid domestic driver license for a period not to exceed one year from the date of arrival. The foreign license, if not in English, must be accompanied by an International Driving Permit obtained from the driver’s home country. This arrangement applies to driving either personal or rental cars. Bona fide tourists from Geneva Compact countries can also legally drive their own private cars bearing valid license plates/registration tags issued in their native country for a period not to exceed one year from the date of arrival.

If the visiting tourist accepts a job or attends school in the United States, he then loses tourist status and must obtain a state driver license and plates in accordance with the regulations in effect in the state where residence is chosen. If the tourist is here for only two or three months as a visitor to factories for purposes of overseeing or learning, he is not required to have a Kentucky driver license.

这两段话的一个重要关键词是 “Geneva Compact countries” — 即日内瓦公约国家, Kentucky 承认这些国家的驾照,并列出了详细名单,里面有台湾、香港、澳门,没有中国。

路易斯安那州 (Louisiana): 中国驾照可能不行

State of Louisiana, Public Safety Services, “Class D & E Driver’s Guide (2016),”

The following people are NOT required to obtain a Louisiana driver’s license:

  • Non-residents who possess a valid license issued by another state. You are permitted to drive in this state for a period of 90 days.
  • Non-resident students who possess both a valid driver’s license issued by their home state and a current student ID card.
  • Anyone operating a farm tractor, farm implements, or road machinery temporarily on the highway.
  • Members of the Armed Forces driving a U.S. government vehicle while on official duty.
  • Resident members of the Armed Forces or resident military dependents possessing a valid driver’s license from their home state.


缅因州 (Maine): 中国驾照可以

State of Maine, Bureau of Motor Vehicles, “State of Maine Motorist Handbook and Study Guide,”

Who May Operate a Motorcycle or Moped?
Any resident of the state who has a motorcycle permit or a valid Maine motorcycle license. Any nonresident possessing a valid motorcycle license from the state or country of their legal residence.

大意: Nonresident (非居民) 如有母国(州)的有效驾照即可在缅因州合法开车。

马里兰州 (Maryland): 中国驾照可以

General Assembly of Maryland, “Artical – Transportation, Section 16-102,”

(a) The licensing requirements of this title do not apply to:[…] (10) A nonresident of the United States if:
(i) The individual has a valid license to drive issued to the individual by the country of residence;
(ii) The individual’s license authorizes him to drive in that country vehicles of the class he is driving in this State;
(iii) The individual is at least the same age as that required of a resident for the vehicle he is driving in this State; and
(iv) Except as provided for in Subtitle 8 of this title, the vehicle is not a commercial motor vehicle.

大意:满足 Maryland 年龄要求(正式驾照为 18 岁)的外国公民 (nonresident of the U.S.) 持母国有效驾照可在 Maryland 驾驶同类型的非商用车辆。


我 2016 年整理这篇文章的时候,Massachusetts 车管部门明确承认香港、澳门、台湾的驾照,但是不承认中国大陆的驾照。当时的 list 里面写的是:「Hong Kong (but not mainland China)」 、 「Macao (but not mainland China)」 和 「Taiwan (Republic of China)」 。

2018 年 11 月 25 日,读者 Tianyu Fang 给我邮件反馈说,Massachusetts 于 2018 年 7 月修订 General Law,现在明确允许外国驾照在麻省驾车,只要有 IDP 英文驾照即可,参见麻省政府官网这里说明:

Foreign licensed drivers from any country, that meet certain requirements, may operate a motor vehicle in Massachusetts.[…]

Under MGL, Chapter 90, Section 10 , all foreign licensed drivers are subject to the following requirements when operating a vehicle in Massachusetts:

