Advil 是什么药?功效、副作用与常见配方

有读者问:Advil 是什么药?Advil 是一种非甾体抗炎药 (NSAID),有效成分是布洛芬 (Ibuprofen), 用于缓解头痛牙疼背痛痛经肌肉酸痛关节炎等各种身体疼痛,以及感冒发烧等。它通过阻止身体产生引起疼痛、发烧和炎症的物质来起作用。

Advil/布洛芬可用于成人和 2 岁以上儿童,2 岁以下幼儿、孕期及哺乳期女性在服用前需咨询医生。服药时应严格按照药品说明或医嘱,仅使用缓解病情所需的最少剂量。

Advil Dual Action Coated Caplets with Acetaminophen, 250 Mg Ibuprofen and 500 Mg Acetaminophen Per Dose (2 Dose Equivalent) for 8 Hour Pain Relief - 72 Count
$10.98 on Amazon
Advil 双效止痛药 72 片
对乙酰氨基酚 250mg (止痛退烧)
布洛芬 125mg (止痛消炎)
Advil Pain Reliever Medicine and Fever Reducer with Ibuprofen 200mg for Headache, Backache, Menstrual Pain and Joint Pain Relief - 300 Coated Tablets
$16.65 on Amazon
Advil 止痛消退烧 300 片
布洛芬 200mg (止痛消炎退烧)
Advil PM Liqui-Gels Pain Reliever and Nighttime Sleep Aid, Pain Medicine with Ibuprofen for Pain Relief and Diphenhydramine HCL for a Sleep Aid - 80 Liquid Filled Capsules
$17.98 on Amazon
Advil 夜间止痛胶囊 80 粒
布洛芬 200mg (止痛退烧)
苯海拉明 25mg (镇静催眠)
Children's Advil Pain Reliever and Fever Reducer, Dye Free Children's Ibuprofen for Pain Relief, Liquid Ibuprofen for Children, White Grape - 4 Fl Oz
$9.90 on Amazon
儿童 Advil 止痛退烧口服液
4 fl oz|白葡萄味|2~11 岁
布洛芬 100mg (止痛消炎退烧)
Advil PM Pain Reliever And Nighttime Sleep Aid, Pain Medicine With Ibuprofen For Pain Relief And Diphenhydramine Citrate For A Sleep Aid - 120 Coated Caplets
$15.96 on Amazon
Advil 夜间止痛片 120 粒
布洛芬 200mg (止痛退烧)
苯海拉明 38mg (镇静催眠)
Advil Junior Strength Chewable Ibuprofen Pain Reliever and Fever Reducer, Children's Ibuprofen for Pain Relief, Grape - 24 Tablets
$9.00 on Amazon
儿童 Advil 止痛退烧糖
24 粒|葡萄味|2~11 岁
布洛芬 100mg (止痛消炎退烧)
  • 服用 Advil 期间,应避免同时服用其它治疗疼痛、发烧、感冒/流感症状的药物,包括酮洛芬 (Ketoprofen) 或萘普生 (Naproxen) 等。
  • Advil 还会降低阿司匹林保护心脏和血管的作用,如需同时服用请咨询医生。


Advil 可在室温下储存,远离潮湿和高温。混悬液药注意不能让液体药物凝结。

Jia Liu


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