  • Must be at least 16 years of age.(年满 16 岁)
  • Must be in possession of a valid driver’s license when operating a motor vehicle in Massachusetts.(持有驾照)
  • May operate a motor vehicle in Massachusetts of the same type in which licensed to operate in any other state or country.(只可驾驶与本国驾照一致的车型)
  • If the foreign license is not in English or does not have an English translation, must have one of the following:(若非英语必须同时携带下列三项文件之一)
    • An International Driving Permit (IDP)
    • A Translation into English of a Foreign License document[注:原文此处有超链接,但是打不开;可参考下文补充], or similar acceptable translation(英语翻译)
    • An alternative translation document issued by the government agency that issued the license or that country’s embassy/consulate(本国驾照签发机构或使馆提供的翻译)
  • Must not be suspended or revoked.(驾照必须有效)


If an IDP cannot be obtained in the country that issued the driver’s license, the license holder must obtain an alternative translation document that properly identifies the license holder and translates the relevant license information into English. An alternative translation document must contain a passport-size photo of the license holder [翻译文件上必须贴有护照尺寸相片美国护照相片为大 2 寸白底彩色正方形] and a translation into English of the license, including the following[翻译必须包含下列信息]:

  • Country where the license is issued(国家)
  • Full name of licensee(全名)
  • Date of birth(出生日)
  • Permanent place of residence(住址)
  • Gender(性别)
  • Type of vehicle for which the license is valid(准驾车型)
  • Driver’s license number(驾照号码)
  • Name and address of the driver licensing agency (including the website address if available)(签发机构)

The RMV form 「Translation into English of a Foreign Driver License」 can be used as an acceptable translation document and can be found on the RMV website at: [注:这就是上面引用的页面]. It must be completed by one of the following:(翻译可由下列机构/人员提供)

  • A bilingual teacher at an accredited Massachusetts college, university, or private language school(麻省大学或语言学校的双语老师)
  • A bilingual Notary Public whose commission has been issued by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts(麻省的双语公证人员;可在这里查找
  • The local Consulate for the licensee’s country of origin in the United States(领事馆)
  • The American Translator’s Association (the national association of professional translators and interpreters)(美国翻译协会的译者;搜 ata certified translator + zipcode)

Alternative translation documents are also acceptable if they are issued by the government agency that issued the license or by that country’s embassy/ consulate.(驾照签发机构提供的翻译也可接受)

在我看来最让人振奋的是最后一条:「Alternative translation documents are also acceptable if they are issued by the government agency that issued the license[…]」,因为我记得中国现在的驾照是中英文对照,既然麻省承认驾照签发机构提供的翻译,中英文对照的驾照应该没有问题!

密歇根州 (Michigan): 中国驾照可以

根据读者 Allen 的反馈,我们查到 Michigan 于 2016 年 5 月 26 日通过了第 501 号法案(2017 年 3 月生效),ENROLLED SENATE BILL No. 501,全文点击这里,节选如下:

Except as otherwise provided by this act, and as provided in this section, a nonresident operator of a motor vehicle who is the holder of a license to operate a motor vehicle issued by a country other than the United States is not required to obtain a license to operate a passenger vehicle in this state if he or she does not receive compensation for such operation. The nonresident operator may operate a motor vehicle in compliance with otherwise applicable state and federal law using the license to operate a motor vehicle issued by a country other than the United States if the country that issued the nonresident operator’s license is a party to an international treaty, convention, or agreement regulating traffic, driving, or the operation of motor vehicles to which the United States or this state is also a party, according to the terms of that treaty, convention, or agreement. If the issuing country is not a party to a treaty, convention, or agreement described in this subsection, the nonresident operator may operate a motor vehicle using the license issued by his or her home country if he or she would otherwise be able to satisfy the requirements of section 307(1) except for any requirement to establish an address in this state or residency. While operating a passenger vehicle in this state, a nonresident operator who is the holder of a license to operate a motor vehicle issued by a country other than the United States shall have in his or her immediate possession his or her valid license to operate a motor vehicle issued by that country and, if no English translation appears on the front or back of the license, 1 of the following:(a) A valid international driving permit.
(b) If the license to operate a motor vehicle is issued by a country that does not permit the issuance of an international driving permit, a document containing a photo and an English translation that substantially corresponds to an international driving permit, which shall be used solely to properly identify the individual appearing on the license for the purpose of enforcing this act.


  • 非居民在 Michigan 开车,只要不收费(不是商业行为),无需取得 Michigan 驾照。
  • 外国驾照如不是英文,并且签发国没有加入相关的公约、不能颁发国际驾照(IDP)— 说的就是 PRC 驾照啊 — 可以使用母国驾照 + 一份带相片的英文翻译,在 Michigan 驾驶。以这个标准来看,支付宝和租租车公司的山寨国际驾照(Translation of International Driver License)在 Michigan 可以合法使用。

密歇根移民权利中心(Michigan Immigrant Rights Center)对这份文件的解读也明确认为,该条文适用于中国驾照。但是,他们又说,

SB 501 would also provide for new recognition of licenses issued by countries whose licenses are not currently recognized under the treaty, including China, but would subject holders of licenses from those countries to a “legal presence” requirement.

也就是说,你必须有 Legal Presence — 有合法身份。虽然我没找到更具体的要求,但如果你是 B1/B2 游客,护照和签证(或 I-94/延期批准文件等)就是你的 Legal Presence.
谢谢 Allen 的反馈!

明尼苏达州 (Minnesota): 中国驾照可以

Minnesota Driver’s Manual,

Who Does Not Need a Minnesota License?
You may drive a motor vehicle on public roads in Minnesota without a valid Minnesota driver’s license or permit, if you meet one of these exceptions:
You are a nonresident who is at least 15 years of age and have in your possession a valid driver’s license issued to you in your home state or country.

大意:15 岁以上的 nonresident 可持母国(州)有效驾照在 Minnesota 合法开车上路。

密西西比州 (Mississippi): 中国驾照可以

Mississippi Driver’s Manual,

You are exempted from having a Mississippi driver’s license if:[…]
You are a non-resident over the age of sixteen (16) and have in your possession a valid driver’s license issued to you by the proper authorities in your home state or home country. (If you hold a license from another state, and are over the age of eighteen[18], you may operate a vehicle in the state for a period of sixty[60] days without securing a Mississippi driver’s license).

大意:16 岁以上的 non-resident 可持母国(州)有效驾照在 Mississippi 合法开车上路。其他州居民的期限为 60 天;其他国家居民则没有明确说明。

密苏里州 (Missouri): 中国驾照可以

Missouri General Assembly 官网, Missouri Revised Statutes, Drivers’ and Commercial Drivers’ Licenses, Chapter 302, Section 302.080.1,

302.080. The following persons are exempt from license hereunder:[…]
(2) A nonresident who is at least sixteen years of age and who has in his immediate possession a valid license issued to him in his home state or country.

大意:16 岁以上的 nonresident 可持母国(州)驾照在 Missouri 开车。

蒙大拿州 (Montana): 中国驾照可以

Montana Code Annotated 2014, 61-5-104, “Exemptions,”

A nonresident who is at least 15 years of age and who is in immediate possession of a valid operator’s license issued to the nonresident by the nonresident’s home state or country may operate a motor vehicle, except a commercial motor vehicle, in this state.

大意:15 岁以上 nonresident 可持母国(州)有效驾照在 Montana 驾驶非商用车辆。

内布拉斯加州 (Nebraska): 中国驾照可能不行

Nebraska Revised Statute 60-488, Nonresidents; license requirements; immunity,

(1) A nonresident shall not be prevented from operating a motor vehicle upon the highways of this state during the period within which he or she may lawfully operate such motor vehicle in the state under the general motor vehicle laws of this state, but in no event shall such immunity extend beyond a period of thirty days continuous residence in the State of Nebraska.
(2) Subsection (1) of this section shall be subject to the following limitations:
(a) Such nonresident shall be duly licensed under the motor vehicle laws of the state of his or her residence or have complied with the laws of the state of his or her residence relating to the registration or licensing of motor vehicles and conformed to the laws of such state of residence in relation to the operators of motor vehicles;

大意: Nonresident 可持居住地所在州的驾照在 Nebraska 驾车 30 天,然而似乎只适用于美国的其他州,完全没有提到外国驾照。

内华达州 (Nevada): 中国驾照可以

Nevada Legislature, CHAPTER 483 – DRIVERS’ LICENSES; DRIVING SCHOOLS AND DRIVING INSTRUCTORS, NRS 483.240, Exemptions from licensing,

The following persons are exempt from license under the provisions of NRS 483.010 to 483.630, inclusive:[…]
A nonresident who is at least 16 years of age and who has in his or her immediate possession a valid license issued to the person in his or her home state or country may drive a motor vehicle in this State of the type or class the person may operate in that home state or country.

大意:16 岁以上 Nonresident 可持母国(州)有效驾照在 Nevada 驾驶同等车型。

新罕布什尔州 (New Hampshire): 中国驾照应该可以

State of New Hampshire, Driver’s Manual, PART TWO, Driver Licensing Information,

Non-residents who hold a valid driver license from their resident state.[…]
Foreign citizens who are strictly tourists in the United States and hold a valid driver license from their home country accompanied by an international license issued by the home country.

大意:美国其他州的 non-residents 无需 New Hampshire 驾照;非美国公民如为游客身份(即不在美国工作、生活、学习),可持 international license 在 New Hampshire 开车。
新罕布什尔州 DMV 给网友「青争子」的回复说,

If you’re visiting New Hampshire and have not established residency or do not intend to live here you may drive on your home country license. If you are driving on your home country license, an English interpretation is suggested so as to assist law enforcement.

持中国驾照在 New Hampshire 开车

大意:如果你是路过,并不打算在本州定居,可用母国驾照开车,建议同时携带英文翻译以便协助执法人员。这话说的多客气!另外参见这位读者的反馈(NH 可以)。

新泽西州 (New Jersey): 应该不可以

State of New Jersey, Motor Vehicle Commission, Driver Manual (revised 06/17), P23:

[此处讨论考 NJ 驾照] Foreign drivers may use their native driver licenses as proof of driving experience if their countries are members of the United Nations Convention on Road Traffic and if the applicants have their licenses translated into English by a consulate or an MVC-approved translator.


[此处讨论 IDP] Visitors with a foreign driver license who travel to the United States should carry an IDP or attach an acceptable English translation to their national driver licenses. The IDP is translated into the official languages of the United Nations (including English) and is useful in traffic emergencies. Non-citizens must obtain the IDP in their native country before traveling to the United States.

分析:New Jersey 只承认联合国公约签署国的驾照,分析参见这条评论

新墨西哥州 (New Mexico): 中国驾照应该可以

New Mexico MVD 官网,”Foreign Visitors Driving in the U.S.“:

Like all states, New Mexico requires a valid driver’s license. It is helpful to law enforcement if the driver also possesses an International Driving Permit as well.
For more general information regarding driving in the United States, please see

需要未过期的驾照;有 IDP 更好。

纽约州 (New York): 中国驾照可以

New York Department of Motor Vehicles, Driving in New York State,

Can I drive In New York State with an out-of-state or foreign driver license?
Yes. You can drive in New York State with a valid driver license from another state or country. You don’t need to apply for a New York State driver license unless you become a New York State resident.
If you have a driver license from another country you do not need an International Driving Permit, but the permit verifies in several languages that you have a valid driver license. This is helpful to police officers who can’t read the language on your foreign driver license. Contact the authorities in your home country to get an International Driving Permit.

大意:只要不是纽约州的 resident, 他国公民可凭母国有效驾照在纽约州开车,且无需国际驾照。

北卡罗来纳州 (North Carolina): 中国驾照应该可以

North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles, “New to NC or Moving?” 有一条针对 International Driving License 的说明:

The law enforcement authorities in North Carolina do not honor an International Driver License. A valid license issued by a government agency from a home state or country is required to legally drive in this State.

大意: North Carolina 不鸟国际驾照 (IPD), 你需要使用母国(州)的驾照原件才能开车上路。并没有说明是否只认三个公约的签署国家。

北达科他州 (North Dakota): 中国驾照可以

North Dakota, Noncommercial Drivers License Manual, Exemptions,

  1. Non-residents at least 16 years of age who have in their possession valid licenses from their home state or country, including members of the Armed Forces while stationed in North Dakota.

大意: 16 岁以上 non-resident 可凭母国(州)驾照在 North Dakota 驾车。

俄亥俄州 (Ohio): 中国驾照不可以

Ohio Department of Public Safety, Motor Vehicle Laws,

Motorists who are residents of other nations and who are bona fide tourists visiting the United States may drive up to one year with their own national license plates (registration tags) on their vehicle and with their own driver license. (United States motorists may drive in foreign countries under the same conditions.) These reciprocal privileges are made possible by the United Nations Convention on Road Traffic (Geneva 1949). If the name of the foreign motorist’s nation is not recognized, a tourist will have to purchase license plates and obtain a driver license upon arrival in the United States.
Every visiting motorist from a ratifying country should also carry an International Driving Permit, but this is not obligatory. This permit, printed in the official languages of the United Nations, is helpful when local police speak only one language and may be essential in case of emergency. Even with an International Driving Permit, visiting motorists must have a valid license issued in their country of residence.[…]
If your country does not have reciprocal privileges with the United States, you must visit an Ohio BMV driver license exam station (see Appendix A – Driver License Exam Stations).

大意: 俄亥俄州只承认 1949 日内瓦公约签署国的驾照,持中国驾照者需到 Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles 的考试中心咨询。
Ohio DMV 给网友「青争子」的回复说,

Foreign motorists from any of the countries on the reciprocity list who visit the United States as bona fide tourists can drive legally by using their valid domestic driver’s license for a period not to exceed one year from date of arrival.

持中国驾照在 Ohio 开车

Ohio 的回复相当文诌诌,上来先客气一通,正文也一本正经,大意就是签署了 1943 / 1949 / 1968 公约的互惠国家 (countries on the reciprocity list) 的游客 — 必须是真正的游客 (bona fide tourists) — 可以使用母国驾照在 Ohio 开车不超过一年。前面解释过了,中国没有签署这些公约。

奧克拉荷马州 (Oklahoma): 中国驾照可以


An Oklahoma License is NOT required for:

  1. Nonresidents at least 16 years old who are properly licensed to drive in their home state or country.[…]

大意: 16 岁以上 nonresident 可凭母国(州)驾照在 Oklahoma 开车上路。

俄勒冈州 (Oregon): 中国驾照也许可以

Oregon Driver Manual, “Driving in Oregon,”

Residents of other states who drive vehicles in Oregon must be at least 16 years of age and have a valid out-of-state license or be at least 15 years of age and have a valid out-of-state permit. Out-of-state permit holders must abide by the same restrictions as persons with an Oregon permit.

大意: 16 岁以上外州居民可凭当地驾照在 Oregon 开车;没有提到外国驾照。
然而,俄勒冈州 DMV 给网友「青争子」的回复是,

“You may drive in Oregon using a foreign driver license for one year. You must carry the foreign driver license on you. It is suggested that visitors carry an International Driving Permit issued by officials in their country of residence.”

持中国驾照在 Oregon 开车

大意:外国驾照须随身携带、可在 Oregon 使用一年,建议同时携带国际驾照。

宾夕法尼亚州 (Pennsylvania): 中国驾照应该可以

Pennsylvania Vehicle Code, Chapter 15, “Persons exempt from licensing,”

The following persons are not required to obtain a driver’s license under this chapter:[…]
(3) Any nonresident who is at least 16 years of age and who has in possession a valid driver’s license issued in the person’s home state or country except that a person who has been issued a valid driver’s license in a country other than the United States or Canada shall be exempt only upon showing a satisfactory understanding of official traffic-control devices. A nonresident may only drive the class or classes of vehicles in this Commonwealth for which the person is licensed to drive in the person’s home state or country
subject to all restrictions contained on the license.

大意: 16 岁以上 nonresident 可凭母国(州)驾照在 Pennsylvania 开车; 然而如果他来自北美(美国和加拿大)以外地区,还需要证明自己熟悉宾州的交通信号。也就是说,如果你因为违反宾州的交通信号指示被拦下来,你没有任何借口。
宾州 DMV 给网友「青争子」的回复是,

Individuals who possess a valid driver’s foreign license from their country are authorized to drive in Pennsylvania for up to one year from their date of entry into the U.S., or upon expiration of their foreign license, whichever comes first.


罗得岛州 (Rhode Island): 中国驾照可以

State of Rhode Island General Assembly, “TITLE 31 – Motor and Other vehicles,” SECTION 31-10-2, “Persons exempt from licensing requirements,”

The following persons are exempt from the licensing requirements of this chapter:[…]
(2) A nonresident who is at least sixteen (16) years of age and who has in his or her immediate possession a valid operator’s license issued to him or her in his or her home state or country may operate a motor vehicle in this state only as an operator;
(3) A nonresident who is at least eighteen (18) years of age and who has in his or her immediate possession a valid chauffeur’s license issued to him or her in his or her home state or country may operate a motor vehicle in this state either as an operator or chauffeur. Subject to the age limits applicable to chauffeurs in this state, that license shall be accepted as a chauffeur class I license. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a nonresident must submit an application for a chauffeur class I license which must be approved before a nonresident may be employed as a chauffeur in this state.

大意: 16 岁以上 nonresident 可持母国(州)驾照在 Rhode Island 开车。

南卡罗来纳州 (South Carolina): 中国驾照可以

South Carolina Legislature, South Carolina Code of Laws, Unannotated, Current through the end of the 2014 Session, Title 56 – Motor Vehicles, SECTION 56-1-30, Persons exempt from licensing requirements,

The following persons are exempt from licenses under this article:[…]
(2) A nonresident who is at least sixteen years of age and who has in his immediate possession a valid operator’s or chauffeur’s license issued to him in his home state or country may operate a motor vehicle, but a person may not claim nonresidence exemption under this provision who does not maintain a permanent residence address in the state or country of which he holds a valid and current operator’s or chauffeur’s license at which he regularly receives his mail and which address is on file with the motor vehicle authorities of that state or country; also, a person may not claim nonresidence exemption under this provision who for all other intents and purposes has or may remove his residence into this State.

大意: 16 岁以上 nonresident 可持母国(州)驾照在 South Carolina 开车上路。

南达科他州 (South Dakota): 可能不行

而且 South Dakota DMV 给网友「青争子」的回复也很含糊,并且有明显的语法错误。不知道这个州的政府部门风气是否就这样。

It is our department(‘)s understanding that you can drive here as a visitor on your country’s license for up to one year.[…] It is also my understanding that you do have to have a valid international driver license but you can inquire that with the law inforcement.

持中国驾照在 South Dakota 开车


田纳西州 (Tennessee): 中国驾照可以

Tennessee, Comprehensive Driver License Manual,

Non-Tennessee residents who have in their immediate possession a valid driver license issued by their home state or country, equivalent to the appropriate class or type of Tennessee license.

大意: Nonresident 可凭母国(州)驾照驾驶同等车型。

Texas | 德克萨斯州: 不可以 [Last checked March 2019]

Texas Driver Handbook, Chapter 1: Your License to Drive, “Who May Drive a Motor Vehicle in Texas?”


  • Any nonresident who is at least 16 years of age and possesses a valid driver license issued in the nonresident’s home state or Canadian province. Nonresidents at least 16 years of age who meet these criteria may drive a vehicle permitted to be operated with a Class C or Class M driver license in Texas.
  • Nonresidents who are at least 18 years of age may drive any vehicle in Texas if they are legally licensed to drive such a vehicle in their home state or country, and the home state or country grants like recognition (reciprocity) to citizens of Texas.

大意:美国其他州、加拿大各省 16 岁以上、持有当地驾照,可在德州驾驶 C/M 车型。 18 岁以上人士,若在其所在州或国家持有合法驾照,可在德州驾驶同等车型,前提是其所在州或国家承认德州驾照 — 中国不承认外国驾照,所以本条件不成立。

犹他州 (Utah): 中国驾照可以


Non-residents licensed by another state or country may drive in Utah:

  1. If they are at least 16 years old.
  2. If they are temporarily assigned by an employer, religious or private organization, or governmental entity.

Visitors with a valid out-of-state or out-of-country license may drive in Utah for up to six months.

大意:16 岁以上 Nonresident 持母国(州)驾照可以在 Utah 开 6 个月。

佛蒙特州 (Vermont): 中国驾照不可以

Vermont Department of Motor Vehicles, “Licenses Issued by Foreign Jurisdictions,”

A foreign visitor from one of the countries or territories listed herein may legally drive on the roads of the State of Vermont on his or her own country’s license (limited to a licensed driver who is at least 18 years old, legally present in the US and limited to a vehicle of the type covered by the license) for up to one year from the date of arrival.[…]
A licensed driver from one of the countries listed herein, in addition to his or her valid home country license, must carry a valid International Driving Permit.[…]

大意:Vermont 只承认该页表格所列国家和地区的驾照,其中包括香港、澳门和台湾,但是清楚注明「不包括中国大陆」。

弗吉尼亚州 (Virginia): 中国驾照可以

Virginia Driver’s Manual, “International Driver’s License,”

An international driver’s license is not a valid driver’s license and does not allow you to drive. It is only a foreign translation of your existing valid driver’s license to be used when you are traveling outside of the U.S. These permits are issued by your local AAA, except to persons whose driving privilege is suspended or revoked.
If you are visiting the U.S. from a foreign country, you may drive using your driver’s license issued by your home country. Your home country driver’s license should be accompanied by a translation of the license. International driver’s licenses marketed by private sector businesses are not valid and do not allow you to legally operate a motor vehicle. Sale of any document claiming to be a driver’s license is a Class 1 misdemeanor.

大意:外国游客可凭母国驾照 + 英语翻译在 Virginia 开车。 DMV 特别提醒你,商业组织售卖的「国际驾照」(International driver’s licenses)没什么卵用(注:驾照只能由政府机关颁发;联合国公约确定的 IDP 只能由政府授权的机构颁发,参见这里),如果有人卖给你所谓的「驾照」,属于 1 级轻罪。我觉得这就是给那些向中国公民贩卖国际驾照的人专门准备的。我大 Virginia 威武!

华盛顿州 (Washington): 中国驾照可以

Washington State Department of Licensing, Washington Driver Guide, “Nonresidents and Visitors,”

If you are a nonresident or a short-term visitor, you can operate a motor vehicle in this state if you have a valid driver license from your home state, province, territory, or country and you are at least 16 years old. This applies to:

  • members of the Armed Forces on active duty or members of a foreign military on temporary duty with the Armed Forces, as well as their spouses and children.
  • students who are here to further their education and who are considered nonresidents for tuition purposes.
  • employees of companies licensed to do business in Washington State, who are here for a short time to receive or give job instruction.
  • foreign tourists, teachers, or business people who are here for up to one year.


西弗吉尼亚州 (West Virignia): 中国驾照可以

State of West Virginia, Driver’s Licensing Handbook, CHAPTER I, DRIVER’S LICENSE INFORMATION, “Who is Exempt?”

A nonresident who is at least 16 years old and has a valid license from another state or country (limited to 90 days in a calendar year)

大意:16 岁以上 nonresident 可凭母国(州)驾照在 West Virginia 开车,每一年度限 90 天。

威斯康星州 (Wisconsin): 中国不行

Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Motorists’ Handbook, “THE DRIVER LICENSE,” “Exception,”

The following people who are non-residents of Wisconsin may drive with a valid license from their home state or country while living in Wisconsin, as long as they are at least 16 years old and their privilege to operate a motor vehicle in Wisconsin is not suspended, revoked, cancelled or disqualified:[…]
Foreign tourists who are here for up to one year.

大意:外国游客持母国有效驾照在 Wisconsin 可开车一年。
然而,威斯康辛州 DMV 给网友「青争子」的回复说,

As China is not a signatory nation to either the 1949 Geneva Convention on Road Traffic or the 1943 Convention on Inter-American Motor Vehicle Traffic, you are unable to legally drive in Wisconsin with your Chinese license.

持中国驾照在 Wisconsin 开车


怀俄明州 (Wyoming): 中国驾照可以

Wyoming Department of Transportation, Driver Services,

Drivers with licenses issued from another country may drive in Wyoming as long as they have a valid driver license from their country. An International Driving Permit is recommended but not mandatory. This permit translates your driver license, so if needed, the proper authorities will be able to ascertain the information on your driver license.

大意:外国有效驾照可在 Wyoming 合法开车上路。如有国际驾照更好,但并非必须。

生于湖南,求学于北京,先后在广东、北京、DC 工作。一代移民,生活在美东小镇。

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12 thoughts on “中国驾照在美国各州开车的规定”

  1. 请问如何阅读需要密码的这篇文章 Protected: 加拿大驾照可在美国合法开车吗?

    1. 可以。但是,据我查到的资料来看,理论上需要同时持国际驾照 (IDP) 。虽然我看到很多人说没有/不需要国际驾照也可以,但实际上加拿大并不是 1943 年《美洲汽车交通管理公约》的签约国,并且即便是该公约,也说了签约方可以选择要求驾驶人提供特别的国际驾驶许可。

      尤其是如果你所在省的驾照只有法语、没有英语,那么强烈建议你申请并同时携带 IDP,以防万一。

      举例来说,加美边境的 Vermont 州明确说了,加拿大(以及其他国家)的驾照在 Vermont 可以使用、但是必须同时持有 IPD:

      “A licensed driver from one of the countries listed herein must carry a valid International Driving Permit in addition to their valid home country license[…]

      Central African Repub.

  2. 建议能够及时做个更新。

    另外,给纽约做个补充,不知道是否对。在入境美国纽约 3 个月内可凭借国内驾照和翻译件(纽约认可的)可以开车,但何为纽约认可的不知道,单独 Permit 在纽约应该是不能开车,但 Permit+国内驾照可以开车,没有时间限制(亲身经历,被 Pull 时已经来美国 14 个月了),夜间 9 点以后就不可以了。

    1. 当然不知道是不是警察 nice,我比较幸运。但事实如此,我当时也是非常惊恐。

  3. 你好,我是现在住在 dc 的学生,感恩节计划去加州,请问这种情况下,我在加州可以持中国驾照开车吗?

    1. 你应该申请 DC 驾照: 链接

      「If you reside in the District for more than 30 days and you are NOT staying in the US on a visitor’s visa, you must get a DC DMV driver license.」

  4. 德州现在应该是可以了 链接
    下面第一句话就是:Driving privilege reciprocity allows a person to use a valid, unexpired foreign license to operate a motor vehicle in Texas for up to one year or until a person becomes a Texas resident, whichever date is sooner.

    1. 不可以呀,人家说了是 driving privilege “reciprocity” <-- 只有对方承认德州驾照,德州才会承认对方的驾照。中国未加入联合国公约,不承认外国驾照。

      1. 您好,我查阅了一下科罗拉多州司机手册,里面关于「30 日」的规定是指「学生等在科罗拉多州居住 90 天以上的相关人员」,所以您上面所提出的「University of Northern Colorado 给学生们准备的指南」我认为不适用于游客。

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